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Example sentences for "reminded himself"

  • He despised himself; he reminded himself that he was extraordinarily lucky to have a girl such as April in love with him; he was unworthy of her.

  • He had wearied of school, he reminded himself.

  • And it was not for the first time, he reminded himself.

  • Even now, he reminded himself that to kill de Gobignon would relieve Islam of a most dangerous enemy.

  • A continuation, he reminded himself guiltily, of the war he had started.

  • But, he reminded himself, he must not let Sophia come between himself and Manfred.

  • He had almost forgotten his invitation, but he reminded himself of his first impression, and greeted him with a cordiality which the other seemed to find surprising.

  • Irresponsive as it was, however, he reminded himself, she had made no effective protest against the gesture.

  • But, he reminded himself, this was not over yet.

  • But this was Italy, he reminded himself, where there was war in the city streets, even war against the pope.

  • Daoud might wish to lead troops in battle, but he reminded himself that it was in studios like this, where men of influence thought and read and argued, that the real war was being fought.

  • He reminded himself that he was there on business, to be shown something which Stewart wanted him to see, and if he had not the gift of detachment, he assumed it.

  • Again, he reminded himself, there was no hurry.

  • Then he reminded himself that, after all, Mrs. Kemp was really ill: the whole village watched with interest the daily visit to the Grange of the Halnakeham doctor.

  • Well, as he reminded himself to-night, they had been quits!

  • When he reminded himself of how easily he could spoil them the fear of death, which would never again trouble him, was replaced by the fear of failure.

  • As he waited, he reminded himself that in a handful of seconds he would be meeting Terry.

  • But, after all, he reminded himself, his business there was to discuss her equally private affairs.

  • And now, he reminded himself angrily, he had probably done and said them all.

  • Not yet, he reminded himself sharply, not yet did he have the right to conquer.

  • That never happens to the desperate and the lonely," he reminded himself grimly.

  • This was only the theoretical work, though, he reminded himself.

  • And the hardest to spot special vulnerability to, he reminded himself.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reminded himself" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    baptizing them; beaten yolk; college women; ever liveth; grand ball; great fright; had something; large fish; little lake; mother darling; much difficulty; must observe; never having; never occurs; normal life; observed the; practical importance; reminded himself; reminded them; send you; shall deal; sweet child; the morrow