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Example sentences for "rehearsing"

Lexicographically close words:
rehearsals; rehearse; rehearsed; rehearses; rehearseth; reheat; reheated; reheating; reherce; reherse
  1. Accordingly, the cardinal dean wrote him officially, rehearsing the law of the church about the residence of bishops, warning him that he had now been too long absent without permission, and inviting him to return.

  2. I thought you were rehearsing for some play, and as I came along I thought I might as well get the scene, even if it was only a rehearsal.

  3. Third, that Penelope had heard them rehearsing their hocus-pocus, like actors rehearsing a play.

  4. Early as was the hour, the business of the morning had commenced, and many of the actors engaged in rehearsing a new play.

  5. Our last fortnight in Philadelphia has been one of incessant and very hard work, rehearsing every morning and acting every night.

  6. I have a new nurse, and I am rehearsing for her, poor woman!

  7. These, together with rehearsing every morning, and acting four times a week, besides my journal, which I very seldom neglect, make up a good deal of daily occupation.

  8. I work very hard, rehearsing every morning and acting every night, and spending the intervening time in long farewell rides round this most beautiful and beloved Edinburgh.

  9. While we were rehearsing Mr. Bartley came and told me that the play, "Francis I.

  10. And just as we are about through rehearsing that piece, and about to film it, too.

  11. Miss Pennington and Miss Dixon, who were already rehearsing for another play, looked over at the two enthusiastic sisters, and shrugged their shoulders.

  12. He was again rehearsing a tense scene with the Montague girl.

  13. The rehearsing orator glanced up to discover that the director and the sunny-faced brown and gray man he called Governor were smoking above the plates of their finished luncheon.

  14. Polly out in the kitchen was rehearsing her woes to Solomon.

  15. They drove slowly about, Warren rehearsing stories of this and that place, and wishing there was more time so they might go over to Charlestown.

  16. One more point before this part of rehearsing is dispensed with: amateur productions suffer largely from a lack of continuous tension and variety.

  17. The producer, the head under whose guidance the entire work of rehearsing and organization should lie, is called the director.

  18. A very little rehearsing will soon make it necessary to arrange the furniture, and so on, in a manner more pleasing to the eye and more convenient to the actor.

  19. First, the director goes through the play and plans in a general way what the action is to be, but only by rehearsing his cast on a particular stage and under specific conditions, is he able to know every detail of the action.

  20. The management and rehearsing of crowds or large groups is considered under "Rehearsing" (p.

  21. Since the stormy episode on the day when the Second Form girls were rehearsing for their morris dance, Ida Bridge had detested Netta.

  22. A good deal of latitude was allowed to those rehearsing for the various performances, and though Gwen could not claim that excuse for exemption, she managed to make a little work spin out a long way without incurring reproof.

  23. They had been rehearsing since noon; the probabilities were they would continue long past midnight.

  24. Seems he had the privilege of rehearsing her for a five-side part in that punk show of Jack Matthias', that went to pieces out on the Coast last Summer.

  25. It was funny to see Toole and Henry rehearsing together for "Macaire.

  26. While we were rehearsing "Romeo and Juliet" I remember that Mrs. Stirling, a charming and ripe old actress whom Henry had engaged to play the nurse, was always groaning out that she had not rehearsed enough.

  27. I don't think you were rehearsing for the book," he said quietly, an undercurrent of humor in his voice.

  28. Mebbe you folks are rehearsing a scene from that story," he observed quietly.

  29. He often did it in his study when his gentle wife thought he was rehearsing next Sunday's sermon.

  30. They're rehearsing for the Pageant of Progress down at the Library.

  31. Our bunch has been rehearsing five weeks without salaries, and with the excessive taxicab rates we got no money to spend on clothes to wear to the ball, and the wardrobe mistress keeps an awful tab on the costume hampers.

  32. And for the musical numbers, as we are rehearsing forty-two songs, some of them ought to go.

  33. I was rehearsing it in my apartment this morning with Estelle, but she was so rotten as the comedian that I took away the last $5 I gave her for a tip.

  34. I tried it once when I first got my fortune, but life became so monotonous and I got so fat that I had to start rehearsing in order to get back to my former self.

  35. After rehearsing all day Tuesday we were allowed to walk up and down Pennsylvania avenue and get acquainted.

  36. No, there isn't much doing except that some of the girls are rehearsing for the soul kiss contest, but I personally do not have to advertise.

  37. The dancer was on the stage rehearsing a new step.

  38. He seems to have endured the rapid and disquieting increase in his malady, an inevitable consequence of the exertions and excitement attending the rehearsing and conducting of so many large concerts, with surprising patience and resignation.

  39. They were able, through the intervention of the Privy Council, and on the old excuse of rehearsing plays for the Queen's entertainment, to occupy the inns for a large part of each year.

  40. This was partially owing to the circumstance that I had solaced the many lonely hours of my bachelorhood in acquiring by memory and rehearsing many scraps of poetry.

  41. They been rehearsing ever since you left.

  42. They're sick of rehearsing and rehearsing when nobody knows if we'll ever open.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rehearsing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.