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Example sentences for "neighborliness"

Lexicographically close words:
neighbor; neighbored; neighborhood; neighborhoods; neighboring; neighborly; neighbors; neighbour; neighboured; neighbourhood
  1. It was a conviction of these principles of friendliness and neighborliness that led to the first social settlements.

  2. The resultant social life constitutes a most intense organization in which voluntary and conscious combination matures in instinctive union embodied in blood relationship, neighborliness and economic union.

  3. The land-farmer type came to maturity only when the whole of the land was possessed, when on every side the family group was confronted with other family groups, and neighborliness became universal.

  4. Another fact to bear in mind is that the ties of neighborliness and mutual dependence among the poor can be weakened by a charity that leaves such natural and healthful relations out of account.

  5. His neighbors and companions are in no position to protect him from the foes I have mentioned, but their neighborliness is none the less genuine.

  6. But if you enlarge the problem till it covers the moral fellowship of nations, and if you postulate that as a safeguard of future peace and neighborliness in the world, then the outcome of the Treaty takes on a different coloring.

  7. But owing to various causes, especially to Baron Sonnino's opposition, these inchoate sentiments of neighborliness quickly lost their warmth and finally vanished.

  8. Many general customs existed in the early colonies which were simply exemplifications of neighborliness put in legal form.

  9. It is good for the medical students to live in close neighborliness with this bit of actual service.

  10. She and I shared the long seat of the small second-class compartment, and in that close neighborliness I soon fell to wondering.

  11. In spite of the dirt, the darkness, the unsanitary conditions of this house, the thriftlessness and ignorance of the tenants, there is a spirit of neighborliness in it that puts the critical to blush.

  12. Riis House No 50 Henry Street, New York] Of home and neighborliness restored it is the pledge.

  13. Theirs was a real neighborliness that roamed unrestrained and without prejudice until brought up with a round turn at the barrier of traditional orthodoxy.

  14. These gatherings promote neighborliness and afford the farmers and their wives and children a little break in the monotony of their toilsome lives.

  15. Protectionist feeling was strong at Washington, and the currency problem absorbing, and hence this broad and statesmanlike essay in neighborliness could not secure an hour's attention.

  16. In fact, neighborliness is the essence of Altrurianism.

  17. We must make the most of this habit, which presumably is derived from the neighborliness and comradeship of our original colonial life.

  18. The old colonial spirit of coöperation and neighborliness with which we started has been (speaking relatively again) neglected.

  19. Now, this comparative isolation of the plantation life made visiting and neighborliness doubly grateful and, hospitality and the spirit of kindness became almost proverbial in Virginia.

  20. Such customs added to the social solidarity of the people, and gave each New England community a neighborliness not excelled in the far more vari-colored life of the South.

  21. The realization depends entirely upon the conception the woman in a particular house has of this side of her Business--whether or no she sees neighborliness in this big sense.

  22. Neighborliness is based upon the Christian and democratic proposition that all men are brothers--a proposition with which the sects and parties of Christianity and democracy often play havoc.

  23. Yet there was often more neighborliness and sociability than in later years.

  24. At length, in the beginning of May, with the help of some of my acquaintances, rather to improve so good an occasion for neighborliness than from any necessity, I set up the frame of my house.

  25. There were half a dozen indentations in the bleak and rugged coast, each a little valley guarded by cliffs on both sides, the natural obstacle to neighborliness that made enemies of the clans.

  26. As population has decreased in all the valleys the people have moved down from the upper heights to districts nearer the sea, for neighborliness and convenience.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "neighborliness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    amity; bonhomie; congeniality; generosity; geniality; kindness; liberality; love; neighborliness; sociability; warmth