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Example sentences for "entices"

Lexicographically close words:
entia; entice; enticed; enticement; enticements; enticeth; enticing; entiende; entiendo; entier
  1. She holds it up to Adam, and entices him to gather more of it from the tree.

  2. Death, tricked out as a fille de joye with a mask, entices a youth introduced by a companion.

  3. Then she entices him to rest by a fountain, whose bewitched waters deprive the drinker of all strength.

  4. Although Armida professes great gratitude for this help, she entices many other Crusaders to desert the camp, by casting languishing glances at them and making each man whom she looks upon believe she loves him only.

  5. A Botocudo hunter grates the eggs of an alligator together, when he finds them on the bank, and so entices the mother.

  6. This entices seals towards him and gives him opportunity to kill them.

  7. Danger entices him as calling forth his powers; he delights in jests which demonstrate his superiority to his victim, and sensual enjoyment is his only real object in life.

  8. He relates the legend of the water-fairy, who with sweet voice and mien entices and seduces human beings.

  9. One who entices another to play at a game at which cheating rules, such as card or skittle sharping—a buttoner.

  10. He is comparatively innocuous, like the hill-man Young Akin, in another English ballad, who likewise entices away a woman by magical music, but only to make her his wife.

  11. The witch comes in, and entices Sunday away by fine promises.

  12. A girl entices away the shepherd, while a boy as wolf carries off part of the herd, and another as dog barks.

  13. If a man entices a virgin who isn't pledged to be married, and lies with her, he shall surely pay a dowry for her to be his wife.

  14. A man of violence entices his neighbor, and leads him in a way that is not good.

  15. Hebron herself entices him," said the nomarch of Horti.

  16. Ask my father, and he will tell thee bow Hiram entices young girls of distant countries to his ships, and raising the sails takes away the unfortunates to sell them.

  17. Idleness wastes the goods that are prudently gotten, and entices the fiend to the house: for as by good works the fiend is hindered from entering man's heart, so idleness draws him thereto.

  18. Ask my father, and he will tell thee how Hiram entices young girls of distant countries to his ships, and raising the sails takes away the unfortunates to sell them.

  19. Whenever ambition, fortune, or pleasure entices them or leads them away, God, and His menaces, and His promises weigh nothing in the balance.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "entices" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.