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Example sentences for "remarked the"

  • I guess you'll find a number going ahead of you, my young friend," remarked the auctioneer.

  • I hope you arrive at the hotel where your father is without any more accidents," remarked the automobilist.

  • It certainly is a great machine," remarked the lad as he looked up at the cigar-shaped bulk towering over his head.

  • I fancy the Wonder will give up the search," remarked the captain, as the Advance was sinking to the depths.

  • There's a possibility," remarked the balloonist "We might try for it.

  • It don't especially depend on the place," remarked the driver to me.

  • The title shows it to be the same," remarked the coroner.

  • You have much that most men lack,' remarked the general, as they paused to admire some little specimen of Italian art which had been lately received from Genoa.

  • Your condition of mind and that of Mr. Jeffrey seem to have been strangely alike," remarked the coroner.

  • But it is far past midnight now," remarked the captain.

  • It must have slipped from her as she fell," remarked the latter, after a cursory examination of the glittering trinket.

  • Still more strange," remarked the Commodore, "that the boat he commands should have disappeared altogether.

  • It will hardly be necessary to deny the justice of such an imputation to Major Montgomerie," remarked the General, with a smile; "especially after having disavowed the opinion as his own.

  • What more feasible," remarked the General, but with a tone and manner that could not possibly give offence; "had not the difficulty been of its own creation?

  • This is rather beside the question," remarked the Professor, folding up his napkin.

  • Men die of the diseases which they have studied most," remarked the surgeon, snipping off the end of a cigar with all his professional neatness and finish.

  • I think not," remarked the Professor, gravely.

  • The occupation is a dignified one, being to no great degree removed from that of the Sages who compiled The Books," remarked the maiden, with an encouraging smile.

  • The times are indeed pressing," remarked the agile-minded Mandarin, "and the penalty would appear to be adequate.

  • There is a void in the unanimity of our council," remarked the Supreme, his eye resting like a flash of lightning on a vacant place.

  • These things being so," remarked the maiden, "what story would you consider most appropriate to a company composed of such as she who is now conversing with you?

  • Except on the part of the prisoners, doubtless," remarked the Mandarin, thereby imperilling the gravity of all who stood around.

  • Just what I feared," remarked the doctor; "too quick by half.

  • I have got my information," remarked the captain on the way back.

  • You can reach it I hope," remarked the host, casting a glance at the dainty solitaire salt and pepper beside his daughter's plate.

  • She's the apple of his eye, or he wouldn't have been so nervous over a trifle last evening," remarked the doctor.

  • Padre Monti deserves the best thanks of the Intendant for this sermon," remarked the Sieur d'Estebe to Le Mercier, who accompanied him.

  • We are fortunate in being able to procure our tea in exchange for our useless ginseng," remarked the Lady de Tilly, as she handed the professor a tiny plate of the leaves, as was the fashion of the day.

  • My censitaires report to me," remarked the Lady de Tilly, "that his commissaries are seizing the very seed-corn of the country.

  • It's a long way across the Desert," remarked the boy, "and the sands are hot and send up poisonous vapors.

  • It was little enough for our lunch," remarked the Tiger, "but the bees were the only things we could find.

  • That sounds reasonable," remarked the Lamb, which was Dorothy.

  • There are satans in this world," remarked the archdeacon.

  • So far, it goes well," remarked the philosopher, "and then?

  • You said nothing could change you"; remarked the colonel, ironically.

  • Rakes are neither costly nor difficult to handle," remarked the daughter of Germany.

  • This house has been a good customer to the post of late," remarked the clerk.

  • That won't hinder tax-payers from having to pay the costs of his funeral," remarked the notary.

  • A very peculiar case," remarked the coroner at the conclusion of his examination, with the air of a man who could shed much light on it from his wide experience if he chose.

  • Just a little stone of white marble, two feet high by a foot and a half broad," remarked the earl, on their road, pursuing a topic they were speaking upon.

  • I think he is a rascal," remarked the earl.

  • I am sorry you came to town, Emma," remarked the earl, after listening.

  • Nothing strait-laced about Mr. Elliott," remarked the other.

  • I hope the general has not been drinking too much," remarked the wife.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "remarked the" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    bare feet; bent over; but she could not; cold bath; common enemy; council meeting; establish their own righteousness; face from; gold round; leave thee; mutton chops; only natural; other substances; remarked that; remarked the; settlement work; she goes; shook his; twenty cents; what would you have; whatever you; white fish; young bird