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Example sentences for "inherence"

Lexicographically close words:
inhaling; inharmonious; inharmony; inhere; inhered; inherent; inherently; inheres; inhering; inherit
  1. In the other kind, the co-existence which is predicated is termed by Mr. Bain Co-inherence of Attributes.

  2. Clearly, each of these is constituted by the co-existence or co-inherence of a multitude of properties, some of which are selected as the basis of their definitions.

  3. The co-inherence of properties in Natural Kinds; which we call the constitution, defining characters, or specific nature of such things.

  4. The chief example is the co-inherence of gravity with inertia in all material bodies.

  5. Laws of the co-inherence of the properties of Kinds do not, like laws of causation, admit of methodical proof upon their own principles, but only by constancy in experience and statistical probability (c.

  6. The imperfection of thought much more of language, so singly successive, allows no better representation of the close neighbourhood, nay the co-inherence of duty in duty, desire in desire.

  7. Tell me, then, what is that of which the inherence will render the body alive?

  8. Concretion or Co-inherence denotes inseparable or necessary connection, such as that between substance and quality.

  9. The former sense excludes the inherence of an accident or of a material form; the latter excludes also the imperfection of the part, so that a hand can be called "this particular thing" in the first sense, but not in the second.

  10. Absolute being possesses absolute unity without any doubt, as it possesses absolute intelligence; but, once more, absolute unity without a real subject of inherence is destitute of all reality.

  11. The secret of pantheism is the confounding of non-inherence with absolute independence; and the means of overthrowing its arguments is always to distinguish these two things.

  12. Substances are not inherent in others as modifications are inherent in them; this non-inherence also belongs to the divine substance.

  13. Non-inherence supposes something positive, something on which is founded the denial of the necessity of being inherent.

  14. In the idea of substance are contained the ideas of permanence and non-inherence in another as a modification.

  15. Relation to modifications is not inseparable from the ideas of being, permanence, and non-inherence in another.

  16. For this second relation of inherence again, a third relation of inherence would have to be assumed and so on ad infinitum.

  17. The hypothesis of inherence gives an inadequate account of the dependence of an attribute on a substance, and is a kind of half-way house between separation and predication.

  18. On the other hand, in the Metaphysics, the distinction between inherence and predication disappears; and what is more, the relation of an attribute to a substance is regarded as so close that an attribute is merely the substance modified.

  19. And throughout all the further intricate and complex processes whereby the creature comes to maturity, lives, reproduces its species, and dies, each half preserves its individual inherence alike in constitution and in function.

  20. Human evolution and progress have resulted absolutely from an opposite trend, in inherence and development, of the two sexes, as regards Life and characteristics, aptitude and avocation.

  21. Her part in the child will contain the inherence of these new higher evolutionary values, as the father's part in it will contain the inherence of the concrete powers he has developed.

  22. And if the two sides of the body are of different sex-inherence, it is only logical to conclude that the contribution the gland of one side makes will be of different sex-inherence from that of the other.

  23. Then, in the third generation, they re-appear in the grand-daughter; by power of a maternal contribution in which the female inherence is prepotent.

  24. Her arrest of development along lines of masculine inherence no more proves her inferior to the male than does the human developmental arrest along lines of that tail our ape-progenitor possessed, prove the human inferior to the ape-species.

  25. With the destruction of an individual or its production it is a new relation of inherence that is destroyed or produced.

  26. But on reflection we see that this does not so much explain as explain away the purposiveness of nature; it gives us an unity of inherence in one Substance, but not an unity of causal dependence on one Substance (p.

  27. Let us begin by assuming smallness to be inherent in one: in this case the inherence is either in the whole or in a part.

  28. He is in danger of supposing the hyle of Aristotle to be something sensible and physical, whereas it is an intellectual principle whose inherence is implied in any physical thing.

  29. Further, the very notion and nature of a habit as of any accident, is inherence in a subject: wherefore any accident is defined with reference to its subject.

  30. Therefore if a habit does not become more or less intense in itself, neither can it in its inherence in its subject: and consequently it will be nowise less intense.

  31. First, its inherence to its subject; and in this respect it regards first the essence of the soul, as stated above (A.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inherence" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    availability; existence; immanence; immediacy; indwelling; inherence; inwardness; occurrence