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Example sentences for "harme"

Lexicographically close words:
harlot; harlotry; harlots; harm; harmattan; harmed; harmefull; harmelesse; harmes; harmful
  1. Qua folus lang wit uten turn, Oft his fote sal find a spurn; Reu his res þan sal he sare, Or heuen his harme with foli mare.

  2. Thei schott oft, but the French reteired with diligence, and returned to Edinburgh, without harme done, except the destructioun of some drynkin bear, which lay in the saidis Chappell and Kirk.

  3. And yitt hir Grace feirit nor eschamit not to write, 'Gif thay war ane hundreth Frensche men for everie ane of thame that is in Scotland, yitt thay sould harme na man.

  4. Bott thairof thei nether gat advantage nor honour; for thei dang the sclattis of houssis, but neyther slew man, nor did harme to any wall.

  5. The Tower of London at the same time was also broken, and much other harme done.

  6. Be not afraid, she shall not harme thee Helena Dem.

  7. Although I hate her, Ile not harme her so Her.

  8. What, can you do me greater harme then hate?

  9. But a great resolution, thinking that there is no more harme in fearing, then in the thing that causeth feare, feares extremely to make shewe that hee hath any feare.

  10. But a great resolution, thinking that there is no more harme in fearing then in the thing that causeth feare, feares extremely to make shewe that hee hath any feare.

  11. Certes I may speake of them right well, as féeling the harme in that I am a buier, neuerthelesse I speake generallie in ech of them.

  12. The confines of France were disquieted by the Frankeners and Saxons borderers vnto them, euerie one as they could breaking foorth, & dooing great harme by cruell spoile, fire, and taking of prisoners.

  13. Feare not (man) Here's no harme intended to thee Aut.

  14. My modre dothe me moor harme than good; I wende she wolde have doon for me.

  15. For bothe ye shall loose hys good wyll and lett peraventure that avantage that he myght do yow in your lond recoveryng; wher as he may do yow harme and [if] he wyll and then, to late wyse.

  16. Some of our men were wounded, but no great harme was done.

  17. If the poore and vnreasonable beasts, if the selie babes that doo lacke discretion, grone against harme to them proffered; how ought an honest man to be angrie, when things that touch his honestie be dailie against him attempted?

  18. There they faught sore togedere Two mylë way and well more; Myght nether other harme done, The mountnaunce of an owre.

  19. Robyn loved Oure dere Lady; For dout of dydly synne, Wolde he never do compani harme That any woman was in.

  20. Thereof no force,’ than sayde Robyn; ‘We shall do well inowe; But loke ye do no husbonde harme That tilleth with his ploughe.

  21. Amar Wallang reskewit him in that place; That knycht full oft did gret harme to Wallace.

  22. Gret harme it is, our knychtis that ar ded; 510 “We mon ger se for othir in thair sted.

  23. Born off this land, a natyff man to me; “Tharfor on ws the grettar harme dois he.

  24. Inwy lang syn has done gret harme but this.

  25. It stondith so: a deed is do Wherof moche harme shal growe.

  26. Should she be lost or come to any harme my lady will hang us all.

  27. No harme to thee; this was my Fathers once, My honord Father; this did never view The glaring Sunn but in a noble cause, And then returnd home blushing with red spoyles, Which sung his fame and conquest.

  28. Twould be a maime to your discretion To abjure a certaine and a pleasing good For an uncertaine harme you would impose In malice on another.

  29. But I remember now I am in this earthly world: where to do harme Is often laudable, to do good sometime Accounted dangerous folly.

  30. Be bloody, bold, & resolute: Laugh to scorne The powre of man: For none of woman borne Shall harme Macbeth.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "harme" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.