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Example sentences for "frigat"

Lexicographically close words:
frient; frier; friers; frieze; friezes; frigate; frigates; frigging; fright; frighted
  1. Immediatly, both the Admirals of the Gallies sent from ech of them a frigate, to the Admiral of our English ships, which being come neere them, the Sicilian frigat first hailed them, and demanded of them whence they were?

  2. With that away she went, and vp comes towards them the other frigat of Malta, and shee in like sort hailed the Admiral, and would needs know whence they were, and where they had bene.

  3. Our men replied and said, that they owed no such duetie nor obedience to him, and therefore would acknowledge none, but commanded the frigat to depart with that answere, and not to stay longer a brabling, vpon her perill.

  4. They entred with their frigat into a gut vnder the shore, whereas fell from a high rocke which was more than one hundredth fatham by estimation, a stream of water which was as bigge as the bodies of two men together.

  5. The 26 the Iohn our Vizeadmirall came to vs to cape Tyburon and the Frigat which we left with him at Saona.

  6. The 17 being Wednesday Captaine Lane was sent to Yaguana with his Pinnesse and a Frigat to take a shippe, which was there taking in fraight, as we vnderstood by the old Pylot, whom we had taken three dayes before.

  7. On the 14 of Iune we tooke a smal Spanish frigat which fell amongst vs so suddenly, as he doubled the point at the Bay of Cape Tyburon, where we road, so that he could not escape vs.

  8. Iames Lancaster, begun with three ships and a galley-frigat from London in October 1594, and intended for Fernambuck, the porte-towne of Olinda in Brasil.

  9. Sidenote: A gally-frigat carried out of England in pieces.

  10. Edward Hays: and the little Frigat where the Generall himselfe did goe seeming to him most fit to discouer and approch the shore.

  11. Those in the Frigat were already pinched with spare allowance, and want of clothes chiefly: Whereupon they besought the Generall to returne for England, before they all perished.

  12. The wind was large for England at our returne, but very high, and the sea rough, insomuch as the Frigat wherein the Generall went was almost swalowed vp.

  13. Vpon Tewsday the 27 of August, toward the euening, our Generall caused them in his frigat to sound, who found white sande at 35.

  14. For in that moment, the Frigat was deuoured and swallowed vp of the Sea.

  15. But God deliuered the Frigat and the Golden Hind, from this great danger.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "frigat" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.