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Example sentences for "lieved"

Lexicographically close words:
lieutenancy; lieutenant; lieutenants; lieux; lieve; liever; lieves; lif; life; lifebelt
  1. My pappy was a man what b'lieved in havin' his fun and he would run off to see de gals widout no pass.

  2. Dey b'lieved dat an old person could punish anybody by taking a piece of chip and spitting on it and den dey would throw it on 'em.

  3. Our Old Marster was a pow'ful rich man, and he sho' b'lieved in givin' us plenty to eat.

  4. I b'lieved it the fust time he come befo' lil Miss Dory was bawn.

  5. Old and young had helped with a will to make the evening a success, and at last Thursday arrived, although Prue confided to Randy that she "b'lieved it never would.

  6. Dey never did find out who killed him, but Marse Jim always b'lieved de field han's done it.

  7. But fo' long dat man tuck rale sick, en he b'lieved in conjurashun but spite everything he done he got worser en worser and fo' long he died.

  8. I said once afore that I b'lieved you was sent here, and now I'm sure of it.

  9. The feller that built 'em must have b'lieved that savin' distance lengthens out life.

  10. Some b'lieved he were de one dat killed Mr. John Gully.

  11. All 'roun' de country I was knowed an' ever'body b'lieved in me.

  12. Plenty folks b'lieved in charms, but I didn' take no stock in such truck.

  13. Des to t'ink my own gramma B'lieved dat I 'u'd steal!

  14. I'll bet you b'lieved I was a-gun' to carry dat honey for you!

  15. An' I know you tink all de time I b'lieved dere was honey here!

  16. Some b'lieved um an' some didn't b'lieve um.

  17. But she was a 'ligious woman and 'lieved time was comin' when niggers wouldn't be slaves.

  18. What would be thought of a Christian Scientist who be- lieved in the use of drugs, while declaring that they have [30] no intrinsic quality and that there is no matter?

  19. Thei lieved as beastis--They left me as beasts.

  20. Thei lieved as beastis, and as beastis thei dye: God is not with thame, nether with that which thei interprise.

  21. More folks b'lieved in the spring then than what do now, 'cause that was sebenteen year agone.

  22. The men he told it to, b'lieved every word; and they wud no more go anist Chapel Carn Brea in the night, than they wud clunk boiling lead.

  23. Could you 'a' b'lieved it, if you hadn't seen it with your own eyes?

  24. You don't say that as if you b'lieved it over an' above hard, my dear, but I do assure you that the expression means a lot to Western people.

  25. He b'lieved in helpin' 'em and he give 'em several churches and tried his best to git 'em to live right.

  26. Mistus b'lieved in lookin' atter her niggers w'en dey was sick.

  27. Papa, could you have b'lieved that of me?

  28. He told me if I'd b'lieve in Jesus as I b'lieved in Andrew Jackson, I'd pull through in the course of time.

  29. I couldn't never say much to the fellers in the saloon along around about election-times, though I b'lieved in the party with all my might.

  30. He was an old man and b’lieved he knowed more’n all on ’em.

  31. He gives an account of an old lady coming to Paine and telling him that God Almighty had sent her to tell him that unless he repented and be- lieved in the blessed Savior, he would be damned.

  32. They be- lieved everything that was miraculous.

  33. At this point, his wife told him that she be- lieved they were suffering from a visitation of God, and begged him to restore family worship, and see if God would not do something for them.

  34. He replied that some of the Friends be- lieved that she used opiates, and that they did not give credit to her statements.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lieved" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.