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Example sentences for "remaking"

Lexicographically close words:
remainest; remaineth; remaining; remains; remake; remand; remanded; remanding; remane; remanent
  1. With this as a settled policy then, the United States Government had to work out some scheme for the remaking of these fugitives coming into its camps.

  2. Philadelphia presented then the most striking example of the remaking of these people.

  3. The individual is to be the bearer of civilization; but this involves a remaking of the civilization that he bears.

  4. Indeed it is only through such application and such remaking that truths retain their freshness and vitality.

  5. It saved the German Empire and is remaking Italy.

  6. The Kaiser had destroyed both Hague Conferences as influential forces in the remaking of the world; and in the autumn of 1913 he had taken on a more belligerent attitude than ever.

  7. I hope so," Philip replied, "for he has been remaking me.

  8. And without doubt," said the Doctor, "'twill be the remaking of Caleb.

  9. Describe the method of changing sheets and remaking a bed while the patient is in it.

  10. Rubbing the back and legs with alcohol, giving a tepid sponge bath, remaking the bed or changing her position may help to soothe her.

  11. They have agreed to take him for one month and concentrate upon his remaking all their years of conserved force, to the end that he may be fit for adoption in some moral family.

  12. Cy has been so occupied in remaking the morals of the five orphans quartered upon him that he hasn't caused any trouble at all.

  13. I talked yesterday with one of the men whose voice was most potent at that time: a man whose heart was then aflame with the idea of remaking China.

  14. The comparative view of the world is what is bringing about the remaking of China.

  15. Vast changes are in progress, and even as I write this, the revolution in China, foreshadowed in the chapters written by me from that country, is remaking the political life of earth's oldest empire.

  16. It is a comparative view of the world that is remaking the empire.

  17. The remaking of the house was very interesting.

  18. This does not have the sole object of making profane subjects communicate with sacred beings, but it also keeps these latter alive and is perpetually remaking and regenerating them.

  19. It has its share in the feeling of comfort which the worshipper draws from the rite performed; for recreation is one of the forms of the moral remaking which is the principal object of the positive rite.

  20. But food is constantly remaking the substance of the organism.

  21. He began by remaking men and by training individual citizens.

  22. Hence his intense interest in the saving and remaking of men and women.

  23. We can retain and transmit our own heritage only by constant remaking of our own environment.

  24. Custom would have provided needed objective and substantial ballast, and personal rationality or reflective intelligence been treated as the necessary organ of experimental initiative and creative invention in remaking custom.

  25. Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America.

  26. Profound and powerful forces are shaking and remaking our world, and the *urgent* question of our time is whether we can make change our friend and not our enemy.

  27. Starting TODAY, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America.

  28. What do you understand by the remaking of human nature?

  29. Further, as self-consciousness varies, the amount or degree of this remaking activity will vary.

  30. The role of Napoleon was not confined to overturning the world, changing the map of Europe, and remaking the exploits of Alexander.

  31. With a little more malleability, the ancient monarchy would have been slowly transformed as it was elsewhere, and we should have avoided, together with the Revolution and its consequences, the heavy task of remaking a national soul.

  32. It must also give to them all its hoarded knowledge of the inner life of prayer and contemplation, of the remaking of the moral nature on supernatural levels: all the gold that there is in the deposit of faith.

  33. Thus the educationist, if he be convinced, as I think most of us must be, that all isn't quite right with the world of mankind, has the priceless opportunity of beginning the remaking of humanity from the right end.

  34. This need for the conversion or remaking of the instinctive life, rather than the achievement of mere beliefs, has always been appreciated by real spiritual teachers; who are usually some generations in advance of the psychologists.

  35. And to pay it he saw that he must begin by remaking himself, before he could give her anything worth the having.

  36. A new branch of industry has lately risen there—that of restoring or remaking old lace.

  37. Toward its repairs the good king Charles V contributed, and Louis XI bore the expense of remaking the small transept.

  38. Its fall necessitated the remaking of the last two bays of the nave and of the damaged western doors during the early XIV century.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "remaking" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accommodation; adaptation; adjustment; alteration; amelioration; apostasy; betterment; break; conversion; copy; defection; degeneration; deterioration; deviation; difference; discontinuity; divergence; diversification; diversion; diversity; duplication; fitting; imitation; improvement; mitigation; modification; modulation; overthrow; qualification; realignment; rebirth; rebuilding; reconstruction; reform; reformation; regeneration; reissue; remaking; renascence; renewal; renovation; reorganization; repetition; restoration; resurrection; reversal; revision; revival; revolution; shift; switch; transition; turn; upheaval; variation; variety; worsening