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Example sentences for "least some"

  • In the light of our knowledge of the origin and growth of mountain ranges of later time there is little doubt that at least some of the Archeozoic lands were raised to such mountain heights.

  • Continuous successions of strata have, however, been observed in enough places to show that they were commonly deposited layer upon layer to a thickness of at least some tens of thousands of feet.

  • Over these waters, therefore, or at least some of them, which are the subject of this monopoly, New York has no jurisdiction whatever.

  • They concurred apparently, at least some of them, with Texas, while Texas was prepared or preparing to enforce her rights by force of arms.

  • I hope he made use of at least some expressions of gratitude and respect to that gentleman, whose goodness of heart obtained this favour from his majesty.

  • Moreover, it is certain for at least some of the schools that neither the failures of the drop-outs nor the pupils who were in the class for less than a whole semester were considered in the percentages above.

  • A much more ingenious device for enabling at least some pupils to escape the repetition and yet to continue the subject was discovered in one school, in which it had been employed.

  • Moreover, I have thought that at least some of the powder must have been purchased in Flanders through the good offices of the said Captain Owen.

  • Common decency, it seemed to her, would have bade them extend to her at least some show of sympathy.

  • She knew then that she had hoped that at least some of the servants would have been gathered together to wish her God-speed; then she told herself, with the quick philosophy which was eminently hers, that it did not matter after all.

  • May I ask, may we ask, Miss Lindsay, why you have not treated us with at least some approximation to that consideration which our position obviously demanded?

  • The earlier it started, the smaller the chance of saving at least some lives.

  • Others called for non-cooperation with the Germans, and this had at least some result.

  • Though, mayhap, overstrained in many of its older forms, I fain wish the conviction, in at least some of its better modifications, were more general now.

  • In Actinopterygians and at least some Selachians a lateralis set of fibres is associated with IX.

  • Acanthias, Squatina), though apparently in at least some of these forms they no longer communicate with the Malpighian bodies or tubules.

  • Their non-occurrence in at least some of the groups where they are absent is to be explained by the presence of a large vascular yolk sac, which necessarily fulfils in a very efficient way the respiratory function.

  • The Platonic philosophy taught the necessity of a state of purification after death; [442:3] and a modification of this doctrine formed part of at least some of the systems of Gnosticism.

  • He has no university record, but was a member of the Middle Temple, and takes at least some pains to assure us that he never wrote for money.

  • It is because Shakespere has attempted this, and, in the judgment of at least some, has succeeded in it, that the spots in his sun are so different from the spots in all other suns.

  • How can we reasonably condemn anyone without at least some understanding of what made him act as the factual evidence says he did?

  • There was at least some breathing, possibly the shallow breathing of unconsciousness, but enough inhaling and exhaling and choking reflex to cause that foam.

  • What society needs is the strengthening of the socialistic tendencies by use, and a weakening of at least some of the individualistic tendencies, by control and disuse.

  • Experiments show that mental characteristics have at least some degree of independence.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "least some" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    been removed; eyes went; four pages; getting them; high plateaus; least developed; least equal; least five; least have; least not; least partially; least thirty; least twenty; least twice; least two; least when; lesser degree; mental comment; practical application; practical astronomy; social conditions; successive stages; take that; three miles from the; when pursued; wold haue