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Example sentences for "lieves"

Lexicographically close words:
lieutenants; lieux; lieve; lieved; liever; lif; life; lifebelt; lifebelts; lifeblood
  1. Nuffin she b'lieves aint gwine to hurt her.

  2. I don't know but what he'd as lieves be slartered to once as to starve, an' be hunted down out in the lots.

  3. I b'lieves a bank sol' us nex' to Marse L.

  4. I b'lieves all o' us when us dies is sperrits.

  5. All dey b'lieves in now is drinkin' an' carousin'.

  6. Wouldn't you just as lieves help me catch that black heifer--afore she gets to Pequot?

  7. I'd as lieves go the hull way alone as to snoop round, hunting folks.

  8. I allus 'lieves my master was my pappy, but I never did know for sho'.

  9. Fin'ly dey 'lieves me and puts me to work helpin' with de cannons.

  10. It's nice to think Jesus knows about it and b'lieves you, isn't it?

  11. They mought take it fur a sign agin the road, sech ez b'lieves in the witch-face givin' bad luck.

  12. If I was a mouse, I'd as lieves have a nest in one of that old cat's ears as anywhere else.

  13. I'd jest 'z lieves handle them creaturs as so many striped snakes.

  14. I'd full as lieves set here an' think about 'em.

  15. Should you jest as lieves ask Sadie or John?

  16. I guess," he said miserably, "she'd full as lieves lay here by you.

  17. Uncle John Craddock made shoes for all de grown folks on our plantation, but chillun went barfoots and it never seemed to make 'em sick; for a fact, I b'lieves dey was stouter den dan dey is now.

  18. I b'lieves in my soul he's got somebody buried up thar.

  19. Dese wristbands is made out o' cotton, and I b'lieves in my soul Aunt Peggy done dis stitchin widout any spectacles.

  20. Plenty money kin be made playin' fiddles, an' I b'lieves I could learn to fiddle ef I had a good chance.

  21. I'd as lieves be doin' this, of the two," said the farmer with a stray smile.

  22. I'd as lieves hear you talk as most things.

  23. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lieves" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.