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Example sentences for "monkish"

Lexicographically close words:
monkeyed; monkeying; monkeyish; monkeys; monkies; monks; monkshood; monnaie; monnaies; monny
  1. It is true, the monkish chronicler is not always quite so scrupulous in this particular as would be desirable,--especially where the honor of his order is implicated.

  2. Perhaps he thought it would redound to the credit of the emperor, that he should have been willing to exchange the splendors of a throne for a life of monkish mortification.

  3. Even so slight a contact with the material realities of life as this interest in the will had put him completely out of tune with the monkish mood.

  4. But do you mean not to try to--Oh, Phil, doesn't it ever come to you that all this monkish business is a mistake?

  5. The Imperial family, it is said, have no affection for the monkish orders; indeed, the feeling of dislike is mutual.

  6. It is pleasant to know we are disappointed, in that we never dreamed we might see portions of the actual Temple of Solomon, and yet experience no shadow of suspicion that they were a monkish humbug and a fraud.

  7. Quicker than thought, quicker than the lightning's flash, fifty monkish habits disappeared, and fifty knights in splendid armor stood revealed!

  8. The monkish chroniclers, from whom we are obliged to glean a narrative of this memorable campaign, bear full evidence to the terror which the Saracen invasion inspired, and to the agony of that great struggle.

  9. His alarum clock, while he knelt in his narrow, monkish little room--ticked the evening hour away into darkness.

  10. Her cousin's face at that moment was almost abhorrent to her, its gentle perplexed goodness darkened and warped by that monkish look.

  11. About his own bodily care and enjoyment, even with all his conviction of Christian liberty and his hostility to monkish scruples and sanctity, he cared very little.

  12. How different the monkish Latin sometimes is from the classic may appear in the use of the two words os and bucca for mouth, or os frontis and glabella for the frontal bone.

  13. Goths under Alaric, and at the instigation of monkish fanatics.

  14. St. Augustine likewise shared this monkish opinion, as Luther himself had formerly pointed out.

  15. Harnack adds: “Towards God he remained humble; this humility was, however, couched in a language which must have affrighted the monkish devotees.

  16. In his work “On Monkish Vows” he declares: “The monks have divided Christian life into a state of perfection and one of imperfection.

  17. For the monkish chronicler was, we know, the Father of Lies, and so indeed in a measure are all historians and biographers, since they cannot see into hearts and motives or know all the circumstances of the case.

  18. It was a great change from monkish doggerel like this to the French dramas, which, after being first played privately at the houses of some of the nobility, soon reached the general public, and created the demand for a theatre.

  19. The Jews of Alexandria, moved by warm sympathy for their suffering co-religionists, fraternally welcomed the unhappy fugitives from Judaea, the victims of monkish fanaticism.

  20. Johannsen caused some of the crusaders to be executed, an act strongly reproved by the monkish chroniclers.

  21. The Karaites seem to have had no ability to get beyond beginnings; certainly not Sahal, who was possessed by sombre, monkish piety.

  22. No obedience to monkish precepts governed his mind.

  23. The Christian chronicler who furnishes these details records that the king fell by the sword of Julian, but this is too much of a monkish morality to be true.

  24. Naturally the monkish chronicles have unmercifully vilified him.

  25. The friars were astonished; their consciences told them that Gabriel's words were but too true, that a monkish life was not in conformity with the will of God, and that no one could dispose of their persons better than themselves.

  26. Despite occasional lapses prompted by the hot blood of his years and punished with harsh disciplinary measures, he seems to have performed his monkish duties with sufficient zeal.

  27. In fact our whole education is tainted with the monkish spirit.

  28. Such had been the legend in the days of those monkish chroniclers in whose credulous pages Monsignor Perrelli, incredulous himself, had discovered a mine of curious information.

  29. His monkish garb was soon encrusted with orders and decorations, no State function was complete without his presence, no official appointment, from the highest and lowest sphere of government, was held to be valid without his sanction.

  30. Pious use was constantly made of this science, especially by monkish preachers.

  31. John of Winterthur describes many such processions in Switzerland in the thirteenth century, and all the monkish chronicles speak of them.

  32. The monkish encyclopedists of the later Middle Ages added little to these theories.

  33. That state of things led to the appearance of St. Benedict, a renowned reformer of monkish life (ante, p.

  34. St. Benedict was born in 480, and gave a fresh impetus to monkish communities and devised better laws.

  35. Of all the incentives to monkish industry none excelled that used by Theodoric, abbot of St. Evroult, and stated ante, p.

  36. The English monkish chroniclers have also a legend of St. John and King Edward the Confessor.

  37. He was a rigorous reformer of the monkish fraternities, and this excited violent complaints.

  38. His psalms and hymns, however, animated his monkish companions, and were the occupation and delight of all the earnest believers, and all his thoughts and emotions were rigidly Trinitarian.

  39. He soon became prior and afterwards abbot, and was the life and soul of all the best monkish work.

  40. A band of unarmed monks dressed in monkish habits had once struck knights and their followers with such awe, that they dismounted and fled panic-stricken.

  41. And that you should liefer pore over crabbed monkish stuff with yonder old men!

  42. These stifling fumes we bear Of royal incense and of monkish snuff, Of corpses in romantic cloak and ruff, Are bad for morals and for lungs: Fresh air!

  43. Within the monkish cowl his eyes gleamed with a fierce expression which surprised me.

  44. Marmor Norfolciense; or, an essay on an ancient prophetical inscription in monkish rhyme, lately discovered near Lynn, in Norfolk.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "monkish" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.