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Example sentences for "hafted"

Lexicographically close words:
haff; haffen; hafi; hafs; haft; hafter; hafting; hafts; hag; haga
  1. It seems quite likely that this implement may have been hafted in the end of a split stick and used as a skin scraper, similar to those previously mentioned.

  2. This object would serve well as a skin scraper if hafted in the split end of a stick and used like similar implements seen in use by us among the natives of the Thompson River region.

  3. So far as is known they are never hurled, slung, nor projected in any other manner, nor are they hafted or attached to cords after widespread aboriginal customs; they are merely held in the hand, as in the slaughter of quarry.

  4. Along with this the use of the small hafted snub-nosed scraper increased considerably.

  5. Copena and Copena Triangular types were probably hafted in about the same manner as Candy Creek points.

  6. With exceptions, Transitional Paleo types were still hafted in much the same way.

  7. Distal End--when applied to a projectile point or other hafted artifact, it is the end farthest from the point of attachment.

  8. It seems to me more natural to suppose that the hafted stone hammer has been developed here, as is believed to have been the case elsewhere, by simply adding a handle to the pebble which had already been used as a hammer without one.

  9. The rest of the steel-bladed chisels, four in number, are all of about the same size and hafted with antler.

  10. Even at the present day the Eskimo of Point Barrow use no tool for shaping large pieces of woodwork, except a shorthandled adz, hafted in the same manner as the old stone tools which were employed before the introduction of iron.

  11. That such stone blades were used with a haft is shown by the only hafted specimen, No.

  12. Of these two classes the collection contains thirteen unhafted specimens and one hafted specimen, all of jade.

  13. We obtained four hafted and six unhafted specimens, besides seven jade blades for such composite adzes, which are easily recognizable by their small size and their shape.

  14. All these adzes, ancient and modern, are hafted upon essentially the same pattern.

  15. Others were furnished with projecting flanges to prevent them from swerving by the blow when hafted on a bent stick.

  16. Another appears to have been hafted as a dagger.

  17. Looking, however, at some of the rough Australian tools which are hafted with gum in a piece of skin, and thus used in the hand, it is hardly safe to express a decided opinion.

  18. The jade adzes of the New Zealanders are hafted in a somewhat similar manner; but the hafts are often beautifully carved and inlaid.

  19. Iron blades[1316] are sometimes hafted in the same way with a piece of skin.

  20. Besides those that were hafted as axes or adzes, it seems probable that not a few of the implements known as celts may have been for use in the hand as cutting tools, either mounted in short handles or unmounted.

  21. The stone chisels in use in ancient times in Britain were, when hafted at all, probably mounted in a somewhat analogous manner.

  22. Flinders Petrie[1319] has found an Egyptian flint knife hafted with fibre lashed round with a cord.

  23. A pointed flake in the museum at Berne[1312] is hafted like a dagger, in a wooden handle, which is bound round with a cord made from rushes.

  24. Among the Apaches,[897] in Mexico, hammers are made of rounded pebbles hafted in twisted withes.

  25. He has pointed out various methods in which they might have been hafted and used.

  26. Some Australian jasper or flint knives,[1317] from Carandotta, are hafted with gum, and provided with sheaths made of sedge.

  27. Then someone saw under the flap of his waistcoat that same silver-hafted pistol that lay so lately next the lease of the Why Not?

  28. His eyes were blue, fierce and shining, and in his hand he held for a weapon the trunk of a young pine-tree, in which was hafted a weighty axe-head of rough unpolished stone.

  29. Now all round the edge of the chamber were shadows, for the light was yet faint, and Kurri crept into the shadows, carrying a long spear in his hand, and that spear was hafted into the bronze point which had stood in the Wanderer's helm.

  30. In matters of a religious bearing, the ill-hafted notoriety-men of our Town Councils much more nearly resemble the upper indifferent classes, from which our legislators are drafted, than they do the solid bulk of the community.

  31. The men who had the time, and took the trouble, were generally a class ill-hafted in society, who had high notions of reforming everything save themselves, and of keeping right all kinds of businesses except their own.

  32. Horn fixings were used for some of the celts; but there were wooden handles with a cleft, which showed that they were hafted in a variety of ways.

  33. They were hafted by a crooked tang and a ring, precisely like those still in use (Nos.

  34. Knives were numerous, and some were ornamented with flowing lines and semicircles; they were hafted by tangs or sockets, but in a few instances the blade and handle were cast in one piece.

  35. They were generally hafted by means of a tang or socket, but sometimes the blade and handle were made in one solid casting.

  36. Only a very few hammers are recorded; they are small, and generally hafted by means of a central hole (No.

  37. In her hand she held a little spear hafted with the royal wood: it was the shadow of the spear that Chaka held in his hand, the same with which he had slain his mother and wherewith he should himself be slain.

  38. The manner of hafting them is quite clear, as a few hafted examples have been found.

  39. These implements were probably used as scrapers, or small chisels or gouges, for which purposes they would be suitable, either hafted or unhafted.

  40. Above this rises a hollow cylindrical erection, with the upper border scalloped, supported on each side by objects which suggest broad stone blades, hafted in club-shaped handles, and ornamented in front with a plume of feathers.

  41. Engraved shell gorgets occur, but only in the simpler designs; perhaps the hafted ax form of pipe could be considered a Southern Cult object or at least to show its influence.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hafted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.