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Example sentences for "puzzle"

Lexicographically close words:
puttinge; puttis; putts; putty; puttyng; puzzled; puzzledly; puzzlement; puzzler; puzzles
  1. It would puzzle Hagan to find no paper stuck under his table when he came to look for it!

  2. More vaguely, the squire's puzzle was his also.

  3. The puzzle of that strange character he could not solve, but one thing became clear to his mind.

  4. The puzzle of Java, Sumatra and Borneo is like the three geese and foxes: I have a wish to extend Malacca through Banca to part of Java and thus make three parallel peninsulas, but I cannot get the geese and foxes across the river.

  5. A Lightning-Calculation Trick By means of a simple arrangement of numbers, a calculation can be made which will easily puzzle any unsuspecting person.

  6. The difficulty of the puzzle is to get the ball into the hole.

  7. Illustration: The Strips of Leather Sliding through the Stitches Make the Puzzle Part of the Purse] To open the purse, take hold of each side on the purse part and draw the pieces apart.

  8. Mayo stared after her, wrinkling his forehead for a moment, as if he had discovered some new vagary in femininity to puzzle him.

  9. I have too much of it myself, and the material down in that fish-house would puzzle even a doctor of divinity.

  10. Metaphysicians have amused themselves, in all ages, with the puzzle about the many and the one.

  11. This at once opens the amazingly difficult question of moral merit, and the power of poor-law officials to solve problems which would certainly puzzle the keenest psychologists.

  12. Such a rule of three would certainly puzzle me, and, I fancy, most other observers.

  13. His elder brothers used to set him up on a table and try to puzzle him with questions, which he could often answer mentally before they had worked them out on their slates.

  14. Philosophy) an attempt was made by later writers to weave a scheme of thought which should serve to satisfy the cravings of mortals for some definite solution of the puzzle of life.

  15. In days to come other boys would sit where he was sitting, and gaze and puzzle over that rude legacy, and, if dreams came true, might be proud enough to sprawl their elbows where a famous man had lolled.

  16. I tried to puzzle it out, but gave it up in despair, and set the matter aside until night should bring an explanation.

  17. It was fixed down so strong it's a puzzle to me entirely!

  18. Why, yes; but I am plagued sometimes: the names of the flowers puzzle me sadly.

  19. Rose peeped over his shoulder at it, and then turned to the arithmetical puzzle in her hand with a sigh of despair.

  20. Only that man who should come to woo her in a chariot drawn by a wild boar and a lion might ever marry Alcestis; and this task was enough to puzzle even a king.

  21. Is there any need to puzzle one's head over the decline of the drama, then?

  22. Sadie," the little girl who made it, is three years older than I am, but I have studied geography the last two years, and I think I can find out any geographical puzzle she can make.

  23. Your puzzle is very neatly and correctly made; but we can not use it, as we have recently published one with the same solution.

  24. It was a bewildering puzzle to her, who knew Jack to be the kindest fellow in the world.

  25. Such a puzzle made constant private talks necessary, in order to think out a clue.

  26. In the evening the company arrived, and the girl asked me to hold a bank till supper was ready; but I declined, with a burst of laughter that seemed to puzzle her.

  27. The puzzle had shifted into place indeed.

  28. Can it be that, after all, space and circumstance are but pieces in a puzzle to which the key is lost, so that, playing blindly, we are startled by the click which announces the falling of some corner of the puzzle into place?

  29. The flash of understanding on her face showed that she, at least, had shifted part of the puzzle into place.

  30. Sometimes he would pause and look stupidly at his right hand, as if in puzzle of its emptiness.

  31. Christ comes again as He journeyed with His Apostles, the bright wise comrade, fitting earth to heaven in the puzzle of the spheres.

  32. It nearly choked me, to the horror of my mother, and the astonishment and almost incredulity of everybody; and it is a phenomenon in my existence, for I was not eight years old, which has puzzled and will puzzle me to the latest hour of it.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "puzzle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    puzzled expression; puzzled frown; puzzled look