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Example sentences for "interpenetration"

Lexicographically close words:
interpellations; interpenetrate; interpenetrated; interpenetrates; interpenetrating; interpersonal; interphone; interplane; interplanetary; interplanted
  1. Character is the interpenetration of habits.

  2. A subtle interpenetration of your spirit with the spirit of those "unseen existences," now so deeply and thrillingly felt by you, will take place.

  3. We know a thing only by uniting with it; by assimilating it; by an interpenetration of it and ourselves.

  4. The rest of your criticism, especially about the interpenetration of doctrine and action, is most true, and shall be attended to.

  5. On the other hand the interpenetration of the Latin and Hellenic character was, we might say, as old as Rome.

  6. This Beauty, which results from the perfect interpenetration of moral Goodness and sensuous Grace, seizes and enchants us when we meet it, with the force of a miracle.

  7. They are capable of contraction, of dilation, of partial interpenetration and distortion, but never of dissolution.

  8. The gospels of the New Testament record an unbroken succession of occurrences and of testimony to this interpenetration of life in the Unseen with that in the Seen.

  9. The entire legendary as well as sacred history is almost made up of instances of the interpenetration of the two worlds; the response of those in the spiritual world to the needs of those in the natural world.

  10. His sense of the interpenetration of body and soul is so deep that he does not for one moment let us forget how bodily his "souls" are, and how pregnant with spiritual significance is every one of their words and gestures.

  11. The German designer indulged temperamentally in the interpenetration of shafting and other vagaries of the kind, which we find in German stone carving.

  12. Indeed, these particular canopies are interesting examples of the interpenetration of architectural tracery as well as of its moderate and modest use.

  13. Indeed the idea of the Dutch cartouche, with its interpenetration of parts, and curling and projecting straps and bolts, tempts the painter to a heavy method of painting, destructive of the very quality of white.

  14. We observe how tight a hold has this most transcendental of the mystics on the wholeness of all healthy human life: the mutual support and interpenetration of the active and contemplative powers.

  15. The economic interpenetration of all nations involves us in conflicts of interest and adjustments, which require a positive national policy.

  16. Given such an economic co-operation and such an economic interpenetration of rival European nations, and the political and diplomatic conflicts would grow less acrid and dangerous.

  17. In the following discussion, the continual interpenetration and qualification of these traits by one another in a complex situation must be recognized.

  18. I have spoken of a certain interpenetration of the matter or subject of a work of art with the form of it, a condition realised absolutely only in music, as the condition to which every form of art is perpetually aspiring.

  19. With the extension of international commerce, the increase of immigration, and the interpenetration of peoples, the scene changes.

  20. The created world is the concrete manifestation of matter, through which, for its transformation and redemption, spirit is active in a constant process of interpenetration whereby matter itself is being eternally redeemed.

  21. Time is the ratio of the resistance of matter to the interpenetration of spirit," and by this resistance is the duration of time determined.

  22. Now in this process of the interpenetration of matter by spirit there must be a certain periodicity, if it is a constant process and not one accomplished once and for all time in the very beginnings of the world.

  23. The interpenetration of Matter by Spirit.

  24. Assuming then that life is an enduring process of the redemption of matter through the interpenetration of spirit, what is a possible method of action?

  25. The interpenetration of the spiritual with the material environment leaves this ponderable planet unable to check or to hamper spiritual presence or operation.

  26. Crookes the first leading man of science who seriously endeavoured to test the alleged mutual influence and interpenetration of the spiritual world and our own by experiments of scientific precision.

  27. The salvation that we preach is not the salvation by knowledge, or meditation, or merit, but by the interpenetration of Christ's spirit in ours, by the mystic and moral union of our life with his.

  28. From the early days Buddhism regarded itself as their superior and began the processes of interpenetration and absorption.

  29. A well illustrated miscellany of superstitions of all Chinese religions showing indistinctly their interpenetration by Buddhism.

  30. But this mutual interpenetration of the religious and moral ideas is still quite rudimentary.

  31. This interpenetration of the East and Hellenism, which has nowhere been carried out so completely as in Syria, meets us predominantly in the form of the good and noble becoming ruined in the mixture.

  32. This interpenetration he found to take place through films of electro-deposited nickel.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "interpenetration" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    access; admission; decoction; entrance; entree; entry; import; impregnation; income; incoming; infiltration; infusion; input; insertion; insinuation; intake; interfusion; introduction; intrusion; leakage; penetration; percolation; permeation; reception; saturation; seepage; soaking; suffusion