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Example sentences for "reissue"

Lexicographically close words:
reioysing; reipublicae; reis; reisenden; reisst; reissued; reissues; reit; reiterate; reiterated
  1. The year 1728 was marked by the reissue of the "Life and Adventures" as "The Supernatural Philosopher .

  2. New editions of it seem to have been demanded at regular intervals for some twenty years after its first production, and it appears to have had during the same period a relatively equal reissue in the United States.

  3. In the year 1818 followed the three-volume selection of essays from the Friend, a reissue to which reference has already been made.

  4. The Sibylline Leaves, as this reissue was called, had been intended to be preceded by another volume of verse, and "accordingly on the printer's signatures of every sheet we find Vol.

  5. The poem created something like a furore, and sold a large reissue of the number of the Morning Post in which it appeared.

  6. His publishers are to be congratulated on the critical acumen that prompted them to reissue Bierce's stories in a new popular edition.

  7. Publication was made in New York by Victor Audubon; and there was a reissue of some parts of the work at least, as vol.

  8. You will be informed by the report from the Treasury Department of the measures taken under the act of the last session authorizing the reissue of Treasury notes in lieu of those then outstanding.

  9. There was a reissue in 1638 of the first edition, and a second edition the same year, which last is in Harvard College and the Prince libraries.

  10. A reissue of the 1641 edition with the imprint altered.

  11. Another reissue of the 1641 edition, with a new title-page.

  12. A reissue of the 1607 edition, with the date altered.

  13. He was wavering about an American expedition, and Mr Chapman was all the while advocating a cheap reissue of his novels.

  14. If the trustee has a right to reissue these notes now, I can see no reason why it may not continue to do so after the expiration of the two years.

  15. The British cancel and destroy their bills when once paid: we are to reissue ours, like common bank notes, until worn out with use.

  16. Their reissue is sanctioned by no law and warranted by no necessity.

  17. That the old bank had no right to issue or reissue its notes after the expiration of its charter can not be denied, and that it could not confer any such right on its substitute any more than exercise it itself is equally plain.

  18. If the United States be responsible in their stock for the payment of these notes, their reissue by the new corporation for their own profit is a fraud on the Government.

  19. The present volume has been put together in accordance with this plan; and my best thanks are due to the proprietors of The Times for permitting the reissue of the letters in a collected form.

  20. In point of fact they were a mere reissue of articles drawn by the well-known jurist Francis Lieber, and, after revision by a military board, issued in April, 1868 by President Lincoln.

  21. On November 6 the pacification was completed by the reissue of the Great Charter in what was substantially its final form.

  22. February, 1860, for an improvement in Reaping Machines, being a reissue of reissued Letters Patent No.

  23. April, 1857, being a division and Reissue of original Letters Patent No.

  24. April, 1857, which last mentioned patent was a division and reissue of original Letters Patent No.

  25. A reissue of the report summarized above was published, in cloth, in 1905.

  26. The dates refer to the reissue and extended reissue of the Bachelder and the A.

  27. Upon becoming owners of the Morey and Johnson patent, Singer applied for a reissue which covered this type of yielding pressure.

  28. Although this point had not been claimed in the 1849 patent, the established principle of patent law allowed that a novel device introduced and used in a patented machine could be covered by a reissue at any time during the life of the patent.

  29. When Bean secured a reissue of his patent in 1849, he had adapted it to use a straight needle.

  30. However, when I reissue forth, I find that he has disappeared.

  31. The bag itself has, I believe, retired into the decent privacy of a cupboard, nor is it much more likely to reissue thence than was one of the frail nuns built into the wall in the old times likely to come stepping out again.

  32. A reissue of Hours of Idleness, Newark, 1807.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reissue" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    circulate; copy; critique; duplicate; duplication; edition; elaboration; engrave; fill; imitation; impress; impression; imprint; issue; iterate; iteration; letterpress; mimeograph; offset; pad; practice; print; printing; proof; prove; publish; pull; rebirth; rebuild; rebuilding; recapitulate; recapitulation; recital; recite; reconstitute; reconstruct; reconstruction; recount; recounting; reestablish; refound; regenerate; regeneration; rehearsal; rehearse; reissue; reiterate; reiteration; remake; remaking; renascence; renovate; renovation; reorganization; reorganize; repeat; repetition; reprint; reproduce; reshape; restate; restoration; restore; restructure; resume; resurrect; resurrection; retail; retell; review; revise; revision; revival; revive; run; stamp; strike; summarize; summary; utter