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Example sentences for "heaping"

Lexicographically close words:
heap; heape; heaped; heapes; heapeth; heaps; heapt; hear; hearb; hearbe
  1. And fiercely and passionately seizing her by the hand, he poured out the whole story of his love, heaping her with every fantastic epithet of admiration which he could devise.

  2. I heard the thump and roll and rattle of the logs heaping above us; I felt the water washing over me; but I could see nothing.

  3. The clouds were heaping higher, pulsing with light, roaring with thunder.

  4. Stir into this one heaping teaspoonful of flour, which has been wet with two tablespoonfuls of cold water.

  5. Partly fill the dish-pans with boiling water, putting a heaping teaspoonful of powdered soap in one.

  6. Stir in two heaping tablespoonfuls of cornmeal or Graham grits, boil, stirring continuously, until the meal has set, then turn into a double boiler and cook for two hours or longer.

  7. The United States Dispensary recommends the following method of preparing oatmeal gruel for fever patients; "Rub one heaping tablespoonful of fine oatmeal smooth in a little cold water; stir this into three pints of boiling water.

  8. Into one quart of boiling water stir two heaping tablespoonfuls of fine oatmeal; let it boil until it thickens, stirring all the time; then turn into a double boiler and cook for three and a half or four hours.

  9. Rub one heaping tablespoonful of whole-wheat flour to a thin paste with three tablespoonfuls of cold milk, and stir it into a pint of boiling milk.

  10. Wash three heaping tablespoonfuls of pearl barley, drop it into a pint of boiling water, and parboil five minutes.

  11. Stir in three heaping table spoonfuls of oatmeal, and cook in a double boiler for two or three hours.

  12. Braid a slightly heaping tablespoonful of cornstarch with as little water as possible, and pour over it, stirring constantly, one half pint of boiling water, to thicken the starch.

  13. Into a pint of boiling water stir three heaping tablespoonfuls of the prepared gluten.

  14. Pour over the whole a cream sauce prepared as follows: Heat one and three fourths cup of rich milk to boiling, add one fourth teaspoonful of salt and one heaping spoonful of flour rubbed smooth in a little cold milk.

  15. When seasoned and ready to reheat, turn a second time through the colander, and add for each quart of soup, one heaping tablespoonful of sago which has been soaked for twenty minutes in just enough water to cover.

  16. Use one heaping tablespoonful of coffee to each small cup of boiling water, let it just boil up, then steep on the back of the stove for five or ten minutes.

  17. When the milk is boiling, add one heaping tablespoonful of Graham or whole-wheat flour which has been rubbed to a thin paste with a little cold milk.

  18. Cook three heaping tablespoonfuls of Graham grits in a quart of boiling water, as directed in the chapter on Grains, for three hours.

  19. He paused a moment, and then continued: "The dress of that foreigner of whom a story says he bound a native of our land, and heaping dry sticks around him, kindled a fire at his feet!

  20. The working men, too, are engaged in heaping up barricades, and are ready to allow themselves to be killed and their landlords' houses to be blown up rather than surrender.

  21. After burning about two hours, the fire was put out by heaping dirt on it.

  22. There is so much variation in the size of tablespoons or what may be termed either rounding or heaping tablespoons that it must be remembered that we can only estimate.

  23. It is not true that all the vegetables weigh the same, but for the sake of simplicity in most of the diets it has been reckoned that two heaping tablespoons of any one of the "5%" vegetables weighs 100 gms.

  24. Briskly and with high-running hopes he set about his preparations during that spring of 1504 what time the Pope's Holiness in Rome was seeking to justify his treachery by heaping odium upon the Borgias.

  25. Instantly the waiting citizens, who had been recruited for the purpose, made forward with their faggots, heaping them up in the moat until a passage was practicable.

  26. Cicatrix horns are formed by the heaping up of epidermis in the scars that result from burns.

  27. Was it mirth or ease, Or heaping up dust from year to year?

  28. Something supernatural in their confused murmur; it makes me better understand and sympathize with the writer of the Apocalypse when he speaks of the voice of many waters, heaping image upon image, to impart the vigor of his conception.

  29. I could see shadowy figures moving around it, heaping boxes, barrels and other combustibles upon the flame.

  30. But in the midst of this boasting Christendom, heaping their bricks together for their proud tower, blindness has already become greater than the blindness of the Jews.

  31. They heaped treasure together for the last days, and it was a heaping together by fraud, dishonesty in keeping back the hire of the laborers.

  32. He did not believe in heaping coals of fire.

  33. In sick-headache, a heaping tablespoonful each of salt and common mustard, stirred into a pint of hot water, and drank without breathing, will generally produce an immediate effect.

  34. The growing recognition of his new point of view is heaping responsibility on him.

  35. Even then you had acquired by instinct that damnable woman's trick of heaping obligations on a man, of placing yourself so entirely and helplessly at his mercy that at last he dare not take a step without running to you for leave.

  36. The riders and Nigel looked down into the great hollows in the woodland, flanked by great naked boulders that stood up out of the sea of leaves, the countless heaping of unnumbered years.

  37. Still Hughes determined to watch, as heaping wood on the fire, he placed his rifle on his knees, and leaned back in a sitting posture against the rock.

  38. I say this not on the principle that misery loves company, but in order to do away with the heathen suspicion lingering in many minds that God singles me out for trial, heaping benefits on others who deserve them no more than I do.

  39. She held him so and then he stood up heaping kisses upon her cheeks, her lips, her eyes, her neck.

  40. Life recognized him as a genius--the fates it was heaping posies in his lap, laying a crown of victory upon his brow.

  41. Now, the King ceased not persecuting Khipil, under pretence of doing him honour and heaping favours on him.

  42. The Queen was seated at a massive oaken writing-table, on which she was heaping together a quantity of letters and papers when Mary Hamilton entered.

  43. He kept trying all sorts of passages, ran up and down the scale, and exhausted his ingenuity in heaping together chromatic intervals and strange discords.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "heaping" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    heaping tablespoonful; heaping teaspoonful