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Example sentences for "him for"

  • Well, and yet no kill, no makee you dead: what you say to Him for that?

  • The quick brain of the old lawyer had put Geoffrey's application to him for assistance, and Blanche's application to him for assistance, together; and had built its own theory on the basis thus obtained.

  • Arnold artlessly accepted the words as an appeal to him for information.

  • Mr. Delamayn looked at him for a moment, and went on.

  • Ten thousand a year self-dedicated to him--and nothing to prevent his putting out his hand and taking it but the woman who had caught him in her trap, the woman up stairs who had fastened herself on him for life!

  • Yes, count; nor have I lost sight of him for a single instant since.

  • I did not lose sight of him for an instant.

  • D'Artagnan went instantly to the hay dealer and bargained with him for a hundred and fifty trusses of straw, which he obtained, at the rate of three pistoles each.

  • But," continued D'Artagnan, "you shall judge of him for yourself.

  • D'Artagnan could on no account consent to pull his bed to pieces again for Porthos, but for a consideration of four louis that the latter paid him for it, he consented that Porthos should share his couch with him.

  • There was nothing, indeed; Allan's essentially superficial observation had not misled him for once.

  • She looked at him for a moment, and creased to the opposite side of the room.

  • It had been "granted to him for safekeeping," as the letters patent said; and certainly he kept it well.

  • At the bottom of her heart she was grateful to him for it.

  • As soon as he learned that the gypsy was alive, the cold ideas of spectre and tomb which had persecuted him for a whole day vanished, and the flesh returned to goad him.

  • Nevertheless, he collected all the strength which remained to him for a final effort.

  • She gazed at him for a moment with an air of pity, then dropped her eyes, made a plait in her petticoat, and remained in indecision.

  • He was youthfully wise in his resolution not to give way to her entreaties, though her extraordinary agitation did stagger him for a moment.

  • He had lost his costly and ancient head-kerchief, and when in a slightly wider space he stopped in a listening attitude anybody would have taken him for a fugitive.

  • She continued to smile at him for a little while.

  • She stood and stared at him for a minute, looking both surprised and displeased, then walked on, saying sharply, "How do you know?

  • That was unpardonable, and Amy took no more notice of him for a long while, except a word now and then when she came to her chaperon between the dances for a necessary pin or a moment's rest.

  • Take good care of him for me, Beth, and tell me all about the babies, and give heaps of love to everyone.

  • And in bed she compelled him to remain for a last little doze ere she called him for breakfast.

  • Yet she would not have exchanged him for any of the others, not even for Mark Hall with the princely heart whom she loved much in the same way that she loved his wife.

  • The Frisco bunch is challengin' him for a professional," Billy elucidated.

  • Vaninka looked at him for a moment in surprise, then turned her eyes to the letter.

  • It is to the spirit that you must address yourself; he is a jealous spirit, who forbids his secrets to be shared; I can but pray to him for you, and obey his will.

  • She found herself almost grudging Johnnie his rapidly increasing inches, even while she relied on him for an assertion of her position as a matron.

  • His hostess looked at him for a moment; then she sighed, and smiled, and sighed again.

  • If he spent an hour with Miss Liston, Pamela would have nothing of him for a day; she met his attentions with scorn unless they were undivided.

  • She was impatient, but she looked at him for a moment with a gleam of sadness in her eyes.

  • Scarlett Trent looked at him for a moment open mouthed and open-eyed.

  • Take his garment that is surety for a stranger: and take a pledge of him for a strange woman.

  • Take his garment that is surety for a stranger, and take a pledge of him for a strange woman.

  • And he believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him for righteousness.

  • The tall man stared open-mouthed at him for a moment.

  • Desmond marked his confusion and respected him for it.

  • Leminof granted to me in the most gracious manner, and you can imagine how grateful I am to him for it.

  • I am indebted to him for my life, it was not as physician that he saved me either.

  • He had spoke in English at the hotel, and the people there had taken him for an American; it was therefore presumable either that he was a native of the United States, or that he habitually resided there.

  • The rotunda which had been assigned to him for a lodging formed the entire upper story of a turret which flanked one of the angles of the castle.

  • Then they placed over Athos a guard of fifty men, who surrounded his house, without losing sight of him for a minute.

  • Porthos led D'Artagnan towards the stone that served him for a table, and upon which the plan was spread.

  • Mouston," said Porthos, gathering up those two triumphant arches which served him for eyebrows.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "him for" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    barrier reef; friendly natives; general officers; him again; him and; him for; him now; him out; him that; him the; him was; him when; him who; himself and; himself had; himself hath; himself said; himself says; himself should; himself that; its effect upon the; like order; live here; she exclaimed; white jacket; working classes