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Example sentences for "ghastliness"

Lexicographically close words:
gharri; gharries; gharry; ghastlier; ghastliest; ghastly; ghat; ghats; ghaut; ghee
  1. But the ghastliness was not in the mere fear that death might not be far off.

  2. Sophy hardly stirred at her entrance, but there was less ghastliness about her, and as Albinia sat down she did not remove her hand, and turned slightly round, so as to lose that strange corpse-like attitude of repose.

  3. Any ghastliness or inhumanity in this search of his for the truth of his art amidst the frozen limbs and rigid muscles of a corpse, never occurred to her.

  4. The peculiar ghastliness of this Swiss mode of festivity is in its utter failure of joy; the paralysis and helplessness of a vice in which there is neither pleasure, nor art.

  5. But how to save Melian from the unutterable ghastliness of the fate mapped out for her?

  6. The ghastliness of the face up there at the window, the fearful, unnatural voice.

  7. In Die Weber there are depths where ghastliness begins.

  8. Attempts were made to repress the facts: but the tragedy of the freighter, Charleston, in all its ghastliness and horror, became known in spite of all attempts at secrecy.

  9. When the ship's discoverers boarded her, their eyes were greeted by a sight whose ghastliness filled them with a numbing horror.

  10. Thus while in Paris the sight of capital punishment revealed to me all the ghastliness of this superstition of progress.

  11. The protest fails; five bodies swinging from the gallows, and a hundred exiles buried in Siberia alive, leave a monument of such failure terrible in its ghastliness even for Russian history.

  12. The ghastliness was such that many of the guards turned their heads.

  13. The ghastliness of the pictures is such that it is with some hesitation that any of them are presented in these pages.

  14. Its ghastliness is an admonition to the coming generations.

  15. The only ghastliness which this workman is capable of is that of distortion.

  16. Under all the ghastliness of the conception, we detect here a deep, genuine, unhoping, intensely human yearning, that is all the better drawn for being thrown into the shadow.

  17. He stood looking for some time at the track of the Milky Way, till his gaze plunged into one of those abysms of blackness where no star shines, and the ghastliness of the distance suggested flooded in upon him.

  18. Still less does he depend on details of murder or ghastliness of death; there is no blood, no stabbing or cutting, but there is an awful substitute for these in the chiaroscuro.

  19. There is a ghastliness about his labored anatomies of them, as well as a want of specific character.

  20. Viewed in this clearer light, there was a horrible ghastliness about the mummies ranged in their orderly rows, and presided over by the coarsely carved, coarsely conceived stone figure that in life they had worshipped as their god.

  21. I did not think, until afterwards, of the horrible ghastliness which must have characterized my smile at that particular moment.

  22. I can imagine nothing more finnikin in ghastliness than to cut anybody's throat with nail scissors, especially when the subject is unwilling.

  23. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ghastliness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    anemia; deformity; dimness; dullness; fairness; lightness; paleness; pallor; weakness