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Example sentences for "other sections"

  • It would be of interest to note the curious conditions and formations of the soil in other sections, but we must pass on to other views.

  • Speaking of other sections of the country, Livingstone tells us that he found some portions capped by a conglomerate rock mixed with iron.

  • Many of the rivers make such intricate wanderings as to lose themselves in one section to reappear again in other sections, but under different names.

  • Most of these have been driven off to other sections, just as the Indians of America have been driven out by the white man to seek new hunting grounds.

  • The same forces were probably active in other sections of the island, and the intrusion of Diorite porphyries in Santa Clara and other provinces probably took place during that period.

  • The softening and continual crumbling away of the rock have formed a rich soil on which grows a wonderful wealth of tropical vegetation, unlike anything known to other sections of Cuba, or perhaps to the world.

  • Similar superficial deposits are met in the vicinity of Cienfuegos, and in other sections of the island, where the plain forms a piedmont adjacent to highlands composed of silicious rocks.

  • We, indeed, find effigy mounds in other sections, but they are of rare occurrence.

  • This class of works was formerly common not only in Ohio and Western New York, but they were also to be observed in other sections of the country.

  • This is but another modification of the same idea which, in other sections of this area developed into the communal pueblo.

  • We believe that similar results will attend the careful exploration in other sections.

  • By other sections it is considered sufficient, if Vigneswara worship is performed at the marriage booth.

  • They neither interdine nor intermarry with other sections of the community, and have become an independent section thereof.

  • They do not give their girls in marriage to other sections of Brahmans, and they do not allow their women to leave Chidambaram.

  • Though mining had taken place on other sections of the western front, as at Hill 60, it was in this forest area that it was probably brought to its highest development.

  • Matters had not gone any better at other sections of the beach.

  • For months the heavy fighting in the east had centered on other sections of the immense battle line, running from the Baltic to the Carpathians.

  • Milwaukee is to be commended for her failure to manifest that spirit of modern vandalism which, in other sections, has sacrificed the relics of a by-gone age and people to the fancied utility of civilization.

  • Two years previous all who could get away from the apparently doomed town had gone to other sections, to begin anew the fight for fortune.

  • Ever since Canada has passed into the hands of England they still hold their own, and exercise an influence over the people, and display a magnificence in their edifices and appointments, unknown in other sections of America.

  • Other sections complain of the Commune with some bitterness.

  • Other sections consent to elect, but without consenting to give power of attorney.

  • Similar superficial deposits are met in the vicinity of Cienfuegos, and in other sections of the Island, where the plain forms a piedmont adjacent to highlands composed of silicious rocks.

  • The softening and continual crumbling away of the rock have formed a rich soil on which grows a wonderful wealth of tropical vegetation, unlike anything known to other sections of Cuba, or perhaps in the world.

  • The same mineral has been discovered in other sections of the province, but owing to lack of transportation facilities, but little effort has been made towards mining it.

  • It is true that within each of these sections there were areas which were so different as to constitute almost independent divisions, and which had close affiliations with other sections.

  • By these fraudulent and corrupt operations, enormous estates were obtained in New Mexico, Colorado and in other sections.

  • Such rebellious movements are highly contagious; from the confines of one municipality they sweep on to other sections, stimulating action and inspiring emulation.

  • In other sections close to the equator one would fall from sunstroke did he not wear a helmet or some other heavy head-covering.

  • Industrial museums are also found in other sections of the city.

  • The trains on that road were not as good as some we had traveled on in other sections of India, but sleeping berths were included with the equipment.

  • I pass now to the consideration of other sections of the crystal, and of the refractions there produced, on which, as will be seen, some other very remarkable phenomena depend.

  • In Eastern Pennsylvania the species is single-brooded, and the same may be said of other sections of the country which the birds frequent.

  • When better understood they will be shown to be in other sections as abundant breeders as they are in New England and the Middle Atlantic States.

  • This segregation is aided on one hand by the difficulty of securing houses in other sections of the city, and on the other, by the desire of negroes to live where they have greatest political strength.

  • In some sections there is an oversupply of such labor; in other sections a shortage.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "other sections" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    certain distance; grape juice; human judgment; other cases; other cities; other considerations; other course; other departments; other diseases; other fruits; other good; other groups; other kinds; other liquid; other lives; other localities; other material; other method; other products; other talk; other terms; other tribes; other world; other worlds; others said; otherwise than