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Example sentences for "intercessor"

Lexicographically close words:
interceptor; interceptors; intercepts; intercession; intercessions; intercessors; intercessory; interchange; interchangeability; interchangeable
  1. There is only one intercessor to whom this is needless.

  2. They suppose it to be endued with more sagacity than any other animal, except the owl, and to be peculiarly their intercessor with the Evil Spirit.

  3. How blessed are they who have such an Advocate and Intercessor at the throne of heaven!

  4. What an intercessor is: one that undertakes to present the petitions of a criminal at the bar of his offended sovereign.

  5. But so long as Jesus remains man’s intercessor in the sanctuary above, the restraining influence of the Holy Spirit is felt by rulers and people.

  6. The work of Christ as man’s intercessor is presented in that beautiful prophecy of Zechariah concerning Him “whose name is The Branch.

  7. After the passing of the time when the Saviour was expected, they still believed His coming to be near; they held that they had reached an important crisis, and that the work of Christ as man’s intercessor before God, had ceased.

  8. The divine Intercessor presents the plea that all who have overcome through faith in His blood be forgiven their transgressions, that they be restored to their Eden home, and crowned as joint-heirs with Himself to the “first dominion.

  9. There is no other intercessor between man and God but the one, who is man and God, no other guide but the Spirit, proceeding from both Father and Saviour, no other atonement but the death of Christ, no other sacrifice but his.

  10. It teaches that there is no mediator, no intercessor but one, Christ, and that the office of saints and martyrs is to praise God, not to intercede for mortals.

  11. Suppose that the gracious intercessor should punish her broken vow by raising her hand against the children sleeping there?

  12. And warn those who dread their being gathered to their Lord, that patron or intercessor they shall have none but Him,–to the intent that they may fear Him!

  13. The evil-doers shall have no friend or intercessor who shall prevail.

  14. When its interpretation13 shall come, they who aforetime were oblivious of it shall say, "The Prophets of our Lord did indeed bring the truth; shall we have any intercessor to intercede for us?

  15. Faith may and should also look to Christ, as an intercessor with the Father.

  16. Mediator and Intercessor for his people, John xvii.

  17. The delicacy of the position is recognized, and the intercessor and mediator installed.

  18. The Duke of Cambridge, her cousin, made an awkward effort to mend matters by bringing up the Prince again, and with the action of a friendly and deprecating intercessor presenting the delinquent.

  19. Ye have no patron or intercessor besides him.

  20. According to a tradition of Abu Horeira, the honourable station here intended is that of intercessor for others.

  21. The ungodly shall have no friend or intercessor who shall be heard.

  22. And since an intercessor is given to us above, how are we bound to be intercessors for others below, and so to be affected with the common mercies of the multitude, as to give thanks too!

  23. We have the Intercessor for tempted souls.

  24. The first word sets Jesus forth as the all-merciful Intercessor and patient friend of sinners.

  25. O for a faith that shall rend the heavens, and rise above the things seen and temporal, and behold the eternal order of the universe, the central Throne, and at the right hand of God, the Intercessor for all who love and trust Him!

  26. Lord as the Intercessor for us in all our weakness and need.

  27. We have an Advocate and an Intercessor before the Throne; His prayer is always heard.

  28. In the hour of bereavement they are employed bringing messages of solace from the Intercessor within the veil, and enabling us to "glorify God in the fires.

  29. Still the Great Intercessor "waits to be gracious.

  30. Here is the ungodly, and they have no Christ to pray for their safe conduct to glory; but the saints have an intercessor (John 17:9).

  31. Now, what can an intercessor do, if he is not able to answer this question?

  32. Confidence to the end becomes us who have such a High Priest, such an Intercessor as Jesus Christ; who would dishonour such a Jesus by doubting that, that all the devils in hell cannot discourage by all their wiles?

  33. But here now is the help and comfort of the people of God--there is to help them under all their infirmities an intercessor prepared, and at work.

  34. Let us grant Christ the pre-eminency in this, as also in all other things; for he is intercessor for his church, and makes it for them in the holiest alone.

  35. Besides, he that helps an intercessor must himself be innocent, or in favour, upon some grounds not depending on the worth of the intercession.

  36. Our petitions must be framed by the Holy Ghost, and presented unto Shaddai, not by priest or prelate, but by our Emmanuel, Jesus Christ, the only intercessor and mediator.

  37. Ali, "O King of the age, be thou my intercessor with Dalilah the Wily that she give me her daughter Zaynab to wife and take the dress and gear of Azariah's girl in lieu of dower.

  38. Then she renewed her profession of Faith before the Commander of the Faithful and said to him "Be thou my intercessor with Sharper Ali that he take me to wife.

  39. I am taught in the written word to look for no other intercessor in heaven, than one who is eternal and divine, therefore I can need no other.

  40. He who looks up to any one as an intercessor with God commits Shirk.

  41. O God, save him and make him an intercessor for us.

  42. The orthodox belief is that Muhammad is now an Intercessor and will be so at the Last Day.

  43. Besides these songs there were plays representing miracles ascribed to the Virgin, and legends without end grew up in which she was the intercessor for poor mortality.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "intercessor" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    advocate; agent; barrister; broker; connection; counsel; counselor; deputy; entrepreneur; front; intercessor; intermediary; intermediate; mediator; medium; middleman; mouthpiece; negotiator; pleader; procurator; solicitor; spokesman