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Example sentences for "moorings"

Lexicographically close words:
moored; moorfowl; moorhen; moorhens; mooring; moorland; moorlands; moors; moorside; moory
  1. The 'Torment' ran for Howth, whence she was helped back to her moorings by a friendly tug, which was sent later on to her assistance.

  2. A yacht shall be considered to be on her load-line when she lies adrift from her moorings in smooth water, without crew, with all sails set and racing gear on board.

  3. They would break the old moorings of home and strike out new careers, or vent their souls in efforts and dreams of reconstructing the political, industrial, or social world.

  4. Development is less gradual and more saltatory, suggestive of some ancient period of storm and stress when old moorings were broken and a higher level attained.

  5. In this significant fact we realize how modern woman has cut loose from all old moorings and is drifting with no destination and no anchor aboard.

  6. Every sail the vessel would bear had been kept set, and she seemed to skim over the sea in fair weather, and to battle bravely in foul, to get back to the little river and her ancient moorings beneath the trees.

  7. The evening was now beautifully still, the breeze had died away, and the balloon was swinging calmly at her moorings above the farmhouse.

  8. The ill-found island traders ride there with their insufficient moorings the year through, and discharge, and are loaded, without apprehension.

  9. Thus secured, they were tolerably safe, though single heavy waves would uproot piles and moorings together, to obviate which two or three piles were generally set at the same time, and well bound together by powerful cross timbers.

  10. This strong crew was necessary, in case the vessel should accidentally drift from her station, and to enable them to light or lift their moorings after every gale of wind.

  11. It appears that Winstanley and his party made single journies every time from Plymouth, and had not any store-ship lying at moorings as a place of constant retreat.

  12. Mr. Tassard, if we could burst this body of ice by an explosion from its moorings ahead of the bowsprit, where it is all too compact, this cradle with the schooner in it will go free of the parent body.

  13. Sun, therefore, told his rowers to leave his moorings and to make fast alongside Li Chia's junk.

  14. At the fifth watch the sailors untied their moorings and began to haul their anchors, singing at their work.

  15. When the breadth of scarlet bunting Puts the wreath of maple on, I must cheer too,--slip my moorings With the ships of gray St. John.

  16. Like a bird in from the storm-beat, As the summer sun goes down, Slows the schooner to her moorings By the wharf at Digby town.

  17. We had barely found our moorings when five natives came in a canoe, the middle one vigorously baling the water out of the craft.

  18. We had barely found our moorings when a boat from the man-o'-war came alongside, steered by a young Spanish officer, who bore as much arrogance in his demeanour as there was to be seen gold lace and brass buttons upon his uniform.

  19. The harbour was crowded with shipping, and as we moved into our moorings at ten o'clock, we were cheered by the sailors and soldiers on board the men of war in the harbour, as well as from the batteries on either side.

  20. In the morning of the 5th, the cutter swamped at her moorings aftern; the oars and tiller washed out of her, and were lost.

  21. Her men have all been impressed by the Men-of-War in the Downs, and other hands were put on board to bring her up to her moorings in the River.

  22. The Hermine and Emerillon were towed to safer moorings in the quiet St. Croix, and with the pinnace and a small company of men Cartier set out for Hochelaga.

  23. Just before the moorings were cast off he bade goodbye to Mr. Hamilton and the other officials.

  24. Her wash caused the New York to break her moorings and drift into the Channel.

  25. The farther the Republic drifted from the old moorings of the equality of human rights, the more numerous became the judicial and legislative utterances in conflict with some of the leading features sought to be re-established by this bill.

  26. If Mr. Stephens had maintained his original devotion to the National idea, a noble course lay before him; but when he drifted from his moorings of loyalty to the Union he surrendered the position that could have given him fame.

  27. The sailor who has fought for his country, Jack, has much to be thankful for when he takes in moorings at Greenwich Hospital.

  28. But fortune or Allah had not finished the "strong affliction" whereby Mahomet was forced to cast off from his moorings and venture into strange and perilous seas.

  29. It was as if the little fleet of human souls had finally cast its moorings and ventured into the unpathed waters of temporal dominion under the command of one whose skill in pilotage was as yet unknown.

  30. Some rascals cut her loose from her moorings at Brig Island.

  31. But as she had remained at her moorings in the isolated cove this was not, of course, necessary.

  32. As the Swan was brought up to her moorings at the Staithe the boys who were assembled on the green before the front of the house rushed down to inspect the strange boat and then to claim acquaintanceship with Frank and Jimmy.

  33. Frank brought the yacht up to her moorings in his best manner, and in a few minutes they were ashore.

  34. It but cuts my moorings for whatever winds are blowing.

  35. Then when those feet had come and the old life had returned, then from aloft you would hear the old cry of Ship-ahoy, and you would know that at last your house had again slipped its moorings and was off to Madagascar or the Straits.

  36. A general feeling of uneasiness had been excited as soon as it was known that the "Startler" had left her moorings to go in search of the two escaped prahus.

  37. The moorings were then let drop, and the tackle so arranged that the boat could be hauled towards the beach without the necessity of their first going on board.

  38. Several pieces of rock, of a size which they could lift on board, had been got ready, afterwards to be bound together, so as to form moorings of a sufficient weight to hold the boat.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "moorings" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.