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Example sentences for "glaucoma"

Lexicographically close words:
glassware; glassy; glauben; glaubt; glauca; glauconite; glaucous; glaze; glazed; glazes
  1. The onset of glaucoma in the other eye may be induced by the dilatation of the pupil caused by bandaging, and is best avoided by the use of eserine.

  2. Hæmorrhage into the anterior chamber occurs at the time of the operation and is readily absorbed; occasionally it may persist for a considerable time in cases of glaucoma of long standing.

  3. As for glaucoma iridectomy, with the addition of a small curved pair of scissors.

  4. Graefe’s knife should be passed across the anterior chamber in the same manner and position as for a glaucoma iridectomy (see p.

  5. If the accident should happen to one eye, and acute glaucoma be present in the other, it is advisable to do a posterior scleral puncture before the iridectomy is performed.

  6. Hence it is better to prefix the condition for which it is employed, thus: preliminary iridectomy, optical iridectomy, glaucoma iridectomy.

  7. For the other complications which may arise in passing a Graefe’s knife across the anterior chamber, see Glaucoma Iridectomy, p.

  8. It is very doubtful if iridectomy in glaucoma following thrombosis of the central vein is justifiable, for as a rule the tension is not permanently relieved thereby.

  9. One must not let glaucoma run or it becomes chronic.

  10. It is glaucoma right enough," said he; "fairly advanced.

  11. Glaucoma is a still more serious disease of the eye, which I think there is now sufficient evidence to show is sometimes entirely, and very often in considerable part, neuralgic in its origin.

  12. That is now no longer an exception; indeed, my attention has been so forcibly called to the connection between glaucoma and facial neuralgia, that I shall presently examine it at some length.

  13. The frequency of glaucoma among Jews may be due to a small cornea, as suggested by Priestley Smith; but it is quite as reasonable to connect it with a racial excitability or nervous instability.

  14. Glaucoma proper is essentially a damming or blocking of the drainage from the interior of the eye.

  15. In secondary glaucoma in which occlusion of Fontana's spaces occurs as a result of the deposition of fibrin or other inflammatory products the anterior chamber may be of normal depth, or deeper than normal.

  16. First: The operation of trephining is suitable, not merely for chronic cases, but for sub-acute and acute cases of glaucoma as well.

  17. More definite knowledge of the nervous mechanism concerned in the regulation of intra-ocular pressure and the production of glaucoma is much needed.

  18. In reviewing the pathology of glaucoma it seems proper to consider the various structures and tissues of the eye in logical order.

  19. Simple glaucoma has been recognized as closely related to atrophy of the optic nerve with deep excavation.

  20. Cases of simple glaucoma do run their course of many years to complete blindness, or to death, without exacerbations, inflammation, or characteristic pain.

  21. Moreover, in chronic glaucoma the ordinary inflammatory processes are not present, indeed, primary acute glaucoma itself is not an inflammation.

  22. Until recently the decision as to the kind of operative procedure to be employed for the relief of glaucoma has depended on the form and stage of the disease, and the amount and character of the vision of the affected eye.

  23. For instance, hardening of the eye is spoken of as a very serious affection, so that there seems to be no doubt that the condition now known as glaucoma was recognized and its bad prognosis appreciated.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "glaucoma" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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