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Example sentences for "here meant"

  • Professor Tychsen, however, assured me that Asia proconsularis is here meant, to which Cilicia did not belong; and in this particular sense the word is often used by writers contemporary with Dioscorides.

  • It is, however, uncertain whether wood really conveyed in floats, or transported in boats and lighters, be here meant.

  • Footnote 196: Perhaps the gulf on Pangasian is here meant, on the E.

  • Footnote 37: No circumstance in the text serves to indicate what island is here meant, except that it appears to have been to the eastward of Java.

  • Footnote 58: Probably the Malay is here meant, and called Moresco or Moors, an ordinary term for Mahometans.

  • By this expression is here meant what is not one by itself, but by others.

  • By such individual beings is here meant having in one's own being the cause of his hypostatic existence.

  • As the principle of all things must be better than they, He must be determinate; and by this is here meant that He exists in an unique manner.

  • Literally, the reading of the daybreak; whence some suppose the reading of the Korân at that time is here meant.

  • But some think Simeon or Judah to be here meant; and instead of the elder, interpret it the most prudent of them.

  • Footnote 64: There is a district on the west of Gujerat or Guzerat named Chuwal, on the river Butlass or Banass which runs into the gulf of Cutch, which may be here meant.

  • Footnote 61: It is evident from the text that the areka nut is here meant, which is chewed along with betel leaf, called tambolos in the text, and strewed with chunam or lime made of oyster shells.

  • Footnote 121: It is obvious that Bagdat is here meant.

  • It is probable, or rather certain, that Canton is here meant.

  • It is difficult to say precisely what division of farther India is here meant by Ziambar.

  • From the circumstances in the context at this place, it is possible that Sulpheckar Khan, or Zulfeccar Khan, governor of Surat under Sultan Churrum, may be here meant.

  • The indicated connection with Gor and Pitan, or Gorcah and Peytahn, would lead to suppose that Napaul is here meant.

  • Yet Jaypoor, otherwise called Jyenagur, in Ajmeer, is more probably the district and city here meant, though not in the Punjab.

  • That which is here meant is the solid, firm corn, as opposed to the loose chaff, and the dust which falls to the ground through the sieve.

  • That it is not real blood which is here meant, but that only which, by its blood-red colour, reminds of blood (comp.

  • Footnote 178: We suppose the Katti is here meant, as no quantity is expressed in the text--ASTL.

  • Footnote 44: Perhaps Batacolo is here meant, on the east side of Ceylon, in lat.

  • Footnote 22: Most probably what we now call arrack is here meant.

  • Footnote 164: This is by no means the case, and we may therefore conjecture that Cape St Andrew in Madagascar is here meant, which is of that description, and is in some measure opposite Mozambique.

  • If so, what kind of a purging is here meant, seeing thousands, and thousands of thousands, of the persons intended by this act of purging were not then in being, nor their personal sins in act?

  • If these elders he here meant, neither pastors nor teachers ought to rule, for this word agrees no otherwise to him that ruleth, than the word of exhorting to him that exhorteth.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "here meant" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    closely connected; five acts; five centuries; here comes; here have; here intended; here meant; here mentioned; here must; here present; here represented; here reproduced; here said; here shown; here taken; here very; hereby amended; hereby certify; hereby declared; hereby ordered; hereditary monarchy; irregular verbs; its chief; large building; laughed the; qui lui