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Example sentences for "indurated"

Lexicographically close words:
indulges; indulging; indult; induna; indunas; induration; indure; indured; indusia; indusium
  1. The range was rugged, and composed of indurated quartz, and there was a quantity of gypsum in round flat pieces scattered over the slopes of the hills.

  2. The geological formation of these hills was perfectly new, for they were now composed almost exclusively of indurated or compact quartz.

  3. The ground was covered with fragments of indurated quartz (of which the whole group was composed), in parallelograms of different dimensions.

  4. Its hardness is usually less than that of talc--the softest substance on Mohs' scale--but some shales are so indurated as to scratch quartz.

  5. Clays are moderately soft, solid bodies, particularly when moistened, and can usually be cut with a knife, though some indurated clays and shales are almost as hard as felspar.

  6. If suppuration occur in the cellular tissue, and not in the substance of the enlarged gland, neither cicatrisation, nor a permanent cure, can be expected until the prominent and indurated parts have been destroyed by the caustic potass.

  7. But frequently several ligatures are required, and their portions must be so disposed as not only to isolate all the indurated and ulcerated part, but also some of the neighbouring sound structure.

  8. The incisions must always be made far from the indurated parts.

  9. In one, distinct indurated bands radiating from a central mass of the same kind, are discernible.

  10. A cross section of almost any one of these tunnels would show an elliptic outline, the vertical diameter being the shortest, and the bottom being filled with indurated mud or sand to a sufficient depth to make a level floor.

  11. Fertile flowers 1 or few, enclosed in a cupule consisting of consolidated bracts, which becomes indurated (scaly or prickly) and surrounds or encloses the nut.

  12. Achene lenticular, globular, or flat, crowned with a conspicuous tubercle or beak consisting of the persistent indurated base or even of the greater part of the style.

  13. Sepals 5, united below in an indurated cup, enclosing the utricle.

  14. Stamens borne on the throat of the indurated 5-cleft and pointless calyx.

  15. On the 21st, they encamped amidst high and beetling cliffs of indurated clay and sandstone, bearing the semblance of towers, castles, churches, and fortified cities.

  16. It is composed of indurated clay, with alternate layers of red and white sandstone, and may be seen at the distance of upward of thirty miles.

  17. I thought I could detect workings of the countenance of this being, indurated as his heart had become by a long life of savage ferocity, which denoted how keenly he felt the sudden destruction that had alighted on his tribe.

  18. I then besmeared my hand with oil, and carried it into the abdomen, in order to feel for the indurated part.

  19. The alveolar processes thus removed, were enlarged, and of a lardaceous colour, and the fungous growths had the appearance and consistence of indurated albumen.

  20. This occasioned severe punishment; and the hearts of their masters being indurated by habit, it often led to acts of barbarity.

  21. A large celt formed of “indurated clay-stone with garnets,” is mentioned by Mr. F.

  22. There is also, in the same Museum, a fragment of a flatter specimen formed of indurated clay-slate of a lightish green colour, perforated at one end with three small holes.

  23. The thought of doing this, of playing mother in her old age, softened indurated tissues, but the original hardness remained.

  24. These quiet ways endeared her more and more to Alfred's mother, and occasionally, very seldom, Fancy would be vouchsafed a glimpse of an indurated heart.

  25. Shale is a more or less indurated fissile or laminated clay.

  26. There were also masses of indurated clay, which seem to have been used for chinking purposes.

  27. The material seems to be an indurated clay or soft slate.

  28. Andries Coejemans stood six feet, at seventy; was still as erect as he had been at twenty; and so far from betraying the inroads of age on his frame, the last appeared to be indurated and developed by what it had borne.

  29. His sinews, too, though much stiffened, seemed yet to be of whipcord, and his whole frame a species of indurated mummy that retained its vitality.

  30. Food mortar of indurated sandstone, about four inches thick and eight inches in diameter, irregularly round, the depression being about three inches deep.

  31. The substance used in producing the black ware is a clayey brown hematite, or ferruginous indurated clay, quite hard.

  32. Ignorance of our spiritual disease, the doom of the indurated conscience, is the great danger, and may be the mark of a hopeless moral state.

  33. From father to son, for nearly seven centuries, the Roman character became more and more indurated under the influence of licensed cruelty.

  34. Alas, that that divine patience should ever be twisted into the ground of indurated disobedience!

  35. I observed on the shores of the river at this place, a very recent formation of pudding-stone, or rather a local stratum of indurated pebbles and clay, in which the cementing ingredient was the oxyde of iron.

  36. The primary lesion is in the form of an indurated papule, in every respect resembling the corresponding lesion in man, and associated with enlargement and induration of the lymph glands.

  37. In lymph vessels the cancer cells may merely accumulate so as to fill the lumen and form indurated cords, or they may proliferate and give rise to secondary nodules along the course of the vessels.

  38. Syphilitic lymphangitis is observed in cases of primary syphilis, in which the vessels of the dorsum of the penis can be felt as indurated cords.

  39. Callosities# are prominent, indurated masses of the horny layer of the epidermis, where it has been exposed to prolonged friction and pressure.

  40. Syphilitic Ulcers in region of Knee, showing punched-out appearance and raised indurated edges.

  41. The disease begins on the foot as an indurated patch, which becomes discoloured and permeated by black or yellow nodules containing the organism.

  42. The lymphatics become indurated and nodular, constituting what veterinarians call farcy pipes and farcy buds.

  43. By some it is recommended that the local lesion should be freely excised; others advocate cauterisation of the affected part with solid caustic potash till all the indurated area is softened.

  44. When the condition has lasted for some time, indurated strands or nodules can be detected on palpating the relaxed muscles.

  45. Sometimes the dissemination involves the lymph vessels of the limb, forming a series of indurated pigmented cords and nodules (Fig.

  46. Reference may be made to the #relapsing false indurated chancre#, described by Hutchinson and by Fournier, as it may be the source of difficulty in diagnosis.

  47. In certain grey indurated marls below the bone-bed Mr. Boyd Dawkins has found at Watchet, on the coast of Somersetshire, a molar tooth of Microlestes, enabling him to refer to the Trias strata formerly supposed to be Liassic.

  48. This rock sometimes resembles an indurated clay or shale.

  49. The shale, as it approaches the trap, becomes gradually more compact, and is most indurated where nearest the junction.

  50. The beginner, however, must constantly bear in mind that the term rock by no means implies that a mineral mass is in an indurated or stony condition.

  51. When this happens, two parallel walls of indurated strata are seen protruding above the general level of the country and following the course of the dike.

  52. In the morning there will, perhaps, be a little indurated mucus at the inner corner of the eye.

  53. Work was his element, and nothing, it would seem, could tire or overcome those indurated muscles and vice-like nerves.

  54. Had the case been urgent, he would not have paused until nightfall, as his indurated muscles demanded no rest; he could go a couple of days without nourishment, and experience little inconvenience.

  55. Loudon county, Tennessee; also a similar but much larger ornament of indurated red clay, possibly catlinite, from a mound in the same county, represented in figure 149.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "indurated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.