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Example sentences for "choked"

Lexicographically close words:
chois; choise; choisir; choix; choke; chokepoints; choker; chokes; choking; chokingly
  1. The soldiers fought hard with the exasperated populace, and before the church bells rang out for vespers the streets ran with blood and were choked with corpses.

  2. Perhaps she has already passed," Harry suggested, as he choked back a sob.

  3. But you said it would be two or three weeks before she could be repaired," and Harry choked back a sob lest the evidences of his own grief should make Walter's sorrow greater.

  4. Thank you," said Eurie, her voice half choked with indignation and wounded pride.

  5. But her poor little tongue, all unused to being brave, so shrank from this ordeal, and the lump in her throat so nearly choked her, that she made no attempt at words.

  6. A rush of shame choked the words that crowded to his lips; and with the self-restraint came wholesome doubt: was it possible he had married her?

  7. His nature was a poetic one, though much choked with the weeds of the conventional and commonplace, and he had seen and felt something of what Hester intended.

  8. We choked back the laughter the incident provoked, and the sergeant-major, at a loss to interpret the man’s observation, looked first at one and then another.

  9. This man nearly choked with rage when he saw the prisoner.

  10. The photographer saw you go into it after you choked him.

  11. He struggled to speak but the words choked in his throat.

  12. I understand, he turned and nearly choked you.

  13. He doesn't know who it was, or anything about the man except that his hand shut like a vise on the shrimp's throat and nearly choked the life out of him.

  14. Papa Bonneton nearly choked over his demi tasse as he listened to this plea, but the wood carver took it seriously.

  15. Even so, only one of those fifty or five hundred would be positively identified as the man who choked the photographer and that one is yourself.

  16. That is the man," he cried, "that is the man who choked me.

  17. Kittredge, and even the hardened policeman choked a little.

  18. It was impossible to do any further firing, as the muzzle of the gun was choked completely with the dirt that had been shot backward by the explosion of our own mine.

  19. When the great yellow clouds came rolling toward us, orders were roared to wet our handkerchiefs and stuff them in our mouths, and half choked and blinded we held for a day and a half.

  20. So, leaping into upper air, He met two dogs, that choked him there.

  21. It's yerself'll get choked some day if yees don't quit blatherin'.

  22. Now, when he saw it done, his blood rushed into his head and he burst forth in choked incoherent curses.

  23. The Capm he lassoed me, an' choked me some; an' now you're on it.

  24. Thought of the beast choked off the threatened hysterics.

  25. A straggling orange-grove was here, broken lines of vanquished cultivation, struggling little trees swathed and choked in the festooning gray moss, still showing here and there the valiant golden gleam of fruit.

  26. Troth he may call till he's choked afore iver I'll come next or nigh him.

  27. I feel it, and I--" He choked with inexplicable emotion.

  28. Nancy's heart beat so that it almost choked her.

  29. Did you notice how that fellow choked and sobbed when he told us how the youngster refused to leave him during the gale?

  30. Lewis got half way down when a rank waft of acrid and mephitic air met him and half-choked him.

  31. Further on, within the zone of danger, nothing of human habitation remained except here and there a pile of frozen bricks or a blackened cellar choked with snow.

  32. American citizenship is a precious privilege when every goggle-eyed German--" His anger choked him.

  33. IV When midnight sounded from the belfry of St. Sulpice the gates of Paris were still choked with fragments of what had once been an army.

  34. A sudden fog had settled in the streets; the arches of the Arc were choked with it.

  35. Duke Casimir, choked with hot, sudden anger to be so crossed.

  36. Hearing that half-choked confession, his thought was: "Does she really think we fight against women?

  37. She choked with anger, but back of her indignation was fear.

  38. He had won, but he felt as though in this race he had rushed into a morass and must be choked in it.

  39. Paula, who would not have yielded this right at any price a short time since, now waived it of her own free will--nay, thrust it from her like some tormenting incubus which choked her pulses and kept her from breathing freely.

  40. In this manoeuvre a refractory horse lost his footing, and his rider was choked in the mud.

  41. Tell her--" the Duke choked back a phrase of which the memory would have shamed his last hours.

  42. I admitted the truth of the story, and the Colonel was so choked with merriment, that I feared lest he should be stricken with apoplexy.

  43. My astonishment at the appearance he presented as he entered the room choked my further utterance.

  44. She halted there a moment, out of breath and almost choked with emotion.

  45. He had a presentiment that she was hiding something from him, and the thought nearly choked him.

  46. Pierre, trembling and motionless, was silent; the sound of his voice choked with emotion had frightened him.

  47. It will never be choked once the new Macy's is done.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "choked" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.