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Example sentences for "poked"

Lexicographically close words:
poisson; poitrine; poivrade; poke; pokeberry; poker; pokers; pokes; pokeweed; poking
  1. He looked up with a haggard smile, then bent over the fire and poked the ashes with a pointed palmetto stem.

  2. It broke so suddenly that he fairly yelped as the Dione poked her white beak seaward.

  3. At last, when I dared go no farther, I made them bring me a long stick, with which I fished up two or three fine manuscripts, and poked them along towards the door.

  4. At length someone poked his head round the traverse--to discover "Pongo" sitting on the sandbag recently vacated by Corporal Bateman, trying to balance the bomb on the point of a bayonet.

  5. When he had eaten weakly for a space, he closed his eyes in order not to see her, although again and again she poked them open to peer at the blue of them.

  6. Remained Balatta, who, from the time she found him and poked his blue eyes open to recrudescence of her grotesque female hideousness, had continued his adorer.

  7. John poked to the fence and sniffed at a spray of lilac blossoms till the neighbor called over, "Nice evening.

  8. Carrying his groceries and the bottle of ink he poked down the stairs from the hall at seven minutes after nine.

  9. Mrs. Tyarck leaned over the counter, her face poked between rows of hanging black stockings, taking on a look of bland counsel.

  10. A marine poked his head over the taffrail.

  11. She even poked one bare foot down at the leaping beast, and waved her leg in provocation.

  12. As we passed the kitchen a couple of maids poked their heads inquisitively through the half-open door, and stared at me, as they winked and nodded furtively to each other, as if they had never in all their lives seen a man before.

  13. I haven't got any mother, you know;" and Laurie poked the fire to hide a little twitching of the lips that he could not control.

  14. Amy followed, but she poked her hands out stiffly before her, and jerked herself along as if she went by machinery; and her "Ow!

  15. At first, every one was eager to write, and plump envelopes were carefully poked into the letter-box by one or other of the sisters, who felt rather important with their Washington correspondence.

  16. With her parasol the girl poked at the carpet.

  17. Jack Ness, as he poked his head from behind a tree.

  18. And the station master poked his finger into the mass.

  19. And he backed away with all possible haste, while some of the students poked each other in the ribs and some laughed outright.

  20. He could not see it, but when he had poked among the bushes and cried 'Skat!

  21. He came back to the kitchen- door, poked his stick through the glass which formed the upper panel, and then putting his hand through the hole, he turned the key, and so stumbled into the obscurity of his own hall.

  22. I could scarcely eat or sleep, and grew so thin that the bones nearly poked through my pelt.

  23. I nearly got away, but as my head poked up under his arm the girl caught hold of it.

  24. Just then another hound, that one which generally led the pack, began to sniff about near me and finally poked its nose under the stuff which hid me.

  25. Tobie poked him in the stomach, and said: "Look you!

  26. Better than that: someone sang him a song that was written about him at Pontoise, in which they poked fun at him about his accident; for I can tell you now what it was that that jackass was so afraid people would find out.

  27. Then a watchmaker was fetched in, and after he had talked a lot, and poked and examined the inside a great deal, he managed to put it in something like working order again.

  28. Brownies either poked their fingers through the openings or held their hands against them to prevent the escape of water.

  29. Suddenly the Policeman who was still prowling stealthily around poked his club in a dark, out-of-the-way corner into something flabby which at once emitted a queer, cackling shriek so uncanny that everyone jumped back in fright.

  30. Dragonfel grinned most provokingly, and his myrmidons fairly shook with glee, while the Demon Usher cackled his exultation, and poked the Red Spirit on his elastic ribs.

  31. I poked my empty gun at his stomach, and he turned, receiving a second afterwards a Dum-dum in the small of his back.

  32. He rolled his head from side to side, swished his tail, poked his nose into every bunch of grass, then stopped and stood broadside on.

  33. Donald's companion tapped his forehead significantly, and, turning his face away, stalked over to the fire and poked it vigorously.

  34. Well, he tried to shoot me--crept up close to a log I was lying behind, and poked his Ironstick over it, thinking I was asleep.

  35. The lad now poked out a cabbage-stalk, and the giant, having cut it with his knife, concluded that the lad must be fat enough, his flesh seemed so soft.

  36. The lad knew what he wanted; so instead of putting out his finger he poked out a little peeled alder twig.

  37. A slatternly maid poked her head in through the open door.

  38. Out of her just-closed door Mrs. Finshriber poked a frizzled gray head.

  39. A large pad, or bag filled with sand, was poked into the back of my head, round which the hair was gathered tight, and the whole tied round with a leather thong.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "poked" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.