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Example sentences for "holy place"

  • Now that idea is in it, but is not the whole of it.

  • Thus shall Aaron come into the holy place; with a young bullock for a sin offering, and a ram for a burnt offering.

  • Aaron and the priesthood, and his entrance into the most holy place.

  • We step, then, from the mystery of the inner shrine out to the comparatively inferior sacredness of the 'holy place,' daily trodden by the priests.

  • Dread, not unmingled with the superstitious fear that he had profaned a holy place by laying himself down in it, is his prevailing feeling, and he pleads ignorance as the excuse for his sacrilege.

  • She went to the shore of the Gandhavati, and abandoned her life in a holy place, with her thoughts intently fixed on his love.

  • So I will go and see his corpse, and by a device of mine manage to lament over it, and I will in due course burn the body, and scatter the bones in a holy place.

  • Theft in a holy place is certainly sacrilegious when the thing taken is sacred (e.

  • Internal acts of impurity are not sacrilegious, unless they include a desire to sin externally in a holy place.

  • If a garment be sprinkled with the blood thereof, it shall be washed in a holy place.

  • Every male of the priestly race, shall eat this flesh in a holy place, because it is most holy.

  • The priest that offereth it, shall eat it in a holy place, in the court of the tabernacle.

  • So much is this the case, that the place where God dwells came to be called the holy place, 'the holy place of the habitation of the Most High.

  • And let them make me a holy place, that I may dwell among them.

  • In His first command to His people to build Him a holy place, God distinctly said that it was that He might dwell among them: the dwelling in the house was to be the shadowing forth of His dwelling in the midst of His people.

  • But place makes a moral action to be in a certain species of evil; for theft of a thing from a holy place is a sacrilege.

  • Consequently to steal from a holy place has an additional repugnance to the order of reason.

  • Wherefore, they are deceived that think to go into the holiest, which is heaven, when they die, who yet abandon and hate the holy place, while they live.

  • And the lesson which the Holy Spirit teaches is this-- that the way into the true Holy place is not yet open so long as the outer tent still remains in existence.

  • These latter have made another still more happy hit quite lately at Sefurieh, the ancient Sepphoris, distant about three miles from Khurbet Kâna, in reviving there an almost forgotten “holy place.

  • The remainder of the flesh, seethed in a holy place, belonged to Aaron and his sons.

  • It is the very name of the "Holy Place," the "Sanctuary.

  • The main structure comprised a Porch, a Holy Place, and an inner sanctuary or Most Holy Place, the last named elevated above the rest {45} and reached by steps.

  • Like the earlier Temples, this comprised Porch, Holy Place, and Most Holy Place or Holy of Holies.

  • And you shall eat it in a holy place: which is given to thee and thy sons of the oblations of the Lord, as it hath been commanded me.

  • Once Urmi plain was their principal Holy Place; and even now, every village of importance stands on or near one of the great ash heaps (often covering acres of ground) that mark the sites where the sacred fires were kept perpetually burning.

  • Other tenets they have borrowed from Islam; for they regard Mohammed as a prophet, and Mecca as a holy place; and texts from the Koran are engraved on the walls of their temple.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "holy place" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    external goods; good estate; good usage; holy calling; holy chirche; holy days; holy father; holy friar; holy house; holy name; holy orders; holy people; holy place; holy places; holy souls; holy temple; holy terror; holy things; holy water; holy well; holy will; holy word; just estimate; sweet little; two men; when they were come