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Example sentences for "unused"

Lexicographically close words:
unua; unufoje; unum; unus; unusable; unuseful; unusquisque; unusual; unusually; unusualness
  1. Tact and innate refinement, though of the greatest assistance to one unused to society, do not suffice of themselves; and although counting for much, cannot supply the want of the actual knowledge of what is customary in society.

  2. People unused to society are apt to fall back upon the above adventitious aids.

  3. I give you my word of honour, sir, I gather nothing; my mind is quite unused to such prolonged exertion.

  4. And something of all this gleamed in his eyes as he gazed up at her--and Theodora, all unused to the turbulence of emotion, was troubled and moved and yet wildly happy.

  5. Don't let these other odious women put pin-points into her, because she is so innocent, and all unused to this society.

  6. He was, he said, most pleased with everything, and if they were a little unused to such company, still nothing could be more cordial than Sir Patrick's treatment of him.

  7. But Cecilia Webberly was quite unused to blushing, though she might sometimes redden with passion, and was equally unconscious of her striking inferiority to her unstudied companion.

  8. The whole of Sir Henry's household, unused to such an appropriation of the Sabbath, was thrown into disorder.

  9. The distillery was in an old unused chapel at the very bottom of the Canons' garden, and no one, not even the Prior himself, had a right of access.

  10. But, sadly, his confessional remained unused except as a larder for spiders.

  11. The reason for this is not altogether on account of the wonderful feats of Tesla's model turbines, but because in them he has shown the world an entirely unused mechanical principle which can be applied in a thousand useful ways.

  12. Bootes, they say, fled away, though encumbered with his plough, and all unused to rapid motion.

  13. You need not, however, suppose that the Saracen king found any advantage in this; for a young page, unused to horsemanship, could not have failed more completely to manage Bayard than did this accomplished knight.

  14. Being unused to the ways of sick women, he wondered as the train ran down the descent from the Allegheny Mountains how long a time was required to know any human being entirely.

  15. But there were, in their Quarter, some old, unused wells, which they cleaned out and made available, though the water obtained in this way was neither pure nor healthful.

  16. Through them, all that she was feeling struggled to find an outlet; but, too deep for words, those feelings would not pass her lips, utterly unused to express emotion.

  17. To be sure, he did not know that he felt shame, being unused to introspection, having always kept it at arm's length.

  18. This moment of passage from wonder to wonder was quite too much for a boy unused to introspection, and he stood staring stupidly at Calais, while the thunder of his new life came rolling in on that passionate moonlit dream.

  19. For to her gentle soul, unused to action, shrinking from violence, whose strength was the gift of the ages, passed into it against her very nature, the resolution she had formed was full of pain.

  20. A 21-year old tailor, unused to marching, went into the field in August.

  21. He explained the episode of the apples on the basis that they were all really hungry and that he had sought to encourage his comrades who were unused to war.

  22. Schmidt watched her, comprehending as no one else did the sudden revelation to the young woman of the power and charm of her beauty and the primal joy of unused weapons.

  23. From the mother's race he had spirit, courage, and a reserve of violent passions, the inheritance of a line of warlike nobles unused to recognize any law but their own will.

  24. It is as unused to neglect as any young woman.

  25. The doctor at last gave up, unused to resistance.

  26. A holy man--one unused to the ways of the world, and who travels from shrine to shrine in the performance of sacred vows.

  27. The path was stony and rough, and their naked feet, unused to such places, were sorely bruised and cut in descending the rugged track by which, through the most intricate and gloomy ravines of the hills, they were guided.

  28. Unused to such scenes, he could only feel that his word would pass him free from all suspicion, and that his father's rank and good faith were above question.

  29. Daley pulled open a drawer, tugged at an unused switch, which creaked protestingly; then the brief alarm clang that heralded the fall of the forty gates sounded in the distance.

  30. Fire away at your targets as much as you like, but do not harm any living creature," said Miss Celia, as Ben followed armed and equipped with her own long-unused accoutrements.

  31. How to care for this large number of refined young women, unused to the hardships of camp life, was a serious problem.

  32. They are all the time overborne by the apathy of fear, of unused powers, of suppression and depression.

  33. How could you believe it, even you, unused to the world though you are?

  34. He clung and she could not release herself without doing what she had thought was impossible--exert her unused hands in striking, thrusting, beating off.

  35. Greetings and introductions over, the unused arm-chair was brought out from its lair in the corner.

  36. That his tastes made him solitary she gathered from the chair's comparatively unused and unworn companion, lurking and sulking in the corner where it had been thrust aside.

  37. It reached some hitherto unused function of perception in his brain.

  38. So unused to all but the even flow of life, and finding herself thus suddenly in a morass of apprehension, the poor creature's mind was floundering helplessly.

  39. Their sufferings were very great because, of course, they were totally unused to work of any kind.

  40. But being totally unused to carrying anything but their own weapons, they proved deplorably inefficient as porters, and after a time, so intolerable to them did the labour become, the work of carrying the girls devolved upon Yamba and myself.

  41. Unused to men they could never understand.

  42. Because she was a forest girl, unused to flattery, the warm color grew in her brown cheeks.

  43. Nurse thy lord with woman's kindness, and his brothers, where ye go, Young in years in Sahadeva, gentle and unused to woe!

  44. Then Tetchen was summoned to take away the all but unused plates.

  45. And all the while the dreadful thunder breaks, Within the hollow circle of the hills, With gathering might, that angry echoes wakes, And earth and heaven with unused clamor fills.

  46. With unused trembling hands, and faltering feet, She staggers forth, her lot assigned to meet.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unused" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.