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Example sentences for "must remember"

  • I must remember that I resolved upon what I am going to do deliberately and coolly.

  • Primitiveness, we must remember, does not depend on antiquity of date.

  • We must remember that, in so early a group, personal descent as such was in no way recognised.

  • The Roman year, we must remember, began with March, and March, as we have seen, had under the military necessities of the State become peculiarly appropriated to the religious preparation of the burgher host for warlike activity.

  • If he came back to us we must remember that to treat him fairly we must suppose him on a level with the knowledge of our own time.

  • It means something, because it confirms those other experiments of which it was a copy; but we must remember that a hundred negatives don't settle such a question.

  • To justify Clement in his estimate of the danger of such an experiment, we must remember that to young people in their teens a first passion is a portentous and unprecedented phenomenon.

  • He must remember, that induction proceeds from the smaller to the greater; deduction, from the greater to the smaller.

  • These were the leading views of a system which, we must remember, exercised great sway in the scientific world, and won over to its side minds of considerable power.

  • Yes, Sir, ye may have Bishops here, but ye must remember to make us all equall; make us all Bishops, els will ye never content us.

  • It is not, we must remember, a matter of conscious and voluntary action.

  • To do this is, in a sense, we must remember, not a step backwards, but a step forward.

  • We must remember, moreover, that his doctrines were scientifically heterodox, and the University Professors of that day were probably quite as ready to condemn them as the Church was.

  • Concerning the method of Kepler, the mode by which he made his discoveries, we must remember that he gives us an account of all the steps, unsuccessful as well as successful, by which he travelled.

  • We must remember that an excess of systematizing crushes instead of developing originality, and that it is all too easy even in the kindergarten to turn children into machines incapable of acting when the guiding hand is removed.

  • We must remember, however, that there are those whose lives are denials of this divinity.

  • We must remember, too, that there are thousands and thousands of homes, into which absolutely no literature of any kind ever penetrates except the weekly, and it may be stray copies of the daily newspaper.

  • It was not, however, to be expected that any single legislative act would permanently strangle such a parasite,--for we must remember that it is an easy and a highly remunerative calling.

  • We must remember, that for our sakes Jesus had become subject to all the pains of hunger, fatigue, cold, &c.

  • The Jewish houses, as we must remember, were only one story high; and in the flat roof was an opening, leading directly to the room below.

  • To encourage us to fight against the Devil, we must remember that he has no power over our souls but what we give him, by wilfully sinning against God.

  • To account for so great an inequality we must remember that in Eastern warfare it was in the pursuit that by far the greatest amount of slaughter took place.

  • But now, we must remember, the second element of the chastisement of which Nathan testified, had come upon him.

  • The Psalms, we must remember, were avowedly composed and designed for use in the worship of God.

  • For we must remember that it was with reference to the spirit in which he was to rule that David was called the man after God's heart, and that he formed such a contrast to his predecessor.

  • If we really want to know what the world is, we must remember that it preferred a robber to Christ, and crucified between two thieves the only perfect man that ever lived.

  • Now, while we cannot too strongly deprecate that form of self-examination which frequently genders doubt as to the fact of the soul's acceptance, yet we must remember that self must be judged or we shall break down altogether.

  • Crude enough seem such devices to us to-day, yet we must remember that we are in close chronological touch with those very times.

  • The total amount of merchandise carried in these picturesque caravans of the prairies was perhaps not so great as we should imagine, though we must remember that a dollar was larger then than it is to-day.

  • Texas, we must remember, was not yet a state, and little answer was made to the wail of the thrifty traders, who besought the United States government to give them protection against the Texans.

  • Walker; for we must remember that in 1832 the Santa Fe trail had really seen its best days.

  • He should be very careful in choosing her, to insure that she will not bring him into contempt among his neighbors; and he must remember that if a good wife be a prize, it is not possible to get a worse plague than a bad one.

  • Against the express command of Zeus, Prometheus gave men fire; and though this act seems innocent enough, we must remember that, according to Genesis, Adam lost Eden by merely plucking an apple.

  • We must remember, in reading the speeches of the Messenger, that this is absolutely the first page of Greek history.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "must remember" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    given internally; must acknowledge; must allow; must assume; must away; must belong; must contrive; must either; must endeavor; must fall; must feel; must insist; must introduce; must judge; must just; must know; must love; must refer the reader; must remain; must remark; must return; must say; must wait; never can; verum etiam; whose family