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Example sentences for "grackles"

Lexicographically close words:
gracing; gracious; graciouse; graciously; graciousness; gracyous; grad; gradate; gradated; gradation
  1. One peculiarity of the grackles is that their eggs vary so much in coloring and markings that different sets examined in the same groups of trees are often wholly unlike.

  2. With all their faults, and they are numerous, let it be recorded of both crows and grackles that they are as devoted lovers as turtle-doves.

  3. When a number of grackles lift up their voices at once, some one has aptly likened the result to a "good wheel-barrow chorus!

  4. Red-winged blackbirds and grackles are often mistaken for them.

  5. In spring, the rusty blackbirds come from the South in pairs, already mated, whereas the red-wings and grackles travel then in flocks.

  6. You might mistake them for grackles in the spring, but never for male red-wings then with their bright epaulettes.

  7. Most of the males are dressed quite differently from their mates, although the female grackles are merely duller.

  8. All the Grackles are very similar in appearance, the colors varying with different individuals of the same species.

  9. Flocks of grackles spend their days in the cornfields which run down to the creek bottom and their nights amid the wild rice and the rushes and willows in the swamp.

  10. The grackles or crow blackbirds, which have been more or less in evidence since their first appearance in February, begin renovating the old nests or laying the foundations of new ones in the tops of tall pines.

  11. On this balmy, springlike day we hear for the first time since November the croaking of grackles as a loose flock wings overhead or scatters among the tree tops.

  12. The distribution and intergradation of Boat-tailed Grackles in Coahuila is presently poorly understood.

  13. The Great-tailed Grackles of the southwest.

  14. In the early spring the great flocks of grackles and redwings return, among the first to arrive as they were the last to leave for the South.

  15. Already they are invading the haunts of our grackles and redwings.

  16. Dark hordes of clacking grackles pass by, scores of red-winged blackbirds and cowbirds mingle amicably together, both of dark hue but of such unlike matrimonial habits.

  17. In the drawing beautiful and accurate representations of these Grackles appear.

  18. Illustration: Magpie and Western Robins "They were hot on his trail"] The nests are set in low bushes and even on the ground, while those of the grackles are built in trees and sometimes in cavities.

  19. To be exact and scientific, Brewer's blackbirds belong to the genus Icolecophagus, and the grackles to the genus Quiscalus.

  20. A flock of grackles settled in a tall cypress, and for a time made the place loud.

  21. There are five species, all found in the United States, The Bronzed and the Purple Grackles are the most generally distributed and best known.

  22. A few creaking grackles rowed through the sky, and in the distance crows cawed on their way to some secret roost.

  23. Once they all started like a flock of goldfinches or grackles in a chirping chorus.

  24. This huge nest of the fish-hawks was more than a nest; it was a castle in very truth, in the sheltering crevices of whose uneven walls a small community of purple grackles lived.

  25. The purple grackles are a garrulous, gossipy set, as every one knows.

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "grackles" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.