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Example sentences for "enticed"

Lexicographically close words:
enthusiastically; enthusiastick; enthusiasts; entia; entice; enticement; enticements; entices; enticeth; enticing
  1. The state of being tempted, or enticed to evil.

  2. I had another complaint made against him, that he was a notorious gambler, and had enticed several to play, from whom he won their money, which I believe rather than the other accusation.

  3. We answered, that about six years before, some of our countrymen being here, were enticed on shore by fair promises of good usage, who were betrayed and imprisoned by the then governor, and several of them murdered.

  4. The most inveterate drunkard, while tortured by a longing to partake his favorite indulgence, will yet never suffer himself to be enticed into an infringement of this custom.

  5. Dick told his story, how he had been enticed away by the untruth about Jimmy being hurt, and the latter related his part in the affair.

  6. Jimmy rapidly explained and expressed his belief that Bulldog had enticed Dick away somewhere, though what his object could be he could hardly guess.

  7. He, somewhat to my discomfort, enticed her from the room to have a run in the hall, and thence into the garden.

  8. Yet because I knew myself now for a widower, the fine weather and my young blood enticed me to wantonness, whereunto I did fully give myself over; for the fear that had possessed me at Einsiedeln I had now quite forgot.

  9. Thereafter then I easily allowed myself to be enticed by the charm of sweet slumber to pay my debt to nature.

  10. The princess bowed down to the swans, whom she enticed once more with caresses to the borders of the lake.

  11. At the age of fifteen she was enticed to the city, and became an inmate of a house of prostitution.

  12. There was a wooded quietude here, with an odour of fresh grass and water that enticed me to linger; but the evening light in the tops of the trees and the twittering of the birds settling amongst the leaves for the night spurred me on.

  13. Before leaving Villefranche, a low, square tower enticed me to the parish church.

  14. Visitors of any sort were somewhat rare now in the fall, but to-day's beautiful weather had enticed several people out on the trip.

  15. A woman from Hattiesburg is accredited with having sent back a letter which enticed away over 200 persons.

  16. Negroes were secretly enticed away, however, after they had been dispersed from the railway stations and imprisoned when in the act of boarding the trains.

  17. Many women are enticed into houses of ill-fame by promises of marriage and by fake marriages.

  18. Through these organizations educate the girls in the rural communities to be careful how they are enticed or persuaded to go to the cities.

  19. In this hope they were encouraged by the French ambassador, the man who had enticed Prussia to her demobilization.

  20. Tales of a horrible character reach us from Michigan and other northern lumber districts of the manner in which girls are enticed to these places on the promise of high wages, and then subjected to brutal outrages past description.

  21. A deserted wife suing the woman who enticed her husband away from her.

  22. Yet it had been impossible, he remembered, for he had come to the decision suddenly that morning in Geneva, enticed by the brilliance of the weather after a week of rain.

  23. But nothing in church convinced him that he did survive, just as nothing in church enticed him into hoping that he would.

  24. Far, far below him the little dove enticed him into nameless depths, so that he flew faster and faster, yet never fast enough to overtake it.

  25. The law, the church, letters, art, and politics all enticed him; but he could not decide of which mistress the blandishments were the sweetest.

  26. He never allowed himself to be enticed away from his own profession by the meretricious allurements of general politics.

  27. The snorting of the war-horse and the sound of the trumpet had enticed away every martial bosom, and Mr. O'Callaghan was left alone in converse with Mrs. Flounce.

  28. Many of the men were not accustomed to read, and regarded the circular as an order from their own Union, while others were enticed by the high wages offered by the new society.

  29. Having enticed her from the house of her father, with whom she resided, he wounded her severely about the head and face with a hedge stake, and threw her into a pond.

  30. The prisoner denied that he had enticed the child away, and his master gave him a good character; but the jury found him guilty, and he was sentenced to two years' imprisonment in Norwich Castle.

  31. Slaves belonging to the Indians were often enticed away by the abolitionists[12] and still more often were seized by southern men under pretense of their being fugitives.

  32. You and your friend the Baron enticed this Englishman to your house in London, for you knew by some means that he carried the order of the Minister allowing the bearer free passage everywhere in Russia.

  33. Strange how easily one can be enticed from a life of honesty into one of fraud, especially if the inducements held out are an adequate recompense for any qualm of conscience.

  34. You are not sorry I enticed you out, Mary?

  35. You know, Prince Henry, how sweetly they have enticed him, with what magic chains they have been encircling him.

  36. He has allowed himself to be enticed by the siren!

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "enticed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.