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Example sentences for "garrisoned"

Lexicographically close words:
garrapatas; garred; garret; garrets; garrison; garrisoning; garrisons; garron; garrote; garroted
  1. For a long time, Pittsburg, Redstone, and Randolph were the only garrisoned forts on the frontier.

  2. A contemporary chronicler describes Bristol castle as "seated on a mighty mound, and garrisoned with knights and foot soldiers or rather robbers and raiders," and he calls Bristol the stepmother of England.

  3. Newport Pagnell was for a short time garrisoned by the royalist troops, and in 1644 the king fixed his headquarters at Buckingham.

  4. Stations were established at suitable distances for easily rendering aid, well garrisoned with soldiers; and watch-towers were erected a legua apart, to keep a lookout over the sea-coasts.

  5. Worcester, and the dispersion of all the adherents to the royal cause, a small castellated mansion, not far from the eastern coast of England, was garrisoned by a party of the Parliamentary troops.

  6. Russian troops remain garrisoned at four military bases and as peacekeepers in the separatist regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia (but are scheduled to withdraw from two of the bases by July 2001).

  7. The city of Coblentz, nearly opposite, and connected with it by a floating bridge, is strongly fortified, and garrisoned by five thousand Prussian soldiers.

  8. The French had garrisoned the town for six years previous; consequently they had their choice of position.

  9. A good position," he reflected, as his glance swept along the walls, "and worth holding if garrisoned by a handful of Mohammedans instead of this Hindu rabble.

  10. Surely thou must mean some other place, not Maharaja Sindhia's impregnable stronghold, garrisoned by twenty thousand Foreign drilled troops.

  11. After this period it seems to have been chiefly garrisoned by the King, and considered as a royal fortress.

  12. This storm of Lichfield Cathedral, which had been garrisoned on the part of the King, took place in the Great Civil War.

  13. The soldiers who had garrisoned it fled in confusion to the city.

  14. It was garrisoned by Captain Vaughan for Queen Elizabeth, but was betrayed to the followers of Sir Cahir O'Doherty.

  15. Colcombe suffered much in the Civil War, for it was garrisoned by Prince Maurice, who led his troops into several skirmishes with the enemy, and during one of these affairs (it is supposed) the Castle was burned down.

  16. He built a house at Culm John (quite close to Killerton) that was garrisoned for the King during the Civil War, and held out when almost every other place in Devonshire had surrendered.

  17. It is a little puzzling that both he and Westcote, writing about the beginning of the seventeenth century, should imply that the old fortress had no successor, for a very few years later Exmouth was garrisoned for the King.

  18. During the Civil War, Great Fulford was garrisoned for the King, but was eventually forced to surrender to Fairfax.

  19. When the station is alarmed and the thirty or forty men garrisoned there set out to pursue the pillaging Bedouin tribes, every legionnaire knows well that now he must march, or if he cannot march any more, he must die.

  20. A few weeks ago he was wearing the uniform of a German infantry regiment garrisoned at Cologne.

  21. Fortified from an early date, it soon fell into the hands of the Church, and was presently garrisoned by monks.

  22. When the Parliamentarians came it had long been abandoned to the owls and the ivy, but as it commanded the Fowey they repaired and garrisoned it.

  23. The Americans had here a small fort, garrisoned by only fifty men, under Major Putnam, who made no resistance to the enemy, but surrendered at once, July 11th.

  24. Fort McHenry, garrisoned by six hundred men under Major George Armistead, bore the brunt of the attack.

  25. But a German regiment was garrisoned in Luxembourg for fifty years and we have not forgotten.

  26. For fifty years our capital was garrisoned by German troops.

  27. He gazed upon Jerusalem, he beheld the City of David garrisoned by the puissant warriors of Christendom, and threatened by the innumerable armies of the Crescent.

  28. In the morning, Ithamar had entered with his division and garrisoned the city.

  29. It was on this point that Beauregard built Battery Gregg as long ago as when Sumter was forlornly garrisoned by Major Anderson.

  30. He had garrisoned Fort Yuma, and other posts on the far plains, and at the beginning of the war was tendered a volunteer brigade, which he modestly declined.

  31. Crawford's Brigade, of Banks's Corps, garrisoned the place, and a Provost Marshal occupied the quaint Court House.

  32. In 1843 the post was garrisoned by three troops of Dragoons and four companies of the Sixth Infantry under the command of Colonel William Davenport.

  33. About one thousand yards directly ahead of us was located the village of Ust Padenga proper, which was garrisoned by a company of Russian soldiers.

  34. Chamova, which was garrisoned by a small force of Scots.

  35. This place will have to be garrisoned by American soldiers to protect our rear from treachery.

  36. Then scattering through the town, the whole squadron of cuirassiers who garrisoned it were either killed or taken prisoners.

  37. Day after day messengers came in with the news that the other places which had been garrisoned by the Swedes had been captured, and very shortly the Imperialist army was seen approaching.

  38. This had left the South and South-west rather more thinly garrisoned than all deemed prudent.

  39. Fortress Monroe impregnable to assault, by the land side, and so easily provisioned and garrisoned by sea, was looked upon as the most dangerous neighbor.

  40. It is true that only a small part of this immense territory is garrisoned by his troops, but all is tributary to him.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "garrisoned" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.