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Example sentences for "lustre"

Lexicographically close words:
lustis; lustra; lustral; lustration; lustrations; lustred; lustreless; lustres; lustrous; lustrum
  1. Viewed in this light of ultimate results an imperishable and increased lustre envelops the name of Sir Walter Raleigh as the pioneer and faithful promoter of English colonization in America.

  2. The very brilliants of his rings caught a twinkling lustre from his tremulous hands, as though to impress the beholder with the contrast between splendour and decay.

  3. Marius had an open eyeball and wanted true light; and the semi-lustre of doubt hurt him.

  4. He buttoned up his coat to the top, pulled it down so that it should make no creases, examined with some complacency the lustre of his trousers, and marched upon the bench.

  5. He was even more; he was the very incarnation of France, conquering Europe by the sword he held, and the world by the lustre which he emitted.

  6. The truth is, that we forget the artist's weaknesses, many and glaring as they are, in the lustre of his unexampled genius.

  7. So he drew on his Sunday boots, Of lustre superfine; The liquid black they wore that day Was Warren-ted to shine.

  8. Love is its own great loveliness alway, And takes new lustre from the touch of time; Its bough owns no December and no May, But bears its blossom into Winter's clime.

  9. A mighty cirque with lustre belts the mine; 46 Its walls of iron glittering into steel; Wall upon wall reflected flings the shrine Of armour!

  10. Perchance Tasso and Raphael, age to age, have given The earth a lustre more direct from Heaven Than San Gennaro, or thy Dennis, France; Or English George!

  11. Still bright'ning worlds, but gladd'ning now the hearth, Or like the lustre of our nearest star, Fused in the common atmosphere of earth.

  12. O'er crackling bushes scud the warrior train And pass with haste the solitary plain; 'Till the broad sun discover'd from afar The dawning lustre of his golden car.

  13. Sweden's glories old With added lustre to my sight unfold; He comes!

  14. Him to a room the tyrant call'd by night, Where thick and gloomy grates shut out the light; From the low roof a smoky taper hung, And wide around its fitful lustre flung.

  15. Smooth roll'd my vernal years, while on my head Fate's early smiles a meteor-lustre shed.

  16. But baleful Guilt usurp'd with fatal care A heart which Virtue had been proud to share; And turn'd to hateful dross the radiant ore, Whose lustre might have gilded Sweden's shore.

  17. In one collected beam Heaven's various rays around his temples gleam, Yet veil with dusky cloud the lustre pure, Whose fulness no archangel can endure.

  18. The size of the pupil affects the lustre of the eye.

  19. The lustre of the eye, how affected in youth and old age?

  20. From the mouth of a flying dragon depends a magnificent lustre for fifty lights, hung with festoons of brilliant glass, that twinkle like strings of diamonds.

  21. His lady was likewise attended by several young ladies of good families; so that by these noble attendants, the lustre of the new colony was restored and augmented.

  22. As it will be, she shall be companion and Queen of a great King, and her race, which is mine, shall flourish in all the lustre of the new Dynasty.

  23. The Voivodin, thinking, doubtless, Your Honour, to add a fresh lustre to her welcome, had donned the costume which all her nation has now come to love and to accept as a dress of ceremonial honour.

  24. And that high-souled being then hurled his mace of great lustre and quickly rent in twain one of the peaks of the White Mountain.

  25. And I beheld there the firmament also, decked with the Sun and the Moon, blazing with effulgence, and possessed of lustre of fire of the Sun.

  26. I should also like to hear how his name of Mandhata originated, belonging as it did to him who rivalled in lustre Indra himself: and also how he of unrivalled strength was born, for thou art skilled in the art of narrating events.

  27. And mighty and powerful and of a wrathful turn of mind, when he beheld that she had been giddy and that the lustre of chastity had abandoned her, he reproached her by crying out 'Fie!

  28. And she looked grand in the superb beauty of her form, and seemed to shed a lustre on the woodland around, like lightning illuminating masses of dark clouds.

  29. There are other beings both great and endued with energy; but none of them hath thy lustre and energy.

  30. Endued with the lustre of the Atasi flower, and decked with the mark of Sreevatsa, he seemed to me to be like the abode of Lakshmi, herself.

  31. And a thousand foremost Yakshas of reddened eyes and golden lustre and having huge bodies, and gifted with great strength, equipped with weapons and girding on their swords, followed that high-souled lord of treasures.

  32. And how did he of unmeasured lustre attain the very height of real power, since all the three worlds were as much under his subjection, as they are under that of Vishnu of mighty soul?

  33. The learned man, however, even if he be destitute of beauty, displayeth his lustre by refraining from speaking ill of others and well of himself.

  34. In vain-for see the crimson rise, And dart fresh lustre through your eyes While ruddier drops and baffled pain Enhance the white they mean to stain.

  35. We did not want your sun; it has shone here for a fortnight with all its lustre but yesterday a north wind, blown by the Czarina herself I believe, arrived, and declared a month of March of full age.

  36. The very lustre of nature is on every petal and on every feather; the eyes of the birds are as gems that emit light, and their tortuous necks are painted with a boldness which no European art can rival.

  37. In this residence some of the best effects were produced by the extraordinary lustre of color and quality of surface in the stuffs used for curtains, furniture-covers, and upholstery.

  38. This wonderful lustre was the result of some utilization of smoke in modifying the copper glaze, and was probably discovered by accident, as so many fine effects in the ceramic art have been.

  39. The shade and lustre are changeable, but the prevailing color dark red.

  40. The Italians imitated the Hispano-Moresque lustre as well as they could, but not being able to attain it exactly, they secured new tints of their own, especially a very fine ruby lustre.

  41. Within the animal kingdom, we may note that the metallic lustre is almost entirely confined to land animals; their dry skins have more chance to develop opaque parts, than the moist tissues of creatures that live in the water.

  42. It has two kinds of bristles, long and short, the former being possessed of a peculiar lustre (see p.

  43. The perspectives of Viviano Codagora, his sworn brother, receive an exclusive lustre from his figures.

  44. The treacherous but complete acquisition added lustre to his practice during life, but time has swept the sacrilegious produce of his hand, and left nothing to the memory of "Andrea degli Impiccati," but the execration of posterity.

  45. By the lustre reflected from every part of the earth and from the wide domical scoop above it, he saw that the tree was sliced down the whole length of its tall, straight stem, a huge riband of bark being apparently flung off.

  46. The pale lustre yet hanging in the north-western heaven was sufficient to show that a sprig of ivy had grown from the wall across the door to a length of more than a foot, delicately tying the panel to the stone jamb.

  47. STAR'LIGHT, light or lustre of the stars.

  48. Chafing with rage, the blood mounts and adds a lustre to her cheek.

  49. Light poured from the huge lustre in the centre of the roof, ran along the crimson velvet cushions of the boxes, and flashed upon the gilded frame of the proscenium--satyrs and acanthus scrolls carved in the manner of a century ago.

  50. The frame is old and richly carved; and the painting, bordered by its beautiful dull gold, shines with the lustre of an emerald.

  51. The light of a lamp enclosed within an alabaster vase is still lamplight, though shorn of lustre and toned to coloured softness.

  52. In the evening, violet and purple tints and the golden glow of Italian sunset lend a different lustre to the fairyland.

  53. Not only was her person most lovely, but her mind shone at first with all the amiable lustre of a modest, innocent, and winning youth.

  54. Tourneur, Ford, and Webster were so dazzled by the tragic lustre of the wickedness of Italy that their finest dramas, without exception, are minute and carefully studied psychological analyses of great Italian tales of crime.

  55. He in the front rank of politicians attracted her with the lustre of his ambition; she him with her mingling of talent and beauty.

  56. This fact gives added lustre to the no less munificent provision by the city for the gratuitous care of the sick and indigent--a care almost monopolized by foreigners, because comparatively few Americans are in a condition to need it.

  57. But Fate may not banish From memory's store, That blissful communion Of years that are flown, Nor make yet to vanish The lustre which o'er Our fond thoughts of union, So tenderly shone.

  58. Let us sit here, between the fragments of rock by the shore, in the red evening sunlight, which sheds a golden lustre on the waters of the Dal-elv.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lustre" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.