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Example sentences for "helplessly"

Lexicographically close words:
helping; helpings; helpis; helpit; helpless; helplessness; helpmate; helpmeet; helps; helpt
  1. Helplessly he dropped back into his chair again, silenced by very wonder.

  2. Helplessly the boy saw him go farther and farther out of reach.

  3. The girl sat quietly down on the bed; so this was another Law for her then; she must know keenly and helplessly the sorrow of others, she must blindly strive to learn how to help.

  4. I appeal to all on board whether you did not make the promise, and whether, had I not performed what I undertook to do, you would not ere this have been dashed helplessly amid the breakers on the cliffs we saw ahead of the ship.

  5. By keeping in with the African coast, we had a strong current in our favour, which helped us along materially, at the same time that we were exposed to the risk of a westerly gale, which might send us helplessly on shore.

  6. I had heard of birds being fascinated by serpents, and falling helplessly into their jaws, and I really felt a sensation something akin to what I suppose they must.

  7. He shouted, and his words, which he wanted to throw across the river, seemed to fall helplessly at his feet.

  8. Yet now you simply fling yourself helplessly in the arms of this rather odd-looking man without seeking to inquire anything about him.

  9. I, faint soul, had given myself helplessly into the evil hands of Aline for no purpose.

  10. Then he paused, and looked helplessly around.

  11. And I was a man suddenly plunged into a raging sea, drifting helplessly I knew not whither.

  12. In spite of the experience of the whole race from time immemorial, when death comes to any one we know we helplessly regard it as an incident of life, which will presently go on as before.

  13. As they wandered helplessly along block after block, the crowd of workmen and children in the streets coming home to dinner told that it was noon.

  14. Some fled to the next higher range, many sank helplessly to the ground, others were on their knees praying.

  15. Dowie frankly and helplessly took out a handkerchief and sat down beside her.

  16. He let her wail, but when her wailing ceased helplessly he bent over her.

  17. There's nothing for us to do," said Spencer despairingly, "but stand here helplessly and look on.

  18. Thereafter the surprised and extremely articulate Gallic gratitude which greeted her timid overtures, did not leave her so helplessly swamped in confusion.

  19. When she began to tell them about the Gare de l'Est she began helplessly to cry, but she would not stop for that.

  20. Lanfear observed that she was not fatigued by any such effort as he was always helplessly making to match what he saw with something he had seen before.

  21. Gabriel Cassilis was staring helplessly from him to Phillis.

  22. He only looked rather helplessly at Jack Dunquerque, who turned red, and brought up the rest of his men together, as if to get the introductions over quickly.

  23. Then he looked round helplessly for his brother, who was not there.

  24. They thought he was beaten and discouraged, an industrial slave, drawn helplessly into the cogs.

  25. Old Heitmuller, the chief clerk, after swearing his way helplessly from one point of the compass to another, was about to dispatch the office boy to Hampstead's residence.

  26. Instead of leaning forward, she drew back and lifted her eyes helplessly to the minister.

  27. For a moment the culprit's eyes wandered helplessly about the room and then returned to the rugged face of the minister, with so much of gentleness and so much of strength upon it.

  28. So, falling back, Glyndwr and his French allies marched to Tenby, laying waste the Flemish settlements, though they had to look helplessly on while an English fleet attacked the French ships and destroyed fifteen of them.

  29. She was groping about helplessly in her dim-lit soul.

  30. Neither could speak, and they turned feebly away from each other, Toby leaning with trembling shoulder on the mantelpiece, and Lily biting her lip as she looked helplessly out over lawn and river.

  31. They stood silent for a moment, looking helplessly at the bed and the little white faces.

  32. Father Orin stood up, looking helplessly through the moonlight and murmuring something about getting the doctor back to his cabin.

  33. She gazed helplessly in remorseful pain; he was only a chilly phantom; the very fierceness of his passion was but a dying spark of fire.

  34. He paused, but she only looked helplessly into his eyes.

  35. A capricious blast, catching Barbara's dress, would send her scudding helplessly for a few yards before she could regain her self-control.

  36. He liked the outlook of his new duty as Withers's assistant, but he felt helplessly inefficient.

  37. Shefford gazed helplessly at the stricken Joe Lake, at the somber Indian, as if from them he expected help.

  38. Then Hattaway rose, extended his arms and let them drop helplessly against his sides.

  39. The green-topped point, its hither side deep in shadow, reached out helplessly for them.

  40. Once again the perplexed admiral looked helplessly at the picture; but the work of art maintained a strict neutrality, and gave him not the slightest assistance.

  41. Mr. Toosypegs had his breath completely taken away as his heart had long since been, and in that moment fell more deeply, deplorably, and helplessly in love than ever.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "helplessly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.