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Example sentences for "remanent"

Lexicographically close words:
remaking; remand; remanded; remanding; remane; remark; remarkable; remarkablest; remarkably; remarkeable
  1. It results from this arrangement that, under the action of the current, the polarity due to remanent magnetism does nothing but increase.

  2. To the Reverend and Honourable Moderator and remanent Members of the Generall Assembly of Scotland, conveened at Edinburgh in May 1644.

  3. To the Moderator and Remanent Members of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland.

  4. To the reverend and right Honourable the Moderator and remanent members of the Generall Assembly of Scotland, conveened at S.

  5. To the reverend and honourable Moderatour and remanent Members of the General Assembly of Scotland, conveened at Edinburgh, Aug.

  6. As an instance of this, we may adduce the following extracts from a paper entitled, "The desires of the brethren of the Protesting judgment in the Synod of Perth under-subscribing, unto the Moderator and remanent members of the Synod.

  7. The letter is addressed on the back, "For the very Reverend and honoured of the Lord, the Moderator and Remanent Brethren of the Presbytery of Kirkcudbright.

  8. The only remanent express of Christ's sacrifice on earth.

  9. That little hope that is remanent hath its degree according to the infancy or growth of the habit.

  10. The oration of king Egelred to the remanent of his souldiers.

  11. The oration of king Egelred to the remanent of his souldiers.

  12. Estaitis deis, the remanent foirchosen be thame sall name are uther of the said nomber of twentie foure.

  13. Thus said Drances, and all the remanent Tharto annerdis with haill voce and consent.

  14. And joys to streik hys snawy top on hycht Vp in the ayr amang the skyis brycht: That is to say, amang all other wightis 15 Eneas semyt to surmontyn in hyghtis The remanent of all the mekill rowt, As thir montanys excedis the knollys abowt.

  15. Befor the laif, as lodis man and lard, And al his salis vp with fellon fard, Went Palynure; and hail the remanent Was chargit hald the sammyn cours and went.

  16. Thus endit he; and all the remanent Intill a voce sammyn gave thar consent: Quham the reuthfull Eneas with glaid cheir Ressauyt hes full tendyrly infeir; And, in few wordis and a frendly mynd 25 Thame ansuerand, he carpys on this kynd.

  17. And understandis that the band wes with the remanent letters, and putt in the castell be george dalgleis.

  18. He only 'understands' that the band was 'with the remanent letters, and put in the Castle by George Dalgleish.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "remanent" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    left; leftover; net; odd; outstanding; over; remaining; spare; superfluous; surplus; unused