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Example sentences for "edition"

Lexicographically close words:
edit; edita; edited; editing; editio; editiones; editions; editor; editorial; editorially
  1. A brief biography of Thomas Campbell was also written about this time, as introductory to an edition of "Gertrude of Wyoming.

  2. He wrote an abridgment of it, which he presented to his generous publisher, and which was a very profitable book (the first edition of ten thousand copies sold immediately).

  3. It was an expansion of a biographical and critical sketch prefixed to the first volume of a new edition of Irving's works which began to appear in 1880.

  4. For "that" the original edition has "which.

  5. The original edition has "grasping" instead of "groping.

  6. Dear ones: Underwood says in his biography of Lowell: "In the privately printed edition of the poem the names of eight of the poet's kindred are given.

  7. A collected edition of Mann's writings, together with a memoir (1 vol.

  8. There is no uniform edition of his works, but a list of them will be found in his Obras morales, and the various editions are set out in Innocencio da Silva's Diccionario bibliographico portugues.

  9. In the 1803 edition he introduced the new element of the preventive check supplied by what he calls "moral restraint," and is thus enabled to "soften some of the harshest conclusions" at which he had before arrived.

  10. The best edition of the Coplas is that issued by R.

  11. This was an alliance which augured well of the Giunta for the future of the Aldines, especially as Aldo had recently found time to publish a new revised edition of Velleius Paterculus.

  12. In 1792 he was prosecuted for publishing an edition of the Lettres de Mirabeau a Sophie, but was acquitted.

  13. The first printed edition and translation of the Sidra rabba, by Matth.

  14. In 1723 a later edition appeared, including An Essay on Charity and Charity Schools, and A Search into the Nature of Society.

  15. Mackail, late Fellow of Balliol College, who read over the Republic in the Second Edition and noted several inaccuracies.

  16. There have been added also in the Third Edition remarks on other subjects.

  17. In the preface to the first edition I expressed a strong opinion at variance with Mr. Grote's, that the so-called Epistles of Plato were spurious.

  18. In publishing a Second Edition (1875) of the Dialogues of Plato in English, I had to acknowledge the assistance of several friends: of the Rev.

  19. NOTE The chief additions to the Introductions in the Third Edition consist of Essays on the following subjects:-- 1.

  20. The researches of Mr. Waters, which were published just after these volumes in the first edition had passed through the press, enable me to give the Washington pedigree with certainty, and have turned conjecture into fact.

  21. For, in the first edition of the Index referred to, that of 1584, the particular index at the end, under O, gives the fol.

  22. A new and revised edition of a very varied, learned, and amusing essay on the subject of bells.

  23. Captain Thompson, in the Preface to his edition of Andrew Marvell's works in three vols.

  24. While on the subject of Marvell, let me express a hope that we may soon have a new and better edition of his works than the cumbrous but incorrect and incomplete edition published by Thompson.

  25. There is a copy of one edition of this Index in the British Museum, but I cannot find the passage to which Bp.

  26. Mr. Brewer's very satisfactory edition of so important a volume as that of Cosin on the papal doctrine of transubstantiation.

  27. He lived to give a third or fourth edition of it, and after having passed his hundredth year, died without pain or agony, and like one who falls asleep.

  28. The first edition was published by the author at Padua, in 4to, A.

  29. In 1502 Aldus produced the first "pocket" edition in his new "italic" type, probably cut from the handwriting of his friend Bembo.

  30. See the "Notice" by Viennet prefixed to the fourth edition of Daru's Histoire de la republique de Venise (9 vols.

  31. To this edition are appended the works of the Presbyter Diocleas, Thomas of Spalato and other native chroniclers from the 12th century onwards.

  32. The first edition with woodcuts is that of Boninus de Boninis (Brescia, 1487).

  33. An edition of his Theatre choisi, with a preface by F.

  34. In the days of Italian humanism, a scholar might call almost any book a codex pervetustus if it supplied new readings for his edition and its script seemed unusual.

  35. The references are to Keil’s critical edition of 1870, but the readings are verified from Merrill’s apparatus.

  36. We could perhaps hope for absolute proof in a matter of this kind only if another page of the same manuscript should appear, bearing a note in the hand of Aldus Manutius to the effect that he had used the codex for his edition of 1508.

  37. The changes in the second edition are few and are largely confined to the correction of obvious misprints.

  38. See Rostagno in the preface to his edition of this manuscript in the Leyden series, and for the Pliny, Chatelain, Pal.

  39. This is apparently the view of Keil,[52] who would agree at any rate that Aldus made special use of the ς editions and who also declares that p is the fundamentum of r as r is of the edition of Pomponius Laetus.

  40. The fable of Perrette stands in the seventh book, and was published, therefore, for the first time in the edition of 1678.

  41. But historically I was entirely wrong, as will be seen from the last edition of Curtius’ “Grundzüge.

  42. Jones are hardly ever consulted by Sanskrit scholars, while Colebrooke’s essays are even now passing through a new edition, and we hope Sir Edward Colebrooke will one day give the world a complete edition of his father’s works.

  43. I may quote one or two of these which are not given in the collected edition of his writings.

  44. The writer of the Introduction to the 1833 edition of John Collier's "Tummus and Meary" makes a wide claim for the antiquity and universality of the Lancashire dialect in England in the past.

  45. Offutt began to publish a daily edition of the News, hitherto a semi-weekly, making it strongly Democratic.

  46. After all such material as could be saved from the ruins had been assembled, an abridged edition of the volume once planned was issued.

  47. The revised edition to be furnished at the discretion of the Committee on Supplies to schools where this book is used.

  48. Chase's or Lincoln's Horace, or any edition approved by the Committee on Text-books.

  49. The revised edition to be supplied as new books are needed.

  50. The only complete edition of these interesting documents is that edited by David Laing, Esq.

  51. In the Preparation of this the Fifth Edition of the Glossary of Architecture, no pains have been spared to render it worthy of the continued patronage which the work has received from its first publication.

  52. The present educational enterprise of this company was started in May, 1904, and the first two schoolbooks of the present list were a school edition of The Man Without a Country, and the series known as the Wide Awake Readers.

  53. Ford has given us a most interesting and historically valuable account of the oldest American schoolbook, The New England Primer, prepared and printed by Benjamin Harris of Boston, the second edition appearing in 1691.

  54. Another book was prepared by Caleb Bingham, the first edition of which was printed in 1799.

  55. Meanwhile I did duty as a cadet with the gallant 41st regiment, to which the English edition of "Wacousta" was inscribed, and was one of the guard of honor who took possession of the fort.

  56. Come, Wentworth, give us a second edition of the sortie firing; I know no man who understands pointing a gun better than yourself, and this eighteen pounder might do some mischief.

  57. Ehrenberg quotes another even more pithy passage, which I have not been able to find in any edition of the Systema accessible to me: "Sic lapides ab animalibus, nec vice versa.

  58. This anecdote, in the preceding Edition of the Tour, was told, inaccurately, as belonging to the Caxton's edition of the Recueil des Hist.

  59. Another edition of the same romance, printed at Rouen, without date, by the widow of Louis Costé, 4to.

  60. This work is a Latin and German Vocabulary, of which a good notion may be formed by the account of the second edition of it, in 1469, in a certain descriptive catalogue.

  61. This volume forms a part only of the first Aldine edition of the Nichomachean ethics of Aristotle.

  62. In all probability the first edition of the author by Ulric Han, and perhaps the second in chronological order; that of Mentelin being considered the first.

  63. There is a fine copy of this very rare edition in the Public Library at Cambridge.

  64. Renouard, in his recent edition of the Annals of the Aldine Press, vol.

  65. I do not at this present moment remember to have seen another copy of this edition of the work.

  66. This is the famous edition about which all the Journals of Europe have recently "rung from side to side.

  67. A man who had been standing by the door listening to the conversation now came forward with a copy of an early special edition of the Pall Mall Gazette in his hand.

  68. Mr Bilch evidently regarded his shaft that each fresh edition might contain a new country imposing a tax humorously, but several comrades looked towards the Home Secretary enquiringly.

  69. By this measure he supplied Tindal with money, enabled him to print a new and correct edition of his work, and gave great scandal to the people, in thus committing to the flames the word of God.

  70. There were but five hundred copies printed of this first authorized edition of the Bible; a book of which there are now several millions of copies in the kingdom.

  71. In 1851 an edition of his poems in two volumes, with a memoir and letters, was published by Pickering.

  72. This edition is well got up, the type is clear, sharp, and legible, and the size convenient for the reader, and appropriate for the shelves of a bookcase.

  73. This is a most admirable edition of the works of this popular author, convenient in size, and handsome in appearance.

  74. The Sixteenth Volume of the New and Illustrated Edition of THE WORKS OF G.

  75. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "edition" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    arrangement; collection; copy; draft; draught; draughtsman; draughty; edition; hymnal; impression; issue; library; libretto; music; notation; number; opera; part; printing; reading; rendering; rendition; revision; score; series; songster; text; transcript; transcription; version; volume

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    edition page; edition volume; editiones principes