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Example sentences for "hashed"

Lexicographically close words:
haschisch; haschish; hase; hasell; hash; hasheesh; hashes; hashish; hasidic; hask
  1. I'll give them fried chicken this evening and hashed brown potatoes and hot rolls and plum jam and buttermilk.

  2. Widgeons are hashed the same as wild duck.

  3. The remains of ducks left from a previous dinner may be hashed as directed for goose, and for variety, should peas be in season, a pint previously boiled may be added to the hash just before serving.

  4. The remains of partridges may likewise be hashed or served in a plain salmi as directed for pheasants.

  5. Hashed Creamed Potatoes= Chop cold potatoes, mix with cream sauce, put into baking dish, sprinkle with crumbs and brown in oven.

  6. Trumese and Egg Canape= Moisten hashed trumese with a little rich cream or brown sauce.

  7. Hashed Potato Crust for Nutmese= Use sauce No.

  8. Hashed Browned Potatoes= Mix cream, oil or melted butter and salt with chopped potatoes.

  9. I shouldn't come home to the hashed mutton.

  10. Can't you fancy the stuffy sitting room with the horsehair chairs, and the hashed mutton, and the cradle in the corner before long?

  11. I can;--two cradles, and very little of the hashed mutton; and my lady wife with no one to pin her dress for her but the maid of all work with black fingers.

  12. I shouldn't be afraid of the hashed mutton and cradles.

  13. XXIV-17] We have already mentioned the Artocreas, a kind of hashed meat mixed with bread, which Rome borrowed from Greece, together with its original name.

  14. An excellent gravy must be prepared beforehand, with meat hashed small and well peppered, with which you stuff the intestines, and then force them back into their place by the throat.

  15. Sam brought beefsteaks, which were princely, mushrooms, and hashed brown potatoes in portions whose generosity reached the heart.

  16. So they strolled into the diner and ate chicken (and of course hashed brown potatoes!

  17. That’s all I want,” said Mary Jane in surprise; “just two orders of hashed brown potatoes and not anything else.

  18. Mary Jane in great distress, “won’t they have hashed brown potatoes?

  19. And so it proved, for when the orange was eaten, he set before Mary Jane the biggest platter of hashed brown potatoes she had ever seen.

  20. If I may, I’m going to have two orders of hashed brown potatoes and not anything else!

  21. For instance, let us say that she wants to serve hashed mutton (and Heaven help that it may not be that grey and slimy mass endured in too many an English home!

  22. The average cook bakes a milk pudding in the oven and cooks vegetables and hashed mutton and stewed fruit each on a boiling tap, and probably uses the griller as well, and wonders why the gas bills are so high.

  23. And Mary Jane chose chicken pie--a whole one all her own--and hashed brown potatoes and orange sherbet.

  24. If green peas or Lima beans are in season, you may boil them and put them to the hashed mutton, leaving out the other vegetables, or serving them up separately.

  25. Then feed them with nothing but hashed Raisins of the Sun.

  26. Above all, he recollected that they had nothing but haddocks and hashed mutton for dinner.

  27. That which is hashed or chopped up; meat and vegetables, especially such as have been already cooked, chopped into small pieces and mixed.

  28. Something hashed over, or made up from old materials.

  29. Currant-jelly is a good accompaniment to roasted or hashed meats.

  30. This is the sauce for boiled or hashed calf’s head, stewed veal, or any dish you dress turtle fashion.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hashed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.