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Example sentences for "flailed"

Lexicographically close words:
flagstaffs; flagstone; flagstones; flaid; flail; flailing; flails; flair; flak; flake
  1. He flailed with his spade, driving them back.

  2. Drake flailed at them, but he couldn't drive them away from the transmitter.

  3. Miller roared like a bull and flailed away at him.

  4. The defenders flailed at these with the wet gunnysacks.

  5. He had had enough of the blind terror of Bohemia, the indomitable Ziska and his iron-flailed peasants.

  6. He forgot that the indomitable John Ziska and the iron-flailed peasantry stood between him and his vow.

  7. The boy scratched Dismal's stomach until the pup's hind leg flailed in delighted ecstasy.

  8. The pistol hand lifted as the woman flailed for balance, and Rick sprang like a charging fullback.

  9. But Singin' Sandy lunged out and hit him in the face and stung him, and then Harve's brute fighting instinct must have come back into his body, and he flailed out with both fists and staggered Singin' Sandy back.

  10. Daniel the Mystic's long arms flew and flailed wildly in air and his mane of hair tossed.

  11. He flailed blindly at them with his oar, smashing them by dozens.

  12. She stayed there, drenched by the rain and flailed by the wind, till it began to grow dark, and then she crept wearily home like a broken bird.

  13. His great club whirled, and the blows flailed here and there without any apparent regard to direction.

  14. He flailed out with his arms, kicked his legs.

  15. He flailed out, fighting the flood to get his head above the surface where he could gasp in precious gulps of air.

  16. The major replied nothing, but his pick-axe flailed into the cement with desperate energy.

  17. The fire by the beach flailed into long tongues of flame, throwing black shadows along the side of the wady.

  18. Two men grunted, flailed wild arms and sank, with the water about them tinged red as the sunset.

  19. Long fire-tongues, banners of incandescence, flailed away, roaring into space.

  20. That hair, too, writhed and flailed in the gusts that drove it full of sand, that drifted his whole body with the fine and stinging particles.

  21. Conan's sword flailed down, crunching through flesh and bone, and then the Cimmerian was dragging Balthus around the altar, past a huddled shaggy bulk on the floor, to a door at the back of the long hut.

  22. Before the Pict could straighten, the red sword flailed down and clove him from shoulder to mid-breastbone, where the blade stuck.

  23. They flailed him with their dead bodies They heeded not his rue.

  24. They flailed him with their dead bodies, They heeded not their spleen.

  25. I used to think I was a halfway decent sort of fellow, Garvin, but I believe the last few months have flailed all the whole wheat out of me, leaving nothing but the musty chaff.

  26. Whatever of vacillation there was in him an hour earlier had been thoroughly flailed out in the brief interview with Peter Grim.

  27. She raced on, past the spot where the giant flailed its tentacles insanely about.

  28. I flailed gently over them, but received no rushing rise; one little fellow came up deliberately, broke water two inches behind the little dun, and then returned to his old position.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "flailed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.