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Example sentences for "outdoor"

Lexicographically close words:
outdistanced; outdo; outdoes; outdoing; outdone; outdoors; oute; outed; outen; outer
  1. Generally speaking, the country-bred child, living an outdoor life, may rely on his own appetite as a guide.

  2. The young girl can obtain all the exercise necessary for health in less strenuous outdoor pursuits such as golf, croquet, a little not too strenuous tennis, walking, etc.

  3. Increasing outdoor plantations have also been developed in the Azores, the Hawaiian Islands, northern Africa, Queensland, and the Bahamas.

  4. During the long polar night, when the sun is absent, the aurora appears with a magnificence unknown in other regions, and affords light sufficient for many of the ordinary outdoor employments.

  5. By his process crude stock was thoroughly cured, yet did not lose in weight and colour as when dried in the sun or outdoor shade.

  6. His head swam, but the Harvester set his feet firmly, arose, and carried his Dream Girl back to outdoor life.

  7. Perhaps the food, better air, and outdoor exercise will give me strength and colour soon.

  8. Without making a light, he threw himself on the bed in the outdoor room, and lay looking through the screening at the lake and sky.

  9. Rough outdoor games and wrestling thus correspond to the physical constitution of the boy.

  10. Since man is to play the active part in life, boys rejoice especially in rough outdoor games.

  11. Illustration: Outdoor Sports Good Training For Morals As Well As Health.

  12. Give your young people plenty of outdoor amusement; less of dancing and more of croquet and lawn tennis.

  13. The fact is," said Pauline, "we forgot to put on our outdoor shoes, and the dew is very heavy.

  14. She has traveled extensively, and is devoted to motoring and other outdoor sports.

  15. I am an outdoor man myself, but I have never seen the day when I was a match for Boris Bothwell at feats of strength.

  16. He made his brother take his pills regularly and also made him take outdoor exercise, and aided him as much as possible in his studies and with his themes.

  17. It was ideal weather for outdoor sports and sometimes the lads would go out for a game of baseball, or football, just as the whim seized them.

  18. The whole swing can be painted with a forest green color which is very suitable for summer outdoor furniture.

  19. He was clad in the conventional city-dweller's "outdoor rig.

  20. He had been accustomed to an outdoor life in his Virginia home, and his manly training had given him an athletic frame which required constant and vigorous exercise.

  21. Hereafter I shall devote my forenoon to some kind of outdoor exercise in your company, and in the afternoon you can read to me, or we can converse.

  22. These tales take in the various adventures participated in by several bright, up-to-date girls who love outdoor life.

  23. He did not love study, he loved outdoor life, and there was no schoolhouse near his home in Salem.

  24. He was strong and vigorous and loved all kinds of outdoor sports.

  25. They make good house dogs, and are seldom or never noisy, while those of a comparatively active strain, bred to plenty of outdoor fun, and not indulged in the greediness which, alas!

  26. In this vivid story of the outdoor West the author has captured the breezy charm of "cattleland," and brings out the turbid life of the frontier with all its engaging dash and vigor.

  27. He would prefer to remove the jail to some other part of the city where sufficient ground could be had to provide a suitable yard for outdoor exercise.

  28. The space will be small, but will be conveniently arranged and can be equipped with outdoor gymnastic apparatus.

  29. First, it will provide separation from the public, and the roof garden will give opportunity for fresh air and outdoor exercise.

  30. When all was ready the savage part of the divided company fell to with vim, vigor, and haste, just as white people often do at outdoor dinners; but see the others!

  31. Despite their outdoor living, it seems that few, if any, ever recover from an attack.

  32. See the perfection of their development, the ruddy glow of health in their cheeks, the merry sparkle of the eye, the gladness in their hearty laugh, and then talk about the usefulness of outdoor exercise.

  33. Women in this region do the most of the outdoor work, and do every kind.

  34. Outdoor sitting is made possible by the harmlessness of their accustomed drinks.

  35. Being anxious that as many as possible should participate in the benefits of the system, the doors of the institute were at once opened to outdoor pupils, who were boarded in the neighborhood.

  36. As a writer of outdoor tales he has no rival.

  37. No thoughtful or informed person can look upon "bird study" as merely a pleasant pastime for children and a harmless fad for the outdoor man and woman.

  38. Sometimes it was a little crowbar for lifting stones or bits of wood when he wanted to see what was underneath; for as every outdoor child, either crow or human, knows, very, very interesting things live in such places.

  39. His walks were an integral part of his outdoor activities, which his wife had never looked deeply into.

  40. It was not devotion to an outdoor life, but the frequentation of foreign cafés which was responsible for that habit, investing with a character of unceremonious impermanency Mr Verloc’s steady fidelity to his own fireside.

  41. Bronze chandeliers with many globes depended from the low, slightly vaulted ceiling, and the fresco paintings ran flat and dull all round the walls without windows, representing scenes of the chase and of outdoor revelry in mediæval costumes.

  42. Both indoor and outdoor servants were first gathered together.

  43. The dress worn with this mantelet is of white muslin, ornamented with needlework; but the mantelet is intended to be worn in outdoor costume with a dress of silk or barege.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "outdoor" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    outdoor exercise; outdoor life; outdoor relief