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Example sentences for "humbugs"

Lexicographically close words:
humbly; humblye; humbug; humbugged; humbugging; humdrum; humeral; humeri; humerus; humeur
  1. But in such way he humbugs Mr. Lincoln, who looks on Halleck as the quintessence of military knowledge and genius.

  2. What is the point of calling Plato one of the "Seven Humbugs of Christendom," or of talking of "that damned Republic"?

  3. I am prepared to maintain that humbugs in worldly matters are far worse than the humbugs in religion.

  4. Would you have me tell humbugs that I know them as such?

  5. The humbugs were treated, apparently, like the others, but not really, as I soon perceived.

  6. We have forgotten the greater virtues, and we were becoming emasculated humbugs whose gods were our own weaknesses.

  7. At any rate, he was enough convinced of this to be rather grateful to the Clerical Humbugs for pretending, pending enlightenment.

  8. Medical humbugs began to exist with the first pretenders to the science of healing.

  9. A band of angels, on a healing mission, would stand no chance with a people who only expect humbugs to visit them.

  10. From what meagre biographies we have of French doctors of the past, we are led to believe that, as at the present time, the humbugs outnumbered the honest medical practitioners.

  11. To quite another class of humbugs belongs the subject of the following sketch.

  12. But the most of those persons, male and female, who proclaim themselves clairvoyants, are humbugs and impostors.

  13. Setting the priesthood aside did not suppress humbugs in medicine.

  14. Sarsaparilla humbugs are only second to the above.

  15. And to this principle we are indebted for the exposition of many fallacies and humbugs pursued by early physicians in order to gain practice.

  16. Do not run to clairvoyants and spiritual humbugs for advice.

  17. The humbugs in medicine, we assert, began to exist with the first persons of whom we have any account in the history of the healing art.

  18. Here, we must stow this talk, or we shall become both humbugs and materialists.

  19. I can't have any humbugs here, though I have sent out some humbugs.

  20. We are thinking over friend Robinson's antecedents, as we grin, bow and talk; and we are both humbugs together.

  21. Why, even Dodd himself, who was one of the greatest humbugs who ever lived, would not have had the face to say that he approved of his wife telling the truth in such a case.

  22. Amongst all the humbugs of the day, do you know of one equal to the humbug of the Italian climate?

  23. The real humbugs of this life are the fellows that play the heavy parts.

  24. But of all the sickening humbugs in the world, the sham pietism of the Positivists is to me the most offensive.

  25. The fact is, I have never any blood pressure to spare, and a small thing humbugs the pump.

  26. In all ages of the world's history down to the present day, these humbugs have cut an important figure in their day and generation.

  27. This is another one of the many humbugs that seem to have fastened themselves on the country.

  28. It is a curious fact that the heathen humbugs were all solemn.

  29. Next to the fearful humbug practiced upon our first parents, came heathen humbugs generally.

  30. I can afford very well to expose friend Brittan and his spiritualist humbugs for two shillings.

  31. The Shamans (or Schamans) of Siberia, follow a very similar business, but are not so much priestly humbugs as mere conjurors.

  32. It is humiliating to reflect how long and how extensively such barefaced and monstrous humbugs as these have maintained unquestioned authority over almost the whole race of man.

  33. The heathen humbugs were played off by the priests, the shrewdest men then alive.

  34. Upon a careful consideration of my undertaking to give an account of the "Humbugs of the World," I find myself somewhat puzzled in regard to the true definition of that word.

  35. Something must be said about the Oracles, the Sibyls, and the Auguries; which, besides the mysteries elsewhere spoken of, were the chief assistant humbugs or side shows used for keeping up the great humbug heathen religion.

  36. Barnum," published in 1855, I partly promised to write a book which should expose some of the chief humbugs of the world.

  37. A less innocent kind of praying is one of the religious humbugs of the bloody and cruel Sandwich Islands form of heathenism.

  38. Without agreeing with this doctrine, I nevertheless feel that the history of Ancient and Modern Humbugs would not be complete without a record of the last and one of the most successful of known literary hoaxes.

  39. What a refreshing set of humbugs we are, to be sure, ain't we, my sweet child?

  40. I said, what a set of humbugs we were in general, and I showed you the scraps of the Prince's nails to prove it.

  41. He shows up many of the modern popular humbugs in a very strong light, and handles them most unmercifully.

  42. His blows are aimed with severe accuracy against a vast number of the follies, frailties, and humbugs of the day.

  43. That immense concourse of humbugs and humbugged had passed on, and I was alone once more.

  44. But of all the owdacious humbugs that ever this country saw, this thing is the steepest,--and you know it!

  45. Lapwings, humbugs too, but humbugs in a prettier cause, started from the shrubberies where their eggs were hidden, and fluttered lamely towards the open.

  46. They know that you don't belong to that strait-laced set of humbugs that want to frown down all mankind.

  47. He does not suggest that the humbug Elijah Pogram had even as much greasy amiability as humbugs almost invariably have.

  48. When resorted to, as a means of relieving fools of their earnings, it is sacrilegious; and those who support such impious humbugs can be excused from deadly sin only on the grounds of lunacy.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "humbugs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.