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Example sentences for "iceman"

Lexicographically close words:
iced; icehouse; icelle; icelles; iceluy; icepack; ices; ich; iche; ichneumon
  1. One reason for placing this refrigerator near the window is, that a flight of steps and a platform might be arranged on the outside, so that the iceman could put in the ice without going through the kitchen.

  2. Over the refrigerator is a window which opens on the porch, and through which the ice may be placed without the iceman going through the kitchen with his wet feet and dripping load.

  3. Instead of remaining on his own ship, Silas Grig came on board the steamer, where his services as iceman were fully appreciated.

  4. And an old iceman like me to never think of it!

  5. The opinion was now almost general that Iceman O'Sullivan knew more concerning the tragedy than he was willing to admit.

  6. Justice Mahoney told of being present when the contract for professional services was made between the iceman and the physician, and Mrs. Addie J.

  7. Many a man and woman in foreign countries had been sent to the gallows on evidence far less circumstantial than that with which the iceman was confronted at this stage of the case.

  8. On the following day William Mulcahey, one of O'Sullivan's employes, testified that the iceman had told him of the contract with Dr.

  9. His men ran little or no risk of getting hurt, and even if they did, the iceman would in no way have been responsible.

  10. Farrar testified that the iceman had said to her, after the disappearance, that Dr.

  11. Yes," the iceman had responded, "I know one of the men.

  12. His testimony was to the effect that he had called upon iceman O'Sullivan twice upon the day when Dr.

  13. Mulcahey positively swore that the iceman did not leave the house during the night.

  14. The contents were an assortment of extension splints with which the Doctor had provided himself in anticipation of having to treat a fractured leg when he had reached Iceman O'Sullivan's house in Lake View.

  15. Hence it was the police decided to place the iceman under surveillance.

  16. Before the conference had ended, orders were also issued suspending Detective Michael Whalen, who was a first cousin to iceman O'Sullivan, for neglect of duty.

  17. Would the iceman or the janitor hesitate to "talk back" to the uncorseted lady in a pink dressing-sack?

  18. Fifty pounds for the red dressing-sack," says the iceman to his helper, "and a hundred for the blue.

  19. I was accompanied by a boy named Edouard Balmat,[A] and found him so good an iceman that I was induced to take him with me on the following day also.

  20. We afterwards descended towards the cascade, but long before this is attained the most experienced iceman would find himself in difficulty.

  21. Then the iceman went off, laughing, and Mrs. Brown and Aunt Lu took Bunny up to their apartment in the elevator.

  22. Bunny, whose clothes were all dusty, and whose hair was all topsy-turvy, was standing in front of the janitor, an iceman and a policeman.

  23. Is there anything in that novel about ringing in an iceman to break up a marriage?

  24. He paused and his brown eyes surveyed the blinking iceman with a quizzical appeal in them.

  25. The remarks which would entertain, so Farr pondered, would come when the colonel was informed that the assault consisted of a lone iceman making talk to women in kitchens.

  26. The car had made a detour in reaching the curb--avoiding a white wagon at the rear of which an iceman was briskly pecking in twain a cake of ice.

  27. However," said the iceman to himself, as he checked a nick in a ten-cent cube at the back of his cart.

  28. He discovered that the iceman was considered a fair and logical butt for all the forenoon grouches of the kitchen.

  29. The iceman bowed, and held his hat in his two hands behind him.

  30. The next morning at 8 o'clock, when the iceman called, the cook told him that Miss Coulson wanted to see him in the basement.

  31. Miss Coulson, she ran away with the iceman last night, sir!

  32. She hotly resents the iceman and the butcher and the apothecary's boy, to say nothing of me.

  33. The iceman and the butcher and the boy who brings up the Sunday ice cream from the apothecary can't help seeing those three big blue eggs she has laid.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "iceman" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.