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Example sentences for "erful"

Lexicographically close words:
erflow; erflowed; erflowing; erflows; erfore; erg; erga; ergin; erginst; ergo
  1. Won'erful h'intelligent h'animal, but not much ter look h'at!

  2. He draws it on and capers in the shafts of window-moonlight - won'erful devilish-like.

  3. A won'erful place for bees an' ducks 'tis too.

  4. My woman was won'erful weather-tender, too,' said Hobden.

  5. A won'erful choice place for Pharisees, the Marsh, by all accounts, till Queen Bess's father he come in with his Reformatories.

  6. Sebastian, and ere I could hold him, he leaps down the stairs - won'erful devilish-like howling no bounds.

  7. They all fell short except one that smack-smooth hit the rail behind my back, an' I felt most won'erful cold.

  8. She blamed herself for her foretellings, having set him on his won'erful road; but I reckon he'd ha' gone that way all withstanding.

  9. It was won'erful to hear the talk some folks had, and they wid every ould stick they owned an aisy loadin' for Reilly's little ass.

  10. In the barn, lookin' over all the won'erful things the rich nabob has sent here.

  11. He's gone to take another look at a won'erful new cook-stove, so's he kin describe it to me right pertickler.

  12. He draws it on and capers in the shafts of window-moonlight--won'erful devilish-like.

  13. It won'erful to think of, how long I stay on dis werry 'arth!

  14. Yes, you won'erful changed--must say dat for you, Miss Duss.

  15. Yes, Miss Patty won'erful han'some, and werry like Miss Dus.

  16. As for Sus, t'ought it best to let him out, for he be won'erful sartain wid he rifle.

  17. Dat boy ain't heah, an' I's po'erful feared de old skillerton debbil has cotched him.

  18. I ain't gwan teh be able teh whisper if we don' find some warter po'erful soon, chilluns!

  19. Remember I alway hab Masser Hardinge to talk to me about 'e crop, and sich t'ing, and dat a won'erful help to a poor nigger when he in a nonplush.

  20. Won'erful particular, sah, and ebber hab been, and ebber will be.

  21. She were a won'erful shrewd woman were Sanna, and I've no doubt she was right.

  22. Old wimen are won'erful tender, more so than gals.

  23. So I came here; and won'erful slow Clutch was.

  24. You're a won'erful active woman, and do more work than three ordinary gals.

  25. Sammy Drewitt made a won'erful great noise, howlin' when the moon was nigh full, and folk as lived near couldn't sleep then.

  26. But it's my experience as fellows when they get old get won'erful artful, and master may be under her thumb in most things, but not all.

  27. Jonas thought she had gone to the Moor and had drowned herself, and he had said he did not care "such a won'erful sight whether she had.

  28. Poor thing, she took on won'erful about your little affair.

  29. There was Tim Wingerlee growed won'erful fine strawberries; they found out at last he took the soil in which he growed 'em from the churchyard.

  30. I judge you-uns know yo're in a po'erful bad scrape?

  31. Do you-uns think ye're stronger an' more po'erful than ther United States Gover'ment?

  32. A won’erful place for bees an’ ducks ’tis too.

  33. My woman was won’erful weather-tender, too,’ said Hobden.

  34. A won’erful choice place for Pharisees, the Marsh, by all accounts, till Queen Bess’s father he come in with his Reformatories.

  35. He draws it on and capers in the slits of window-moonlight—won’erful devilish-like.

  36. He was a won'erful father," she began, and choked a little.

  37. Oh, it woul' be won'erful to make words do that.

  38. Often I think you real Americans don' know how' won'erful it is.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "erful" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.