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Example sentences for "flagstone"

Lexicographically close words:
flags; flagship; flagships; flagstaff; flagstaffs; flagstones; flaid; flail; flailed; flailing
  1. And once she pressed at the corner of a flagstone on the floor, which reared up to the thrust of her foot, and showed us a stair steep and narrow.

  2. The great flagstone in its fall had, it appeared, crushed four of them to death, but these were little noticed or lamented.

  3. He dashed the vase to the flagstone floor.

  4. Would you not like to see her dance a ballet de triomphe on the broad flagstone I laid over the grave of that poor girl?

  5. She sat down on the flagstone with her elbow on her knee and her chin in her hand, and looked at him thoughtfully.

  6. She halted on a flagstone of the descending path some six feet above the roadway, and stood expectant.

  7. The addition of the semienclosed areas adjacent to the house, with their flagstone terraces and fountain pool, made for the enjoyment of outdoor activities.

  8. On the west side of the house, a covered flagstone walkway from house to the carport runs between a hedge and fence on one side and a small courtyard with flower beds and trees on the other.

  9. On the east side, the flagstone terrace and fountain pool are partially covered by the overhang of the flat roof and a trellis.

  10. By means of the fossil fishes, Dr Traquair has arranged the Caithness flagstone series in three groups, the Achanarras beds at the base, the Thurso flagstones in the middle, and the John o' Groats beds at the top.

  11. The materials filling these vents consist of agglomerate charged with blocks of diabase, sandstone, flagstone and limestone.

  12. Hitherto no fossils have been obtained from these beds save some obscure plant-like markings, but they are evidently a continuation southwards of the sandstones of Hoy, which there rest unconformably on the flagstone series of Orkney.

  13. The flagstone quarries, mostly situated in the Thurso, Olrig and Halkirk districts, are another important source of revenue.

  14. But he is but a man and he saw how a flagstone was fitted over the hole through which a last ray of daylight fell; and now he has darkness before him, and wherever he turns there is impenetrable darkness.

  15. The mound was next day covered with cut sods arranged in steps, and a small flagstone was set in the ground at the head of the grave, whereon passing Mohammedans could spread out a carpet and pray for the repose of the deceased.

  16. She caught sight of the low, simple mass of the house; its walls of gray plaster rising between two clumps of evergreens, beyond a garden laid out in grassy stages, where flagstone paths wound away between beds of heliotrope.

  17. Beyond the leaded panes some snowflakes were floating down upon the flagstone paths of the garden.

  18. Some parts of the flagstone had dropped through, right down into a sort of black well.

  19. It wasn't smashed; but it had smashed the flagstone that it had fallen upon.

  20. The flagstone collapsed and slipped a few inches into the void, where it was arrested by some obstacle.

  21. For many minutes he hammered at the rusty iron, and with each blow the flagstone trembled on its axle and a shower of loosened stones and gravel fell into the depths below.

  22. During that interval Colonel Ossington contrived so to force back the broken flagstone that it left an opening sufficiently wide to admit his body.

  23. In a moment Sordello hung naked on the ring, his shredded clothes hanging from his ankles or lying on the flagstone floor.

  24. To give himself a respite, he tossed it to the flagstone floor before Lorenzo's hound.

  25. He sprang up, slammed down the flagstone behind him, and let out a lusty cry for Armstrong to join him.

  26. By the dim light that came through the aperture left open by the revolved flagstone on the farther side, they saw a short, stout man drawing sheets of paper from the opened package.

  27. The least movement of the flagstone might be noticed; they might be overwhelmed before they could emerge; but it was no time to weigh risks.

  28. The flagstone was nicely balanced on a revolving iron rod let into a socket at each end.

  29. He counted them as he took them up, and presently turned, carried them through the opening, and let down the flagstone behind him.

  30. The flagstone was upright, as it had been left.

  31. Pratt plunged into the tunnel beyond, and, sprinting along with reckless haste, arrived in a few minutes breathless at the end, where the flagstone was still raised as he had left it.

  32. By the light of a match he saw that the flagstone was slightly depressed.

  33. With infinite care he moved them round, and let the flagstone drop for a fraction of an inch.

  34. On emerging into the cellar, they replaced the flagstone and made sure that the hand-grips were turned as they had found them.

  35. Short of an explosion, nothing could dislodge the jam of boxes between the flagstone and the roof.

  36. He flashed his torch to light the opening, retrieved the hammer and chisel, and laid them down on the flagstone while he inserted his arm in the gap to turn the hand-grips.

  37. The flagstone banged as it was swung carelessly into place; the men were coming after him.

  38. The joint between the flagstone and the brickwork of the floor had a sharp, well-defined edge.

  39. So saying, Beda rose, and taking the lanthorn, began to descend through the floor, having first shown how the flagstone must be lowered in place.

  40. One look was enough, and the shadowed spy entered the building and walked up the flagstone stairway.

  41. Vollmer walked up a broad flight of flagstone steps to the second floor and into the waiting room of a large suite of offices.

  42. Abutting the exterior of the north wall of the foundation a flagstone pavement was found, extending 8.

  43. And that flagstone was put over her face.

  44. She stood for a moment looking out at the flagstone where William Thayer had waltzed so seductively, then strolled slowly out, along the porch and by the house.

  45. He paused for a moment and then went out across the flagstone porch and into the open air.

  46. The man entered and found a flagstone pathway.

  47. All they had to do was to raise the flagstone and they could escape that very night.

  48. This letter advised them to stamp upon the flagstone in the centre of the casemate, which, it was affirmed, covered the orifice of a well communicating with old subterranean passages of the Abbey of Vanves that extended to Châtillon.

  49. The hilt of his brand within his hand, The point against a flagstone planted, With demeanour staid the knight he made The solemn oath from him was wanted.

  50. The first of these still supports a fine flagstone of granite which seems to hang 3 feet 7 inches above the ground, and the three others were probably intended to receive similar slabs.

  51. He found that Guillaume had stood his candle upon the ground in the middle of a kind of low rotunda under the crypt, and that he had knelt down and moved aside a long flagstone which seemed to cover a cavity.

  52. At last, after pushing the flagstone over the cavity near the pillar, Pierre groped his way out of the vault, leading Guillaume like a child.

  53. And now the powder was flush with the flagstone which Guillaume has just moved aside.

  54. The hierodules took the fallen ashes at the edge of the flagstone in bronze fans, and cast them into the air that the sacrifice might be scattered over the town and even to the region of the stars.

  55. The pontiffs of Moloch walked about on the great flagstone scanning the multitude.

  56. It is very winding and scrubby; the rock on its banks is a clayey flagstone (Psammite); the upper strata are more clayey, and break in many small pieces.

  57. It belongs probably to the same layer which is found at Flagstone Creek, on Mr. Leslie's station, on Darling Downs.

  58. Into this ring Ali inserted his crowbar and with a mighty effort raised the flagstone from its place.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "flagstone" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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