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Example sentences for "garrisoning"

Lexicographically close words:
garred; garret; garrets; garrison; garrisoned; garrisons; garron; garrote; garroted; garrotted
  1. They comprised two classes, the one devoted exclusively to garrisoning towns and castles, the other distributed throughout the country.

  2. Scarce necessary to say, Rob Wilde was the individual, when it was known that the erst deer-stealer of Dean Forest was now a soldier--first sergeant of a troop forming part of the force then garrisoning Bristol.

  3. Many of the country gentry retired within the walled towns; they who did not, fortifying their houses when there was a plausibility of being able to defend them, and garrisoning them with their friends and retainers.

  4. They let the English invaders pass by, garrisoning the towns but abandoning the countryside.

  5. This was but natural: conquest can only be enforced by the extermination of the conquered, or by their consent to amalgamate with the conquerors, or by the garrisoning of the land that has been subdued by settlers or by military posts.

  6. Garrisoning this place were one squadron of Scots Greys, two guns of O Battery Royal Horse Artillery, and five companies of the Lincolnshire Regiment.

  7. Yinton's), garrisoning Augusta Arsenal, and I was sent up from Fort Moultrie as a sort of peace-maker.

  8. The First Battalion had spent their money freely while they were garrisoning Edinburgh Castle, and the authorities had not forgotten it.

  9. While we were garrisoning Edinburgh Castle, word came of the landing of the Australians and New Zealanders at Gallipoli.

  10. To the garrisoning of Ticonderoga and Crown Point by Connecticut, the Congress consented only after much hesitation, since the capture of these posts had been an act of offensive warfare.

  11. As we have seen, it was only with reluctance that it had sanctioned the garrisoning of Ticonderoga by the Connecticut troops.

  12. The greater portion of the Chinese troops garrisoning Hang-chow were captured, but the Manchoos fell almost to the last man.

  13. If otherwise, the troops detached from the active army for garrisoning them, will only tend to weaken this force without any corresponding advantages.

  14. This was what Montcalm desired, and he gained far more power by destroying the forts than he would by garrisoning them.

  15. Notwithstanding all officers, and it required all the address the general was master of to induce a respectable force to march to Quebec, after garrisoning Montreal.

  16. This consisted of their being attached to other units that were garrisoning the front line.

  17. The gentleman who says that two regiments are sufficient to garrison the forts, ought to consider that garrisoning those is not the only object in contemplation.

  18. Why, then, is it necessary, for the purpose of establishing posts and garrisoning them, to increase the standing force to so large a number as that contemplated in the clause under consideration?

  19. The post at Dueidar was an isolated detachment garrisoning an oasis in which the Bedouin were in the habit of holding a weekly market.

  20. Meantime the barbarians dwelling near the river seized upon the Macedonian soldiers who were garrisoning their cities and killed them; after which they began to strengthen the cities for their greater security.

  21. For instance, the 7th and 8th Divisions, which should have formed part of the Second Army Corps under General Sassulitch, were, as a matter of fact, sent to assist in garrisoning Port Arthur and Vladivostock.

  22. But Protopopoff had made one mistake: he was also starving the troops garrisoning Petrograd.

  23. Already his forces were thinned by the necessity of garrisoning the towns that he had taken, and he could not attempt to garrison the whole of France in this way.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "garrisoning" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.