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Example sentences for "longeth"

Lexicographically close words:
longed; longeing; longen; longer; longest; longevity; longful; longhand; longhorn; longhorns
  1. Me longeth sore to Bernysdale, I may not be therfro; Barefote and wolwarde I have hyght Thyder for to go.

  2. And certainly in storie it is y-founde, That Troilus was never un-to no wight, 835 As in his tyme, in no degree secounde In durring don that longeth to a knight.

  3. Tis well; and hold your own, in any case, With such austerity as longeth to a father.

  4. Mistress Bianca, bless you with such grace As 'longeth to a lover's blessed case!

  5. Thei seyd thei wold do me servyse and plesans, if it lay in her powres to don owth for me, save only in that that longeth to her lordes rytz.

  6. Like as the hart desireth the water-brooks: so longeth my soul after thee, O God.

  7. My soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh also longeth after thee: in a barren and dry land where no water is.

  8. Tis well; and hold your own, in any case, With such austerity as 'longeth to a father.

  9. I shall as now do more for you Than ’longeth to womanhede; To short my hair, a bow to bear, To shoot in time of need.

  10. And dide also his othere observaunces 1345 That to a lovere longeth in this cas; And, after that these dees turnede on chaunces, So was he outher glad or seyde 'allas!

  11. For Philomene, with salte teres eke, Gan of her fader grace to beseke 2285 To seen her suster, that her longeth so; And him embraceth with her armes two.

  12. Where we were lodgers, at the Pegasus, Tis well, and hold your owne in any case With such austeritie as longeth to a father.

  13. Mistris Bianca, blesse you with such grace, As longeth to a Louers blessed case: Nay, I haue tane you napping gentle Loue, And haue forsworne you with Hortensio Bian.

  14. Item, An image of God Almighty rising out of the same sepulchre, with all the ordinance that 'longeth thereto; that is to say, a lathe made of timber and the iron work thereto.

  15. Item, Thereto 'longeth Heaven, made of timber and stained clothes.

  16. Ye must, Manhood, with all your might, Maintain holy church's right, For this longeth to a knight Plainly in every place.

  17. Think, Manhood, on substance, And put out gluttony for cumbrance, And keep you with good governance, For this longeth to a knight.

  18. As a servant longeth for the shade, as the hireling looketh for the end of his work; 7:3.

  19. He longeth and desireth all the day: but he that is just, will give, and will not cease.

  20. My fader, of tho pointz me longeth 2760 To wite pleinly what thei meene, So that I mai me schrive cleene.

  21. Bot of verray necessite The Philosophre him hath betake Fyf pointz, whiche he hath undertake To kepe and holde in observance, As for the worthi governance Which longeth to his Regalie, After the reule of Policie.

  22. And in this wyse I thenke trete Towardes hem that now be grete, Betwen the vertu and the vice Which longeth unto this office.

  23. Bot this I wolde you beseche, Beside that me stant of love, As I you herde speke above 2410 Hou Alisandre was betawht To Aristotle, and so wel tawht Of al that to a king belongeth, Wherof min herte sore longeth To wite what it wolde mene.

  24. He envieth none, because he longeth for no selfish joy; nor doth he desire to rejoice in himself, but longeth to be blessed in God as the highest good.

  25. She desireth not to receive praise for herself or her own, but longeth that God be blessed in all His gifts, who out of unmingled love bestoweth all things.

  26. My soul hath an earnest desire for Thy Body, my heart longeth to be united with Thee.

  27. The iij day longeth to sent Johan, That was Cristys darlyng, derer non, Whom he betok, whan he shuld gon, Hys moder der for hyr clennesse.

  28. O God, thou art my God; early will I seek THEE: my soul thirsteth for THEE, my flesh longeth for THEE in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is.

  29. Sir, she said, his name is Sir Phelot, a knight that longeth unto the King of Northgalis.

  30. And so he commanded a privy man of his chamber that or it be day his best horse and armour, with all that longeth unto his person, be without the city or to-morrow day.

  31. Sir King, wit ye well this shield was ordained for you, to warn you of your shame and dishonour, and that longeth to you and your queen.

  32. And therefore hath he a great cause to be of good comfort, as I say, in that he considereth that he longeth to be comforted by him who, his faith maketh him sure, will not fail to comfort him.

  33. But he that so loveth him that he longeth to go to him, my heart cannot give me but he shall be welcome, albeit that he come ere he be well purged.

  34. But here consider this: I speak here of him who in tribulation longeth to be comforted by God, and who referreth the manner of his comforting to God.

  35. And for example, first consider it in riches, and in him who longeth for them as for things of temporal commodity and not for any godly purpose.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "longeth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.