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Example sentences for "hasard"

Lexicographically close words:
harvesters; harvesting; harvests; harys; has; haschisch; haschish; hase; hasell; hash
  1. But the Lordis had gevin ane expresse commandiment, that thei should hasard nothing whill that thei thameselfis war present.

  2. The hasard appereth verry unliklie, for oure men had na thing bot speris, and war compellit to lycht upoun thair feit.

  3. And whan he cam, him happede, par chaunce, That alle the grettest that were of that lond, Pleyinge atte hasard he hem fond.

  4. The curious inconsistency of the common French expression, "C'est un hasard providentiel" is another example of the present state of thought on the question.

  5. Le hasard est un sobriquet de la Providence=--Chance is a nickname for Providence.

  6. These ware judgeid men ynew to hasard battell, albeit the other war esteamed fourtie thousand.

  7. Heirupoun was consultatioun tackin; and in conclusioun, it was found less domage to tak ane Appointment, albeit the conditionis war nocht suche as we desyred, than to hasard battall betuix two suche ennemeis.

  8. Yea, the aith that we have maid, to be trew to this commune-wealth, compellis us to hasard quhatsoever God hes gevin us, befoir that we see the miserabill rewyne of the same.

  9. She was humming to herself the last lines of the song: D'un bout du monde A l'autre bout, Le Hasard seul fait tout.

  10. I said I supposed they were such as William Hasard spoke of, the seals of which were not yet cold, and that you had evidence with seals 200 years older.

  11. Rue du Hasard for the return of his friend and master, four men of the people brought that broken body of one of the earliest victims of the Revolution that was now launched in earnest.

  12. Yet he might have been found in a house in the Rue du Hasard within a stone's throw of the Palais Royal, whither purest chance had conducted him.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hasard" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.