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Example sentences for "resurrection"

Lexicographically close words:
resurgence; resurgent; resurrect; resurrected; resurrecting; resurrectionem; resurrectionists; resurrections; resurvey; resuscitate
  1. A little further on he says: "If there be one fact recorded in Scripture which is entitled, in the fullest sense of the word, to the name of a Miracle, the Resurrection of Christ is that fact.

  2. Mozley points to the life of sacrifice and suffering of the Apostles as a remarkable and peculiar testimony to the truth of the Gospel miracles, and notably of the Resurrection and Ascension.

  3. Gospel to which we have already, in passing, referred: "For I know that also after his resurrection he was in the flesh, and I believe he is so now.

  4. It is evident that the resurrection of Lazarus, for instance, is as contradictory to complete induction as the resurrection of Jesus.

  5. If the Resurrection be merely a spiritual idea, or a mythicized hallucination, then our religion has been founded on an error.

  6. There are still extant some apocryphal writings in the form of official reports made by Pilate of the trial, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus,(4) but none are of very ancient date.

  7. Ignatius: "For I know that also after his resurrection he was in the flesh, and I believe that he is so now.

  8. In the case of restoration to life, the mere statement of the death and assertion of the subsequent resurrection exclude all need of details.

  9. He showed me the true meaning of those words, 'In the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.

  10. I believe in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, amongst other reasons, because I do not understand how it was possible for the Church to exist for a week after the Crucifixion, unless Jesus Christ rose again.

  11. The very fact that they continued disciples at all, and that there continued to be such a community as the Church, demands their belief in the Resurrection as the only cause which can account for it.

  12. There are two principles at work in the resurrection of the dead.

  13. The fact of His Resurrection, indeed, would not declare His divinity; but the Resurrection of One who had spoken such words does.

  14. The Resurrection is the corner-stone of the whole Christian faith.

  15. So the bare historical declaration of a death and a resurrection is transmuted into a gospel, by that which is the most important part of the Gospel, the explanation of the meaning of the fact--'He died for our sins.

  16. He rose; therefore we, if we trust Him, may partake in His Resurrection and in some reflection of His glory.

  17. All this that I have been saying, and all the blessed strength for ourselves and calming in our sorrows which result therefrom, stand or fall with the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

  18. The resurrection is promised for all mankind, but it may be a resurrection in which there shall be endless living and no glory, nor any beauty and no blessedness.

  19. They were ill-grounded in regard to the very fundamental doctrines of the faith, as all Paul's argumentation about the resurrection proves, and so they needed to be bidden to 'stand fast in the faith.

  20. Else why do you suggest that Honor would be less astonished to hear of this resurrection than you and I are?

  21. Christopher's resurrection would not practically prove so far-reaching as Mark Endicott and Stapledon had imagined, for none existed with any right to question the facts.

  22. A hyena would convince a Sadducee of the Resurrection of the Dead--the worst sort of Dead.

  23. A fact which explains to me the coolness, I may almost say the indifference, of Bonaparte to the resurrection of Poland is that the commencement of the Consulate was the period at which that measure particularly occupied his attention.

  24. This pretended resurrection of morality by Bonaparte is excessively ridiculous.

  25. The incorrigible emigres required another lesson, and the temporary resurrection of the Empire was inevitable.

  26. Christ's resurrection and the resurrection of the dead are events so necessarily related that, "if the dead rise not, Christ was not raised up.

  27. But the fact of Christ's resurrection was substantiated by so many witnesses, who saw him alive after his death, that we may with certainty infer, according to this doctrine, that the dead will rise.

  28. On the principle of regarding, for application in this argument, the whole of the Canonical Scriptures as authoritative, it is legitimate to refer to the Book of Revelation for information respecting the resurrection of the dead.

  29. Satan, after their resurrection at the end of the thousand years, and gathered together in warfare against the beloved city, they were devoured by fire from God out of heaven.

  30. But Scripture nowhere asserts that their spiritual state differs at their resurrection from what it was at the time of their death; rather, it negatives this assumption by describing their state in the interval as that of "sleep.

  31. In proof of the general diffusion of such knowledge we may cite the response of Martha to the Lord respecting the resurrection of Lazarus, "I know that he shall rise again at the resurrection in the last day" (John xi.

  32. Although Scripture speaks of a first resurrection and a second death, it makes no mention of a second resurrection.

  33. It is, however, to be observed that the argument of the apostle in the passage just quoted is expressly addressed to those who have faith and knowledge, and cannot be adduced in proof of the doctrine of the resurrection of all men.

  34. It would thus appear that a definite interval of long duration is interposed between the resurrection of the just and the unjust.

  35. If we consider the impression made upon his contemporaries, we find that his miracles and resurrection failed to convince those best qualified to analyze evidence.

  36. They do not depend upon direct Revelation or the Miracle, the Incarnation or the Resurrection of Jesus from the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea.

  37. If you are disobedient now, then in the morning of the resurrection you might even desire, rather to remain in your grave, so that you should not have to look into the face of Him whom you have disobeyed and offended.

  38. Yes, we commemorate the resurrection of Christ from the dead.

  39. I am sure that no boy nor girl here would want that, on the morning of the resurrection his or her body should refuse to obey God's voice when He shall command the dead to come forth from their graves in life and beauty.

  40. So at Easter time we properly turn to the cemeteries where rest the bodies of our loved ones and know that the long winter of death and decay shall eventually give place to the promised resurrection of life and beauty.

  41. Soon all the trees will put forth their leaves and then beauteous blossoms and sweet fragrance will tell of the spring time as the resurrection period of the year.

  42. Let the flower of the hills bloom ungathered upon it, and the dew of heaven rest untrodden on its turf, till he, who is the resurrection and the life, shall appear, and the grave give back its trust.

  43. The morning dawned, but the slumbers of Anne were never to be broken, till the resurrection morn.

  44. With the next portion of the fragment the narrative of the resurrection may be said to begin: 28.

  45. If thou wilt keep the observation of my word, I will raise thee up in the resurrection of the dead, and set thy feet walking between the two cherubim.

  46. Here commences an account of the resurrection very different in every respect from that in our canonical Gospels, and the treatment of a tradition in some points necessarily common to all is evidently independent.

  47. This resurrection of the saints "that were sleeping" is associated by Eusebius with the descent into hell,(112) and it is not improbable that the first Synoptist had it in his mind.

  48. They believe that the author will be compelled on the Resurrection Day to indue with life the sacrilegious counterfeit presentment.

  49. In every conceivable respect they stand in the greatest contrast to the Resurrection of Christ.

  50. The facts of our Lord's chief miracles and Resurrection were such, that the nearer men lived to the time the more impossible it would have been for them to have suspended their judgment.

  51. A man who was twenty-five years old at the time of the Resurrection of Christ would scarcely be reckoned an old man at the time of the destruction of Jerusalem.

  52. His Resurrection and appearance to His Apostles gathered together (found only in SS.

  53. Jerusalem, so full of bitter enemies of Christ, was the last place in which His Resurrection was likely to be promulgated.

  54. For the truth of this miraculous Resurrection there is at least a thousand times more evidence than there is for any historical fact which is recorded to have occurred 1,800 years ago.

  55. It is simply a theological difficulty, the same in all respects with that which is involved in the application of these very words to the Resurrection of Christ by St. Paul, in Acts xiii.

  56. Take the miracle of miracles, the seal of all that is supernatural in our religion, the Resurrection of Christ.

  57. To explain the difficulty of the Resurrection of bodies which in death resolve themselves into their separate elements, Cudworth assumed that they would not appear in their substance as a body of flesh, but in some ethereal form.

  58. In this resurrection of taste and genius, they derived their immortality from the imperishable soul of their composition.

  59. If, in that last journey, ye tread on a serpent in the way, and thereby wound your heel, as Jesus Christ did before you, the print of the wound shall not be known at the resurrection of the just.

  60. There is nothing now between me and the Resurrection but 'This day thou shalt be with Me in paradise.

  61. Therefore, drink, and believe the resurrection of your son's body.

  62. As I have heard of the death of your daughter with heaviness of mind on your behalf, so am I much comforted that she hath evidenced to yourself and other witnesses the hope of the resurrection of the dead.

  63. Much deadness prevaileth over some; but there is much life in Him who is the Resurrection and the Life to quicken.

  64. The boatswain's resurrection seemed an omen of good fortune.

  65. An eager crowd surrounded the boatswain to hear him explain this marvelous resurrection from the deep.

  66. For in the resurrection they [the saints] shall be as the angels of God in heaven" (Matt.

  67. The minister of God consoles him with the thought of immortality and the resurrection of the body.

  68. But he seems to have overlooked how much essential evangelical doctrine it expresses, and how much it is imbued with its spirit; that it testifies to the resurrection of Christ and the atonement.

  69. Priestley, the eminent Unitarian, said that the actual resurrection of Jesus Christ is more authentically attested than any other fact in history.

  70. In the upper half of the great arch are represented the Crucifixion, and on the right side Christ before Pilate and Christ bearing the Cross; on the left the Burial and Resurrection of Christ.

  71. Have they never found the peace of believing, the utter quiet of the spirit in the confidence of a certain hope which belongs to those who have grasped the meaning of the resurrection of the dead?

  72. We can think of a time between death and the resurrection in which we shall be incomplete, but that is tolerable because it is disciplinary and temporary and looks on to our restitution to full humanity in the resurrection at the Last Day.

  73. It is interesting to note that people who do not believe in the resurrection of our Lord, do not believe in our survival as human beings, consequently do not believe in a heaven that is of any human interest.

  74. Just what is the difference that death and resurrection have made, we hear them discussing.

  75. And it is precisely the doctrine of the assumption of our Lady which contributes strong support to the Christian doctrine of the resurrection of the body.

  76. What in these first days the resurrection meant to them was no doubt just the return of Jesus.

  77. These Forty Days that intervened between our Lord's resurrection and ascension must have been utterly bewildering in the experience of the Apostles.

  78. We understand that it is now a body fitted for the new conditions of the resurrection life, and we also understand that it is the exemplar of what our risen bodies will be.

  79. For those others there was this of excuse,--they did not know Jesus risen, they did not know the power of the resurrection life.

  80. Have they heard the message of the first Easter morning, the angelic announcement of the resurrection of Christ?

  81. There shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust.

  82. In the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.

  83. They that have done good go unto the resurrection of life.

  84. They that have done evil go unto the resurrection of damnation.

  85. Martha saith unto Him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day.

  86. He looked with aversion at the smiling, self-complacent ass whose resurrection tangled his plan.

  87. Thus in those wondrous days of the long ago Job caught the shining of the morning star, heard the trumpet of the first resurrection and caught the vision of the Second Coming of his Lord.

  88. The resurrection from the dead, the transfiguration of the living, the judgment seat of Christ, the judgment of the living nations, the consequent judgment of the white throne, the rewards of the righteous and the punishment of the wicked.

  89. If He rose at all it was as the principle of righteousness and truth, whatever such a resurrection may mean.

  90. The Jesus who on the Sunday night of His resurrection did meet these disciples in the upper room and said to them as they shrank back into a frozen silence of hope and fear: "Peace be unto you.

  91. They repudiate the doctrine of the bodily resurrection of the Lord.

  92. With you, we have just passed through the agony and death, the resurrection and triumph, of another revolution, doing all in our power to mitigate its horrors and gild its glories.

  93. Like a bride coming down from Heaven, like a resurrection coming out of the earth, it shall appear and abide.

  94. I have noticed that in the last five years there has been a revolution as perfect as if it had been God's resurrection in the graveyard.

  95. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "resurrection" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    apotheosis; assumption; copy; duplication; gathering; imitation; rebirth; rebuilding; reconstruction; recrudescence; refreshment; regeneration; reissue; rejuvenation; remaking; renascence; renewal; renovation; reorganization; repetition; restoration; resurgence; resurrection; revision; revival; translation