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Example sentences for "human soul"

  • No, my son," Montanelli answered softly, "it is only like a human soul.

  • Not the least little one of all the daily trifles round him was changed because a human soul, a living human soul, had been struck down dead.

  • Has it never occurred to you that that miserable clown may have a soul--a living, struggling, human soul, tied down into that crooked hulk of a body and forced to slave for it?

  • These little colored patches are stains upon the windows of a human soul; stand on the outside, they are but dull and meaningless spots of color; seen from within, they are glorified shapes with empurpled wings and sunbright aureoles.

  • It falls far short of what is required to enable a human soul, a religious and immortal being, to accomplish its true destination.

  • Is it not because revealed religion contains more than natural religion--what reason cannot read in the physical universe or human soul?

  • Take any essential feature of that image out of a human soul, and to apprehend God is made thereby impossible to it.

  • The advocates of this view maintain that the divine Logos reduced himself to the condition and limits of human nature, and thus literally became a human soul.

  • If a human soul is necessarily to be trained up in the faith of those from whom it inherits its body, why, there is the end of all reason.

  • The light which now rose upon them,--how could a human soul, by any means at all, get better light?

  • Doubt has eaten out the heart of it: a human soul is seen clinging spasmodically to an Ark of the Covenant, which it half feels now to have become a Phantasm.

  • As to the animals into whose bodies no human soul entered, they are produced by an illumination of the universal Soul.

  • Whole of divisible and indivisible parts, human soul is, iv.

  • It is something new to live for, to train a human soul entrusted to us, and to fit her for her true home beyond this life.

  • Surely there is none more fit than thou to be the means of procuring me a human soul.

  • But if thou canst tell me how I may gain a human soul, I will play on till thou shalt bid me cease.

  • On a certain lake there once lived a Neck, or Water Sprite, who desired, above all things, to obtain a human soul.

  • And the hermit said, "If that at any time some human being will freely give his life for thee, thou wilt gain a human soul.

  • Contemplative piety, or the intercourse between God and the human soul, cannot be poetical.

  • Again I would say that whenever a human soul is born into the world, God stands over it, and pronounces the same sublime fiat, "Let there be light!

  • Whenever a human soul is born into the world, its Creator stands over it, and again pronounces the same sublime words, "Let there be light.

  • The end of all endeavor is to do the will of God, and the goal of all teaching is to equip a human soul to live in joyous accord with the infinite wisdom.

  • Teaching may be defined as causing a human soul to know.

  • It is unfortunate to place the destiny of a human soul in the care and under the directing thought of a teacher who neither believes nor lives a consistent Christian life.

  • Now with regard to (2), the inner personality or human soul, we may ask, What becomes of that?

  • The mystic union is accomplished at the time and moment of conception, when a unit of the universal spirit becomes individualized into a human soul.

  • Conception, in the one case, is simply a vegetative or organic function, while in the other there is, in addition, a spiritual effort to individualize a human soul.

  • It is at this time and moment, that an atom of the universal spirit becomes separated and individualized, and the germ of a human soul is implanted, deep in the dark recesses of nature’s laboratory.

  • Darwin has told us what the animal was, yet the new being was a man and not an ape, because, in addition to its animal soul, it was possessed also of a human soul.

  • To witness the performance, and to observe the rapture expressed upon the shaggy and good-humored countenances of the boatmen, was interesting, as showing what kind of banquet will delight a human soul, starved from its birth.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "human soul" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    brief time; especially from; hereafter shall; human agency; human being; human bones; human conduct; human consciousness; human energy; human evolution; human experience; human life; human origin; human personality; human progress; human reason; human responsibility; human science; human souls; human speech; human spirit; human welfare; human wisdom; metallic arsenic; pecuniary interest; quite plain